
35.1 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

Previously on Centaurus: Vivi embarks on a business endeavour making rubber lengths of an equine persuasion. This indirectly causes Fey to get chased out of the Artificers and through the city where she eventually ends up in an ancient Class warehouse. There she is waylaid by a pair of tumblers and Lily finally gets her Class, a Class that summons a lot of water and washes them all away. The two tumblers are then abducted by Bine's curious nobility.

Now, chapter 35:

Lady Ariawyn held her teacup delicately between thumb and index finger and lifted it to her lips. She gracefully sipped, elegance in keeping with both her noble standing and elvish blood.

"This tea is significantly better tasting than I recall Harrison, almost extraordinary. Curious. I do not believe I commanded my tea be changed. Is this a clumsy attempt to disrespect me?"

"N-no my Lady! It is just the Goldborough Dairy have acquired a new source of milk and I had to pounce on the supply for you before it was all gone, I was fortunate to acquire just what I did, there were some unsavoury deals being made to reserve what they referred to as, ah, platinum grade milk," said a black clothed butler standing straight backed at her side.

"I must say Lady Ariawyn, it seems to have been well worth the purchase, this tea is quite divine."

The teacup of the young human noble Lady sitting next to Lady Ariawyn was moving unsteadily as she shifted her hips up and down fractionally.

"Hmm. I suppose. Emallia, you seem to have become quite used to your current length, perhaps a size up for further stretching is in order?"

"Ah- ah y-yes, I believe my body has become well acquainted with this size, if you would allow me one m-moment-!"

Emallia sped up, bouncing up and down on the stool she was perched upon, a stool which was hidden from view by a long flowery dress. The teacup and saucer held in her hands wobbled violently until tea was dripping from the rim and soft moans were quietly slipping from her lips.

The bouncing sped up further, becoming frantic and arrhythmic, a slight line of drool appearing on her lip. She carried on until finally she slammed herself down hard onto the stool one final time, eyes squeezed closed as she let out a very unladylike squeal, fingers claw like around teacup and saucer, entire body shuddering from head to toe.

Then it was over, and she slumped down, body limp and loose as she let out a long breath of relief.

"Done?" said Lady Ariawyn, lightly sipping from her teacup.

Emallia wiped her sweaty hair aside that had fallen across her face, breath coming panted and heavy. She nodded.

"Y-yes, I just wanted one final turn with this size. I'm- I'm ready for the larger length now."

The butler nodded. "Then Lady Emallia, If you would stand?"

Emallia nodded politely and daintily placed her teacup and saucer onto the long coffee table. Then she drew in a breath and tensed her legs.

She seemed like she wasn't going to manage it for a moment, but then she unsteadily rose, although slowly, her hips coming away from the stool, a very quiet little queef came from behind her dress causing her to blush strawberry red, then blush even harder still when the sound of something wet splatting against the marble floor below her dress followed.

The stool was revealed as the long dress was dragged over the top of it. A human-like penis was set on top of the stool, softening now and drooling beads of pearl white. Unusually large, the length was a little under eight inches long.

Of course, there was no actual person attached to the penis, instead at the base of the length was a metal ring, a ring strapped to the cloth stool with leather belts that wound around the cushion, holding the metal ring in place and along with it the cock.

"He has a nice penis whoever he is, it's kinda cute."

Lady Ariawyn eyed Emallia and then the now flaccid cock that was being retracted back into the metal ring, and the portal it contained, vanishing from sight.

"Cute? Is that all you want? You will settle for cute after reading that newsletter?"

"Oh no! Of course not! But this is still waaaay bigger than my husbands, like easily two times as big, I'm not used to being stretched out so much!"

Lady Ariawyn scoffed. "Stretched? Really Emallia, you're at the very bottom of our tea club, none of us here even bother with such small sizes anymore. Have the various high concentration body pliants, yielders, and relaxants laced into the tea truly had no long term effect? I can attest to their potency, I cannot ever recall being of so supple or flexible a body.

The dozen or so Ladies sat in the circle murmured their agreement or nodded, teacups held in hand, hips subtly bouncing up and down on each of the stools they were perched upon, each hidden by long dresses.

"H-hey I'm new okay! I can't just go all out like you who've been doing this for a while!"

"You should consider doing it more regularly then," spoke a lupine Lady to her side, ice blue eyes giving her supercilious look.

"I come as often as you have tea parties!"

"No, not that, I mean outside of our private tea parties. I've taken to wearing one of the portals in my day to day, it feels splendidly adventurous to be conversing with strangers whom have no idea my vagina is stretched full with good cock, walking about the high end boutiques and arcades and feeling it spurt inside, desperately trying to keep quiet, well, once you try it you will find it hard to give it up I assure you."

Emallia stared at her open mouthed, cheeks blushing further still. "You walk about town with a stranger's dick inside of you?"

"Uhm, I have also taken to doing that, my husband has no idea, although he has remarked on how much more pressure I have been able to exert when we do the deed now, powerful kegeling just comes naturally after growing used to holding a stiff malehood inside all day."

"M-me too. I even gave a speech at my brother's wedding while a pair of drake dicks did unspeakable things to my insides. It was a miracle I didn't collapse on the table and scream myself hoarse! Although the squeaks I did let out were most embarrassing!"

"Ahem, I too have been doing this. I've even taken to sleeping with a fat length inside of me. That continuous feeling of being stretched is just too delicious, especially when tightly knotted and filled with hot seed, even more so with my husband sleepily pressed up against me, his hand rested atop my bare midriff, completely unaware that a canine penis several times larger than his own is just below his fingers, the indecorous salaciousness of it! It's enough to make me shiver with the impropriety! I feel certain I will need a size upgrade soon to stretch myself further still."

"Also me! It makes horse riding at school so much more enjoyable, the rhythmic bouncing against the saddle as I gallop becomes something else entirely, I have had to stash spare riding breeches to hide the messes I've made! Gosh you have no idea! The servants have to wipe the saddle down after I'm done!"

A chorus of murmurs went up from the Ladies perched around the coffee table, most of them admitting to likewise having strapped dick portals underneath their nethers, hidden by their clothing.

Emallia looked around at them in dismay.

"That's not fair! Nobody even told me that was a thing we were allowed to do! I thought we had to give back the portals after the tea party!"

"No Lady Emallia, my portals are fine to be taken anywhere, there is no rule about keeping them on the estate. But Lady Ariawyn does ask that they remain confidential as best as you can manage, it would be ahem, improper if the lords of the city were to learn that their noble wives and daughters have formed a club to see who can take the largest of malehoods."

"You all are a bunch of amateurs!" came a call, and the ladies gathered around the coffee table turned to stare at the one who had spoken.

Zoey sneered at them, her arms crossed over her chest. Her look of superiority was made easier by the fact she was far above them, a full eight feet off the ground on top of her enormous cum belly. The effect was slightly spoiled by the ripples continually spilling across her pale stretched skin however. A wide rubber hose ran up her roundness from the floor, one that ended in a fat bulb that had been inserted into her pussy. Behind her a pump being operated by a pair of servants was pushed down and a load of cum was abruptly sucked from her cunt, the hose bulging slightly as it took the thick glue like substance in and then transported it along its length to the end where it was deposited into a barrel. A second barrel beside it was also connected to a hose, this one leading to Penny's pussy, the squirrel girl making a faint soft whimper each time a load was slurped out of her stretched folds, her face buried in her soft cum belly.

"You have no idea what taking a real dick is like, sticking baby carrots up your cooches and pretending it's Fey is not the same."

"Hardly. Until we came across you mere hours ago it was thought the newsletter was a work of fiction. Titillating and unlike anything I had ever come across before, but not real, inspiring the taking of ever greater size yes, but just a story. This Size Queen Tea Club of ours was merely our boredom and curiosity given shape, a trifling amusement. High society is quite dreary and most jading and one must search for their due excitement. Many Ladies have made use of these micro portals on and off over the years for a touch of scandal, this club simply expanded on that and sought out the largest lengths. But now we have heard from you yourselves that the newsletter appears to be mostly the truth, and more so have evidence of it in your obscenely swollen bodies. That changes things..."


"Our club which merely competed to contain the largest malehood has become a matter of readying for Fey, preparation is a ladies best friend after all. Not being able to properly reciprocate in the well described incredible experience would be below our station. We are not some common peasantry, when we take Fey, it will be of such pleasure to her that she will quit being a swashbuckling adventurer and become our handmaiden, unable to live without our, ahem, uniquely superior noble bodies, unrefined commoners like you will simply no longer be able to satisfy her."

"Oh yes, you would not believe how quickly I can make males cum now. The lupine dick I am sat upon must have spilled its seed into me a dozen times since we have sat down, the poor thing, he is making me feel quite full, his knot might never deflate at this rate!" said one of the Ladies brightly.

"Not everyone can bounce as quickly as you Audrey, I swear you have the thighs of a gladiator."

"Hey, just because you consider running track unladylike does not mean I don't get to reap the benefits."

Emallia looked around at the gently bouncing ladies, each of them sipping from dainty tea cups.

"This- it's to prepare for- so she will become your handmaiden? For each of you? Wait, what if she doesn't want to become my handmaiden!?"

"Well you will only have yourself to blame Emallia, and suffice to say the time is going to come when it will be too late, she will want no other than us, you will simply be unable to keep up with the club. In sum, my advice would perhaps be to… get... good?"

"I don't want to fall behind! Butler! I demand you give me the fattest thickest biggest dick you have!"

The butler glanced at Lady Ariawyn who nodded slightly.

"Very well, not the biggest, but I have recently acquired a contract with a certain, hmm, adventurer, a rough sort, but a captain so better than most. I was made aware of him through my contacts in the bordellos, and his recent renown for dealing with an infestation of Kobogons. He agreed to a private under the table deal, and carries with him an inactive portal ring at all times, contractually required to put it on when it alerts him, even in public."

"Show me!"

The butler nodded and gestured at the empty metal ring set upon the stool. The white gloves he wore lit up with runes and geometric patterns connected by circles, an array of complexity that glowed bright. The metal ring strapped to the stool began to grow, widening, and then the blue of the portal changed, at first cloth and black fur could be seen through it, and then a flash of wrinkled black flesh, veins, the flesh passed by the ring for a surprising amount of time before finding the end. The view through the ring was then filled with a knobbled tip, and an urethra, one that was now pushing through the portal, along with the broad head.

The ring could barely contain it, even soft, and Emallia's eyes became very round as inch after inch of heavy black wrinkled flesh spilled from the portal and curved over the expensive looking stool, precum making a long stain over the floral fabric as the soft thing came to a stop. Even flaccid it was far larger than the previous human-like penis length.

"A m-minotaur?"

Emallia swallowed, clearly intimidated, but after a moment, determination straightened her back and filled her with firm resolve. She turned to the coffee table and picked up the huge and lightly steaming teapot set upon it. In one swift motion she set the spout to her mouth. Then she began to chug, rapidly gulping down the contents as the ladies lightly bouncing around her watched on in surprise.

"Hey! is she allowed to do that?"

"It is fine," said Lady Ariawyn, "Harrison send for more."

"At once Lady Ariawyn."

Emallia finished and then carefully stepped toward the stool. She bent down, dainty hands coming closer to the length, closer. She touched it and the thing jerked, bobbing wildly, tip scraping over the white fabric embroidered with pink flowers, the white darkening with pre-cum.

She stroked it, rough texture scraping against her soft delicate fingers. Soon it began to rise, fattening with blood, growing, the ring at the base being forced wider with it as it swelled, lengthened, reached higher and higher until it was stiff and standing tall, bobbing slightly in the air.

A good fourteen inches of coal black minotaur dick protruded from the stool.

"G-gods, and this is going in me?!" said Emallia, small hands wrapped around the turgid length, completely unable to contain it.

"If you desire it."

Emallia bit her lip. She lifted her hands to the tip now slippery with precum and smeared it around, making the flesh slick with the stuff. Then, before she could change her mind, she turned around and grabbed at her skirts, hiking them up hand over hand, pulling the voluminous fabrics up until they were hooked over her hips. Then, looking over her shoulder, she awkwardly shuffled over the stool, a squeak coming from her lips as the cock head slapped against her naked buttocks, smacking wetly against her skin. She adjusted and lifted up onto her tiptoes, allowing the length to fit between her thighs.

Her breath caught as the tip brushed past her labia, the rough texture so much more feral than anything she had experienced before, her folds tingling in anticipation. Then she pushed herself down, lowering onto the mass.

She, of course, got nowhere. Only relying on the relaxant laced tea was far from enough without regular stretching, and she simply could not squeeze the minotaur dick into her pussy which had never taken anything even close to this size. Tea alone would never make up for regular stretching sessions. She bounced up and down in frustration, broad tip brutally hammering her puss, her body entirely supported by the dick, a peculiar kind of seat she was perched upon.