
35.2 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

"Oh enough of this. Harrison." said Lady Ariawyn snapping her fingers at the butler.

Harrison nodded and then stepped up behind Emmellia. Placing his hands on her shoulders he pressed down, the pressure massively increased and Emallia keened until with a lurch and a drop the length penetrated her. She immediately dropped her rumpled up dress and slapped her hands to her mouth, silencing a muffled scream as her eyes rolled up into her head.

She shuddered and shook all over, dress rustling and shaking around her hips as she tried desperately to hold herself in place. But with each shake of her weakened legs and wobbly knees she slipped a little further down which in turn caused her to tremble like a leaf even harder.

The tea party watched with amusement as Emallia slowly slid down the entire length of minotaur dick in a series of stuttering drops, a slight bulge appearing in her dress front marking the massive thing inside of her, a common sight at the tea party as many of the Ladies had their own subtle bulges on their midriffs.

"G-god! It's so hecking big!" whined Emallia, her fingers clawing and clutching at the dress now hiding the stool from sight. "I feel like I'm going to split in half! I'm- I'm so stretched, I- I can't h-handle eet!"


Emallia quivered at Lady Ariawyns voice.

"N-no, it's tasteless o-of a L-La- I- I- Oh shit me I can't lie anymore! Y-yes! Oh god yes! I'm a filthy fucking size queen! I love massive throbbing dick!"

The rustle of fabric followed her statement, the various Ladies murmuring.

"Quite. Although such a crude way to put it is unbecoming. We are simply connoisseurs of mass, sophisticates of being properly stretched to our limits as nature intended minus the trappings of civilization, the largest healthiest male dominating and becoming the object of attraction, the one most sought after for superior breeding and offspring. We nobility have always been well versed in this matter in as much civilized terms, but the veil of society is simply that, a veil."

This time there were murmurs of agreement.

Lady Ariawyn sipped delicately from her teacup, listening quietly as the Ladies chattered, enthusiastically adding to her words in graphic detail, the discussion became more and more salacious as the minutes passed veering into talk of having the entire Size Queen Tea Club over for another naked tea party and the need to find more males to add to their ever-expanding collection.

Eventually though Lady Ariawyn grew weary.

"As much as I would love to continue this all day I do have appointments to make. Ladies, shall we finish here?"

"Of course," said Lady Audrey setting her legs and then speeding up in her bouncing, "One to freshen up before we go."

"Together then," said the lupine with ice blue eyes sipping from her teacup.

The rustling of fabric redoubled, then doubled again as the ladies subtle bounces grew larger, becoming excited, faster, harder, a wave of soft moans broke out as teacups were shakily lifted to lips as they bounced, more than one spill off tea splashing across dresses, or across dress covered midriffs that bulged out slightly over and over as hips slammed down on stools.

"This latest batch of dicks is quite good I must say, gasped one Lady, a sheen of sweet appearing on her brow as she desperately tried to retain her composure.

"Easy now, Lady like bouncing and moaning if you please ladies. We are not so uncouth as to howl like the lesser folk, we are not fornicating beasts," spoke Lady Ariawyn.

The sound of gasps and cries being stifled filled the room as the rustling increased further.

Emallia completely failed to hold herself together and a scream ripped past her hands covering her mouth. The other ladies glared at her as their tea flew through the air, teacups now swinging around wildly.

They didn't bounce for much longer than her however, the heavy stimulation had an effect and one after the other the ladies gasped and came to a stop on their stools, eyelids fluttering and fingers desperately gripping porcelain, choked off screams filling the room as they tried to keep hold of their wobbly grace.

In the end Lady Ariawyn was the only one to keep her appearance and bearing entirely graceful, her hips slamming down and grinding and twisting into the stool as she smoothly sipped from her entirely unspilt tea, expression calm and unconcerned.

The room was filled with breathy panting for a few minutes, the ladies basking in the aftermath, and then they began to rise. The wet sound of weighty flesh slipping from sloppy folds filled the air as one by one they slowly stood, carefully pulling up dresses and stepping free from their respective stools, the plap plap plap of spots of cum splatting to the marble floor below following their every step, hidden beneath their long dresses, leaving round coin sized discs of white in their wake.

As they stepped away the various cocks they had been riding were revealed, each set upon one of the stools, everything from lupine like, to human like, to minotaur like, to drake like, and more, an array of dicks, sometimes even a pair of portals on one stool, one dick set behind the other. Each of the stools were now stained with beads of pearly white, the dicks lying flaccid against the fabric.

Last to stand was Lady Ariawyn. It took her a moment, the bulge in her midriff was by far the largest of the tea party and she struggled to remove herself, half stuck on what she was impaled on.

After a moment of awkward struggle she managed to jerk free, lifting up suddenly with a obscenely loud lurid shlurrrrking queef as the vacuum was broken, the room echoing deafeningly with the sound.

She rose smoothly, the sound of a waterfall of viscous liquid splattering on the marble emanating from beneath her dress, a puddle quickly spreading from the hem.


The butler stepped forward and grasped her dress, lifting it for her and allowing her to step forward away from the stool.

The stool that she had been sitting on was revealed with no less than four dicks arranged on top of it. A canine length with a swollen knot, a vascular human like length, what looked like a feline member, and finally a minotaur cock, all of them were no less than a foot long, each of them now partly soft and flopped over each other.

The tea party stared, clearly impressed.

"Practise ladies, and solely drinking this laced tea. The infamous Fey will simply be overwhelmed by me when I get my hands on her, she will beg to become my handmaiden and serve me forevermore."


"Mine! Get away from me you bunch of greedy bastards!"

The diminutive four foot five jack russell dogkin lifted the large pink horse dildo over her head in momentary victory having successfully fought off the other girls and recaptured it. Her red furred ears flopped against her auburn hair as she shook her head, locks bouncing against pale skin.

She hadn't regained it without injury, she had a painful looking red mark on her forehead from hitting a table, and her lip was bloodied. Still, she stood, fierce and proud, a warrior with her prize.

"Being the smallest and fastest so you stole it first doesn't mean you get to keep it Rebecca!" said a human girl. She was leaning against one of the long work benches, breathing hard as she wiped sweat from her face.

"Well, why not? It's not like you have a better claim on it!"

"You're right, she doesn't. But nor do you."

Rebecca blinked and turned to see a very pregnant Vivi scowling at her, a cloud of tentacles swaying menacingly around her. So many tentacles dangled from between her thighs and coiled over the ground in fact that the flooring couldn't be seen around her feet.

"And who are you to say that?" scowled the dogkin.

"The bloody creator of it, that's what! I've had more than enough of this. Wummy. Sick 'em."

The tentacles suddenly surged forward and the dogkin yelped as she was hauled into the air upside down, dangling from her ankle. The Fey dildo was forcibly ripped from her clutching hands.

"Hey! Give it back!"

"No. And stop pressing your luck, that goes for all of you, or I won't cast a single other one."

"Wait, what do you mean? What's being cast?" said one of the girls, a lithe yellow scaled lizard girl with a frilled neck.

"Weren't you utterly obsessed morons listening?" said Octavia with a sigh, "She wants to mass produce rubber dicks that look like Fey's dick for you to all use."

The Fey Hunting Club took a moment to silently digest these words.

"Like, a sample of the real deal?"

Vivi shrugged. "Sure, why not. It's something more real that a girl can get her hands on if she's into the stories or drawings you know?"

The dogkin smacked at one of Wummy's tentacles which was exploring between her thighs. It backed away looking offended.

"I don't believe you, what if this is the only one ever?"

"You know I could literally just show you, like right now, it's not hard."

The dogkin crossed her arms, which was a little awkward while hanging upside down.

Vivi rolled her eyes. "Fine. Wummy?"

Tentacles poured from her body and quickly set to work, righting workbenches and slithering around the room gathering up all they needed. Soon the white casting cube was being filled from another magically heated bucket of goo, this one a blue colour, and then once filled the cooling charm was applied. Vivi rapped on the top of the cube with her knuckles and the cube fell into two parts, revealing the new transparent blue length inside.

With a cocky expression she pulled it from the mould and held it up in the air, one eyebrow raised, a confident smirk on her lips.

"You see-


The crowd of girls surged forward, hands and paws and claws grabbing for the held up dildos as girls crashed into Vivi's pregnant belly and desperately fought Wummy's tentacles.

After a moment of struggle, where a lupine grabbed hold of one end of the dildo and Vivi had a short lived tug of war for possession, Vivi lost her temper, doubly so when the dildo was ripped from her paws and the lupine tried to scarper with it.

"ENOUGH!" she snarled, and Wummy's tentacles responded, exploding outward in all directions and grabbing hold of the girls, lifting them up into the air, tentacles wrapping around waists and limbs, incredibly strong and completely unstoppable.

"The lot of you are clearly obsessed-"

"I'm the most obsessed so give them to me!"

Vivi carefully ignored that cry. "-And seem like you have been reading a tad too much newsletter without proper relief."

"Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing. I don't care if you've been jilling your brains out over Fey, that's not my problem. But I do want to start a business selling my new product, and, I, hmm, I need some test subjects."

Octavia raised a hand from where she was suspended in the air.

"Does this have to include me?"

"You don't want to be the first ever in the world to try the brand new world first Fey dildo?"

"Sorry, I misspoke, I meant to say: Why doesn't this include me more?"

Vivi nodded.

"Well, first things first you lot: Sit and watch me work. Quietly mind, I don't want to hear a peep or word of complaint."

The club muttered darkly but didn't resist as Wummy placed them on the counters and workbenches, one next to the other until there were eighteen girls sitting on three separate long counter tops, their legs dangling down over the edges.

Vivi narrowed her eyes at them, watching to see they weren't about to jump down and start running around like headless chickens. Eventually convinced they weren't she turned, looking to start work.

She was met however by a grey haired dwarf, his arms crossed over his chest, a particularly grumpy look on his face.

"Lass, just what in the hell is it ya think you're doin? You're little gang here 'as destroyed my workshop, utter destruction! You know how much all this is gonna cost?... And why do you have a slime monster about yer' body? I 'avent seen anything quite like it afore!"

A tentacle tip gave the dwarf a friendly wave. He glared at it.

"I know you're an artificer so you would have accidentally blown half this stuff up yourself at some point anyway, I know what artificers are like buddy. I was in an adventuring band with one for a while, he thought explosive potions were going to revolutionise adventuring. It took nearly a year for me to grow all my fur back from the three jobs I went on with him."

"Weaponized explosive potions? Madness. Far too unstable, just the slightest knock or vibration would... but maybe with a unicorn marrow particle stabiliser… perhaps blended with an acid balance refined from a-"

"From a desert aracha, yeah, he wouldn't shut up about it."

"Aye? And it worked? I'd like to meet this fella, to try such a thing, very bold."

"It didn't work, and it worked the leastest on the third job when he exploded himself into a fine red mist that covered half the forest."

"Ah, may he rest in peace, an artificer's curiosity is often their demise, it is the only way to go really."

"Cool," said Vivi, starting to turn away, considering their talk at an end and wanting to get to work.

The dwarf crossed his arms harder and blew air out his nose. "No, not 'cool' lass, this is still my shop and I'd like to know what the hells you're gonna do about all this damage, doesn't matter if I was gonna blow up some 'er it myself, it's still mine to blow up."

Vivi turned to look at Ellaria, then glanced down at the dimensional bag at her side meaningfully.

"You brought them in here Vi, and after you burned down that blacksmith you aren't exactly in my good books, plus do you have any idea how much it cost to rebuild that inn? In the end we do need an awful lot of money to pay for this damnable arch-soulomancer," murmured Ellaria.