Little Men

I'm searching for a getaway, a better day

But where are all the people, I cannot stay

Dark Sarah wondered deeper into the island; she walked through the meadow, admiring the flowers and smiling slightly at being surrounded by fireflies. She soon spotted a mountain wall stretching across the island.

In this awful place a minute longer

Hey bird is this is the way?

She also noticed statues dotting the land and stopped to admire them, statues of men and women in perfect details, and names carved in the bases. Suddenly a glowing bird appeared before Dark Sarah and flew ahead of her; out of curiosity she followed.

This labyrinth is messing with my head

Hey don't fly away

Dark Sarah found her way to the wall-like mountain and she spotted the glowing bird enter the cave. She quickly followed and enter the cave, and for a moment she was in darkness until the walls began glowing a soft light.

There a little gate

Goodbye, bye muddy hole

She was soon walking in a underground maze; Dark Sarah found some chalk in wall niches that she started using to mark turns she had made at a fork or crossroad of tunnels. If she came to a dead end, she returns to her mark and takes another route.

I'll dance the night away

Swaying like the hay

In the wind of change

Dark Sarah did not know how long she walked in that underground maze and did not know if it was still day or had it become night. She found hot springs to bath in, other springs for drinking and eatable mushrooms, and roots to eat; she also slept near the hot springs before continuing her walking.

I'm moving to the beat

Surrendering to heat

The moment's holding on

Suddenly she heard music and followed it until she spotted a hole in the wall with flickering light filtering through. Hurrying over Dark Sarah looked through the hole and she could not help but gasp at the strange sight that she sees.

Who are these little men with little hacks

Who dance around the fireplace?

A group of dwarves were dancing around a fire pit with a blazing fire burning; drums were beating out rhythms like a heartbeat. The dancing was wild almost frenzy; two or four of the dancers would leave to work on a statue for a moment before returning to the wild dance around the fire.

A funny play on this awful day, maybe they can

Help me to find a way to flee this place

Dark Sarah was entranced by the wild dance of the dwarves before turning her gaze to the statue they were still working on. She felt blood drain from her face when saw the statue was of her-self.

A slinky pile of dust and the muddy caves

And the little men

Goodbye, bye muddy hole

She fled back into the maze and began looking for a way out; her mind was still reeling and she still wondered where she was. It wasn't long until Dark Sarah heard voices and followed them to another hole in the wall; she found a stone bench and sat down as she eavesdropped.

I'll dance the night away

Swaying like the hay

In the wind of change

"I heard from the spirits that a mortal has come living to our shores!"

"I've heard that she is pure and could be the one!"

"Our Lord still longs for his wings and to reclaim his glory; he may not accept her!"

"Our Lord knew the price he had to pay for his pride and the lesson he must learn!"

"To learn to love and learn love of a mortal maiden, he must also do one act of selflessness and earn the Kiss of True Love!"

"He will then live a mortal life with his bride and if he proofs to be humble; he and his mortal bride will have earned their place among the Gods!"

"But will he do it?"

I'm moving to the beat

Surrendering to heat

The moment's holding on

Dark Sarah was drawn away from learning more when she spots the glowing bird and she was soon standing, and began running with her dress skirt hitched up. She followed the glowing bird to a gate as it flew through it; the gate was unlocked and Dark Sarah passed through.

She found her-self on the other side of the mountain wall and felt relief of leaving the underground maze. Dark Sarah was deep on the island now and she saw more statues dotting around.

I'll dance the night away

Feel the rhythm in my veins

I'm dancing on the stars, moon

I hold you in my arms
