Ash Grove

The old man posed this question

How can I solve the puzzle he

Just didn't I mention when he spoke in riddles here

Dark Sarah found a rock to sit on as her mind tried to process what she saw and heard. That was when she heard a flute being played and she looked to see an old man walking as he played solemn music on a two-piece flute.

He was dressed in the habit of a monk and also wore a flowing tattered cloak. He had a long white beard that was braided in four braids and he was completely bald with a smooth scalp.

I hate these statues with my own name on

To ashes they will burn

"Hello;" called Dark Sarah as she stood up.

The man stopped playing when he saw her and approached as he tucked his flute into his belt.

"Can you help me?" Dark Sarah asked when the old man was near, "What is this place?"

The fire of my lonely heart will hold the flame on

And I will return

"This is the Land of the Dead;" answered the old man solemnly, "ruled by Lord Dragon!"

"What are these statues for?" Dark Sarah inquired and the elder replied: "These are the statues of lost souls who forever march a part of the army of the dead!"

Dark Sarah thought back to the statue of her-self that was being carved and she said: "But I'm not dead!"

Why's there a statue carved for me

I'm not dead I'm alive and breathing

"That is true;" agreed the old man with a nod, "you have been sent to be tested and to proof your worthiness to be made whole with your light side!"

"To become Sarah once more and change Fate;" said Dark Sarah with a touch of sadness.

I won't take this without a fight

They're not the ones who just can turn off my life light

"This will not be an easy task;" explained the elder as he crossed his arms, "you must solve three riddles and gather three keys!"

"What are the three keys for?" Dark Sarah asked curiously with a slight cock of her head.

I hate these statues with my own name on

To ashes they will burn

The fire of my lonely heart will hold the flame on

And I will return

"The keys will open the Gates of Time;" answered the old man simply, "it will make you and your light side whole, and reset everything!"

"Where is the Gates of Time?" Dark Sarah inquired and the elder replied: "You must travel to the Upper the Realm of Gods and Spirits; but beware for the Gods can be very fickle to have a living mortal in their domain!"

I looked at the sky covered with storm clouds

Clouds made of fire

The ash rains down like snow, ashes to ashes it covers the grove

"But if you fail to pass the test;" adds the old man holding a finger up, "then you will be forced to march with the army of the dead forever!"

"I heard the voices say that the Lord of this land needed to learn a lesson and earn the love of a mortal maiden;" said Dark Sarah with a slight blush, "What does that have to do with me?"

"Our Lord Dragon has kidnapped many mortal maidens from different lands in the Middle World, the Mortal World of Earth;" explained the elder with a sad sigh. "He puts them through tests like this one but each has failed and were killed by his hand out of frustration; Lord Dragon gave up hope until you appeared and we have hope in you!"

From these ashes

I'll grow my own grove and

I will be rising like a Fenix from the glow

"The statues will burn and my fate will turn"

"I will call it the Ash Grove!"

Dark Sarah sat and thought; one part of her was afraid to become a lost soul and wanted to be selfish. But another part of her was stronger and wanted to do her best, she wanted to be whole and live.

"I'll do it;" said Dark Sarah as she looked to the old man, "What is the first riddle?"

The elder held a hand to the sky and he said: "Who holds the Key of Love in her hand?"

Then he vanishes and left her alone...

And I look

I look at the sky covered with storm clouds, clouds made of fire

The ash rains down like snow, ashes to ashes

It covers the grove