
Dark Sarah

The eye of the sea is looking at me

Evil Siren Mermaid

I can take you there if you only dare!

There was barely any splash as Dark Sarah entered the water and sank deep. Her eyes were closed and her breath was knocked from her lungs as she struggled to try, and swim to the surface.

Dark Sarah

I've reached out into the darkness

Long enough now it reaches out to me!

Evil Siren Mermaid

I am the sea and I'm calling!

Look the sea in the eye-it's hiding,

It's waiting in the shadows!

Suddenly she heard an enchanting voice singing that had her opening her eyes for a moment before closing them. A pair of arms grabbed her and Dark Sarah felt lips on her own; something was pushed into her mouth that had her gasping slightly and the object merged with the back of her throat.

Evil Siren Mermaid

Hear me now, don't fight back or this ocean will be

Your watery grave, and the sea, it will entomb your

Barren bones for eternity, forever and eternity!

Dark Sarah opened her eyes and took a sudden gasp of air, and was surprised that she was breathing underwater. A beautiful mermaid held her and she was bringing her deeper underwater, and Dark Sarah felt fear.

"Where are you taking me?" Dark Sarah cried and was surprised that her voice was clear underwater.

"You are an intruder;" answered the Mermaid simply, "I am bringing you before the Eye of the Sea to be tested and only then will you be freed!"

Dark Sarah & Evil Siren Mermaid

Down, down, down

The eye of the ocean sees you

Down, down, down

The depths of the ocean owns you...

The Mermaid pushed Dark Sarah into an underwater whirlpool that dragged her into an underwater tunnel. It was dark like a cradle and Dark Sarah didn't know what was about to happen, until the Mermaid appeared and her entire being was glowing a soft inner light.

Dark Sarah

I've been dragged down by

A monster of the sea and night,

I cannot fight!

Evil Siren Mermaid

Be warned my friend-

An angel and a mermaid are

Never the same, are never, ever the same!

They soon left the tunnel and entered an underwater village in a great grotto, and Dark Sarah saw mer-folk going about their business. They left the village and the Mermaid took Dark Sarah towards a very large underwater mountain.

Dark Sarah

Down, down, down

The eye of the ocean sees you

Down, down, down

The depths of the ocean owns you

Aquarium-if you gaze long into the abyss and darkness

Aquarium-the abyss will gaze back into you

Evil Siren Mermaid

Take my hand

Together we dance!

Dark Sarah

Into the depths under Aquarium!

The abyss of Aquarium!

Dark Sarah soon sees a giantess emerge from under the mountain; she was naked from the waist up and she had octopus tentacles from the waist down. Her long hair was pure white but what disturbed Dark Sarah was that the giantess had no eyes; but between her breasts was a single large eyeball.

Dark Sarah & Evil Siren Mermaid

Down, down, down 

The eye of the ocean sees you

Down, down, down 

The depths of the ocean owns you

Aquarium-if you gaze long into the abyss and darkness 

Aquarium-the abyss will gaze back into you

Who comes before the Eye of the Sea? Dark Sarah heard whispered though the giantess never spoke a word.

"An intruder;" said the Mermaid as she pushed Dark Sarah forward, "a living mortal!"

A tentacle grabbed Dark Sarah and brought her before the giantess' eye, and she found her-self staring into the great eye. Swirls of ocean and darkness were within that eye, and Dark Sarah fell into a trance.

Dark Sarah & Evil Siren Mermaid


If you gaze into the abyss and darkness 


The abyss will gaze back into you

Suddenly Dark Sarah heard the third and last riddle echo about her...

Who walks with fate on a rope?

Dark Sarah thought long and hard; until she touched her face and she realized the answer...

"Sarah;" she cried as she came out of trance, "Sarah's fate was sacrificed by her death but I can change her fate by restoring her life!"

The Eye of the Sea gave a nod as she tossed Dark Sarah towards the surface and she saw moonlight that guided her to break the water with a gasp. Whatever the Mermaid gave to Dark Sarah had her coughing and spatting something into the ocean that quickly sank until it disappeared.

Evil Siren Mermaid 


Dark Sarah

I'm ready to dive...

Evil Siren Mermaid


Dark Sarah

...I'm ready to die-

It's hiding, waiting in the shadows!