
The ferryman came

To end this game

Lift me up, let me rest in the rain

And float on the golden tears

It started raining as Dark Sarah spots a white boat sailing towards her and it was manned by a ferryman wearing a white cloak. Dark Sarah pulled her-self into the boat and the silent ferryman gave her a hooded cloak.

The shimmery boat

Made me think of you

Looking up, watching the moon

And towards the light I headed in the night

Dark Sarah wrapped the hooded cloak about her and covered her head with the hood. She noticed it was raining gold raindrops that glowed with soft golden light within the night.

Where do you take me with your white boat?

On these golden tears this ferry floats

Be welcome, healing rain, take away my pain

-Be welcome to make me whole again!

Suddenly a light appeared in the horizon where the boat was going and Fate appeared before Dark Sarah.

"You have passed the test so far;" said Fate as a gold key materialized onto the necklace with the other two keys, "but more challenges await you!"

I've found my way on the Misty Island

Looked the sea in the eye and

I've danced with Death himself

"What more must I do?" Dark Sarah implored with a sigh. "What challenges shall I face?"

"That I cannot say but your heart will pay the price;" replied Fate solemnly and Dark Sarah gave a sad laugh.

This journey's my own

My path far from home

But where does it lead from here?

-In these streams I will not disappear!

"I danced at the black ball and faced the grim;" explained Dark Sarah tiredly, "I avoided the army of the dead and looked into the Eye of the Sea. I yearn to live once more as Sarah; I am tired of living a half life!"

Where do you take me with your white boat?

On these golden tears this ferry floats

Be welcome, healing rain, take away my pain

-Be welcome to make me whole again!

"In order to be reborn there is one more task to complete;" said Fate matter of fact. "You must heal Lord Dragon and restore his faith in the Light once more; help him break his curse!"

"How can I do that?" Dark Sarah nearly shouted; "Lord Dragon rules the Underworld and I barely know him except that he is arrogant!"


You've found the fountains of light after all this time

You have chosen to live now use the chance wisely


I/Promise to follow the path of light, not to stray


Let the rain of golden tears fix you and make you whole again

"You'll find the way;" said Fate as she brought forth a cup that became filled with golden rain, "now drink and rest, and you will be home soon!"

Dark Sarah took the cup and drank deeply until she felt tired; she laid down in the boat and slept. The sapphire snake appeared and wrapped around Dark Sarah's body as a giant glowing eagle appeared.

It picked up the slumbering girl and her stowaway, and flew away as Fate nodded to the ferryman as she faded away.

Where do you take me with your white boat?

On these golden tears this ferry floats

Be welcome, healing rain, take away my pain

-Be welcome to make me whole again!

End of Volume 2: The Puzzle