Chapter 1

I used to be five foot ten, Caucasian, American, human being. I was slender compared to my family, messy brown hair that I trouble styling and natural brown eyes covered by glasses. Born in Florida and stayed here my whole life because I had family in every corner of the state. Anyway the reason why I stay used to be a human being once, is rather simple.

You see...I was killed in a car accident. If you have been to Florida then you know the highway I-4, you would also know that about every inch of it always has construction going on it. You know how when there's work going on a highway like I-4 they usually have signs that tell you where construction vehicles enter and exit onto the highway. Well, I died to a semi driver not paying attention to the sign and the fifty mile speed limit one too. One of the workers wasn't paying attention to how much his dump truck was sticking out on the roadway, and the semi driver only noticed at the last second. He turned the wheel as far as he could to the right to avoid the potential accident, and you can already guess who was to the right of the semi also driving. It was me in my 2002 Nissan frontier pickup truck that was there at the wrong time, I also didn't notice till the last second but for me I didn't have that second to do anything. It took a minute for everything to stop spinning and me to stop seeing double, and when it did I noticed my truck was on it's top and the semi was up against the barriers with a small pile up behind it. It took a few seconds for me to get the pain from the wreck, and when I did it was horrible. It felt like a steam roller actually rolled over and came around to do it again, after a few seconds the pain slowly increased and my vision started going dark. The last few things I thought about were my family and all the other things I would miss.


Unknown Dimension


The space around my broken body looks to be like a space bridge, except it was humongous with different coloring, gold and white. My body was shown with both my legs broken and my left arm smashed in. As our main Protagonist was drifting along his body was undergoing changes from his skeleton to his cells. His DNA began to change into CNA, as his skin and skeleton begane to change into cybertronian armor and his body began to grow. A blast of energy from the dimension disintegrated his clothes and his body looked to be healing, actually it was upgrading his body from having little to no muscle to that of a swimmer or runner. After that the changes start to appear on the outside of his body and he finally stopped growing, right now he looks to be a protoform with no coloring or markings to be found on him.

The energy from the space bridge raps around the 26 foot tall cybertronian in the form of a cocoon and with a huge pulse of energy that's shaped into a beam that shoots into his spark-chamber. The energy fires a small lightning bolt from the beam and it strikes the mech's T-cog adding a few things. Another two beams hit him, one on the left forearm forming something and the other one disappeared into his sup-space storage forming a tool that would help him. A few seconds after that the beam of energy stops and a spark-beat starts up with the spark shown as a nice light blue along the edges and the center being a dark blue. As his body floats along a space bridge opens up right in front of it and he gets sent through.


Space around Cybertron; Luna 1


When I started to come around, it felt like I was run over by a semi truck a few dozen times. Let's just say I never wanted to feel that again. As I started to get the feeling back in my body everything felt sore. In a rush of memories the crash and my death came straight to the front of my mind. 'Wait a sec!' I thought freezing for a few seconds.


Luna 1: 5 minutes earlier



Luna 1 is one of Cybertrons two moons, the other one is Luna 2 on the opposite side of Cybertron and each of them have one main difference. Moon 1 is half metal mountains and valleys, the other half is a metal jungle with cables acting as vines. Moon 2 is mostly mountains, valleys, and the occasional small empty Energon lakes that the moon used to produce before the war. Our story takes place on Luna 1, for now.

The view zooms into a clearing in one of the moons jungles on the Equator. The clearing was quiet as space, but that was broken when what looks to be a small space bridge with abnormal coloring appeared, gold and white. It stayed there for a few seconds stabilizing itself, then it spat out a cybertron and then it closed with a large discharge of energy. The area then became quiet again, other then the groaning cybertronian that crashed into a metal boulder with his body going through the final changes still wrapped up in the cocoon of energy.

The Mechs body rested back against the boulder in pain and exhaustion from the drop and hitting the rock. His frame was massive compared to organic's and newer compared to other cybertronian. His armor was high grade, the kind that could tank more than a few shots from something like a Fusion Cannon.

The bots final changes were actually his outer frame forming over his protoform. As the energy cocoon dissipates from around the mech, we finally get our first look at his body. His helm looks like that of a samurai helmet, with two small wings on both sides of his helm, a battle mask that covers his mouth and nose like prime's does. He has a broad chest and his shoulders have parts of the front fender and front wheels.

On his back he has four wing-like structures, two of them actually are wings to what looks to be a jet and the other two being car-doors jolting out like wings. The chest tapers itself down to a narrow waist. The lower legs are thickly armored, with the other two wheels locked and formed on the outside of the knee's, and what looks to be booster rockets on the back of his calves, as well as his feet looked rather boot-shaped.


Luna 1: Current Time


The bot suddenly bolts straight up and starts patting himself down. Once he noticed he was in one piece he started to calm down and slowly stop patting his body. A few seconds later he finally starts to notice his surroundings, that being to him the area looks like a jungle made out of metal.

"Whaat, Where?" He said, slurring his words together after that nasty hit to the helm he took. It took him a couple seconds to finally pull his processor together to actually think straight, but once he did he noticed that he could see better than he usually could with and without his glasses, and felt taller for some reason. As he started to look around he took a step toward one of the metal trees and stopped once he heard the sound of metal on metal.

He finally decided to actually take a look at his body and with growing dread of how messed up he would be from the wreck. As soon as he got a look his optic's widened and his processor froze in shock of the change.

"Uhh, I need to take a seat" He said with nausea as the world around him started to spin. He fell back on his Aft and spent a few kliks getting rid of the feeling.

"Okay, What do I remember last before this?" he asked himself. A nano-klik later his helm snapped straight up 'The Semi, he crashed into me and it started to get dark, then I woke up here' thinking things through helped make the suppressed memories clearer than before.

"I…I died that's what happened" He said to himself in shock of losing everything. "But that doesn't explain how I'm here I turned into a cybertronian?!" He said to himself with confusion, shock, and a small amount of excitement of the change.

"If I've been reborn into a cybertronian and I have no memories of that, the next question is where am I …?" He says and slowly looks upward. What he sees is Cybertron after the Autobots and Decepticons abandon it to search for energon and other resources. He stares at it in shock "Cybertron?!" as his processor crashes.

To Be Continued...