Luna 1: 5 minutes later
The scene opens up as the mechs processor boot's back up after the violent crash of learning where he is and the body transformation. As he finished booting up the mech in question slowly started to sit up to not give himself a bigger processor ache then he already had.
"Uhh, What happened?" He asked himself as the ache slowly started going away. He finally opened his optic's to see the metal moon around him and in a rush it all came back to him. "Oh yeah that happened" He muttered to himself as he finally stood up all the way on both his pedes.
'I need to get a look at my body' He thought as he started to slowly walk toward a big tree to see his reflection in it. After a few unsteady steps he started to use more caution while walking cause he didn't want to fall on his face plate and embarrass himself.
As he got closer to the tree the reflection began to clear up, the first thing he noticed was that his colors were primarily gunmetal grey with touches of red all over his frame. He also noticed in the corner of his right eye a green blinking light. As soon as he focused his vision on the dot it blinked out and an outline of his body and his energon levels snapped up on his HUD(Heads Up Display), along with what looked to be weapon outlines with names.
He focused on the first weapon and the sound and feeling the transformation surprised him. The part of him that transformed was his right servo into what looks to be a "Null-ray blaster, Wow!" He says in shock that he came outfitted with weapons.
His head tilted to the side like a curious animal 'That was only one of the four weapons this body came with and the Null-ray is if my memory is right, overpowered, one shot from this a bot is out of it for a couple kliks and becomes an easy target' he thought in surprise that he got this. He looks over to his left servo and focuses on the next weapon.
With the classic transforming sound the servo became a Path Blaster like the one from the Fall of Cybertron game 'Well I guess it's not a game anymore' with that thought he changes his servo's back to normal.
He focused back on his HUD and saw that the last two things were the same, all they said were Blades. He focused on those and blinked, with that his servo's started to change to blades that resembled Optimus's Dual Energon Swords from the life action movies. "Yes Sir" He said in excitement with the blades, and after taking a few practice swings changed them back to servo's. After that he noticed a blinking blue light opposite of the green one on the left optic, with bubbling curiosity he focused on it and blinked.
The HUD changed to a different pop-up page with just two things that read Alt-form. He froze for a couple in shock 'I have two vehicle forms?!' As he continued to think about that he came to a startling conclusion 'I'm a Triple-Changer, of Aft course, wait I'm thinking cybertron words not English' with that thought he looks at the writing on his HUD and it was cybertronian, not English like he thought at first.
'I know how to read and speak cybertronian now, is that the only thing I know now?' with that startling line of thought he tried accessing his memory like it would show up from just his thought. The Alt-form pop-up disappeared and was replaced by what looks to be a page of folders like on a PC with four folders. There named cybertron history and language, Past, functions and forms, basic maintenance and more.
With a blink he opened up the first one and two smaller folders popped up, he then clicked on the first on. That then was switched out with five other folders. The first one was named The Birth of Cybertron.
He opened it up and started to read it out loud. "In the beginning of time, there were two deities, named Unicron and Primus both created by the One separating in two. Cybertron already existed prior to their creation and became the battle ground for their war. When the Thirteen defeated Unicron, Primus merged with Cybertron's core and shed his physical body in the process. This act linked the life of Primus and the planet. If one died so would the other. After Primus had merged with the Core, he used the AllSpark to populate the planet creating a large enough population in three days' time. The newborn Cybertronians clashed with one another before the Great Cataclysm occurred destroying much of the primitive civilization." Once he finished reading that he took a seat leaning against the metal tree to get more comfortable.
He backed out of the file and opened the next one named Quintesson Invasion and began again "After the Cataclysm, Cybertron was visited by the alien beings known as the Quintessons, the rogue creations of Quintus Prime. The Quintessons' advanced technology won the awe of the Cybertronians along with the knowledge of the Cybertronian T-Cog. The Quintesson influence spread across the planet, turning it from a feuding tribal world to an advanced space faring one overnight. As the Quintessons increased their power base however, they also began imposing harsher laws on Cybertron such as kangaroo court and lying that they were the creators of the Cybertronians. Eventually a rebellion formed and the Quintessons were forced off Cybertron, leaving behind many spaceships and the blueprints for the Space Bridge."
'So the Quintessons are here, that means if I ever decide to travel beyond cybertron and it's moons to keep a low profile and try not to catch attention from anyone' with that thought he highlighted that and created a new file named dangers and precautions. 'Focus' He thought to himself to continue reading.
He opened the next folder labeled The Golden Age and started reading "This was the era of peace that lasted for 800,000 Earth years. During this time, Cybertron established itself as a galactic superpower colonizing many distant worlds across the galaxy and experiencing an era of technological progression. The colonization program came to an end however when one ship encountered the mysterious Rust Plague which destroyed everything made of metal. To save their planets, Sentinel Prime ordered the Space Bridges destroyed to prevent the plagues' spread but cutting off their colonies from the galaxy. In the waning days of this era, Orion Pax and Megatronus were created, two Cybertronians who would forever change Cybertron's fate. Orion was only a clerk in the Iacon Hall of Records while Megatronus was a gladiator that fought the toughest of competitors and creatures. Megatronus promoted change in society which gathered a large grouping of Cybertronians to him, including Orion Pax. One day Megatronus, now calling himself Megatron, demanded that the Autobot High Council make him the next Prime but he was refused due to his violent tendencies. Orion gave his own speech which promoted a fair world without violence. The council was amazed by Orion's words and renamed him Optimus Prime. The outraged Megatron severed all ties with Orion and created an army, with the assistance of Soundwave, called the Decepticons. Optimus rallied Cybertron's military forces into the Autobots which fought them to bring peace to Cybertron, thus beginning the Great War." he took a few seconds to think though what he read 'So far it's all along the standard timeline, but which one?'. With that he closed the folder and opened the next one.
It was labeled The Great War and he had a bad feeling about this as he started to read "The conflict lasted for four million Earth years and brought the Cybertronian race near extinction. Many terrible weapons were unleashed during the War such as the Cybonic plague, and Megatron utilizing Tox-En as a weapon of mass destruction. Notable events that happened were Megatron crushing Bumblebee's voice box and Airachnid interrogating Arcee, which ended in the death of Tailgate." With that he finally found out which universe he landed in, "Transformers Prime, with Airachnid and the death of Tailgate that means that they're either on earth by now or still traveling in space". He sat there in silence for a few kliks. He decided to continue on and finish the history lesson.
The last folder was labeled The Great Exodus and he started up again "Dark Energon eventually entered the battlefield with Cybertron becoming uninhabitable as a result forcing its populace to evacuate and seek shelter in the stars while their home world healed itself. During this time, Optimus Prime was gifted with the Matrix of Leadership by Primus and sent the AllSpark off to a distant sector to protect it from Megatron." After he finished reading that he closed the folder and sat there thinking through all he read.
'So cybertrons been evacuated and the entire species spread throughout the star's, other than Shockwave working on his projects in his secret labs and one Insecticon that I know about on the outskirts of the Decepticon Capital of Kaon.' His thoughts froze and then restarted in a rush of memories 'Where the supercomputer Vector Sigma is!'
He immidendly shook his head side to side and muttered to himself "Not now, first is learning how to get around and try to stay off anyone's radar while I'm here."
To Be Continued...