Chapter 38: Love and Lies.

Qin Qianyu got up as usual and completed her morning ritual before heading to joggers park for the morning.

She finished her jog and made her way to the studio to learn the foundations of the next steps in the Art of Wú, Arms of Wú.

She really wanted grandpa Wú to rest, but it was as the doctor had said, if even something that he really enjoyed is taken away from him it would be detrimental to himself and how he's been maintaining a state of living with such horrendous pain and a injuries.

If she made him stop doing it, It was basically telling him to go and die since he had nothing else to live for.

Teaching Qin Qianyu has become his mission, his sole purpose, that which is forcing him to endure such a thing.

This next step introduces weapons into the mix for Qin Qianyu to handle.

From blunt weapons to blades and firearms, every and anything that could be classed as a weapon were on the list.

Qin Qianyu was a little nervous, she had seen the weapon stand inside the studio numerous times but never thought much about them.

But now it'll be her turn to weld these blades and staff's herself.

"Xiaoyu, the set of skills I'll be showing you will definitely come into play if you are to continue on with the moonlighting. You should be ready for any eventuality."

"Mhm, I understand Master, I'll learn diligently and will strive to bring you face."

"Heh! That's nice, but forget face, just don't get hurt, that's all I ask. These skill are just to strengthen the mind and body to make you safer that's all."

Qin Qianyu nodded and grandpa started going through the basics of the each weapon he had inside the studio.

There were many types of modern swords, sabres, rapiers. Grandpa Wú went though all of them and then he pulled aside three others and gave a historical account on each one, they were all ancient weapons from the past, they were the Jiang, the Dao, and the Ji.

The Jiang was known as the beast of all swords, known as the sovereign of blades, none could compare to it.

The Dao, was king of the sabres, it was a fan favourite due to the swooping arch the blade made. The blade was fierce and mighty in shear looks alone and could end many fights just by having it strapped to your persons before it even started.

The Ji, was a halberd. It had a long shaft with a sharp blade attached to the end that was able to both pierce and slash an enemy.

Qin Qianyu's eye was drawn to one weapon in particular, it was the spear.

"Heh! So you like the look of the Qiang, hehe, it was my favourite weapon of choice."

"Huh? Why?"

"Many reasons, one was because it extended my reach, it allowed me to deflect and defend while still keeping my distance. I could easily zone any of my opponents while looking for an opening and strike at an opportune time. And best of all it was also a projectile weapon."

Grandpa Wú stated proudly. Qin Qianyu nodded, understanding his reasoning.

"Why not use a gun?"

" . . . "

"Well, firstly, in general, there won't be many opportunities for you to encounter anyone in our country that's armed with a firearm. But, a broom handle could act as a staff or spear if you encounter any trouble. Most of the time you may encounter many blades, and the like more than you would a gun."

"But those poachers all had guns?"

"Just a coincidence, look at the line of work they were doing."

"Mhm, well, what if I do meet with people who have firearms!?"

"Hmm, run?"

" . . . "

"Well I can teach you about them, but I hope you steer clear of them, you don't need them."


"Mhm, I'll take you to a firing range tomorrow so you can see it all first hand."

After the lecture, grandpa Wú showed Qin Qianyu a set of moves to practice with each weapon. From 8am to 1pm she did nothing but sword exercise until it felt natural to swing and they became an extension of her own body.

This went on with all the weapons she was shown.

She retained everything she was shown after a single glance and implemented with precision and grace.

"She's a natural, haha, a born natural."

As Qin Qianyu trained, she smiled brightly. She was in a good mood and overly happy only because she could see the joy in grandpa Wú's eyes and face each time she finished a routine.

"Hehe, grandpa Wú sure loves his weapons."

Grandpa Wú was satisfied with her progress on her first day. He made them lunch and the pair along with Bai Saan sat in the garden chatting and enjoying their meal.

"What have you got planned for the rest of the day? Didn't you say that your friends brother was heading to court today? Are you going to go support her?"

Qin Qianyu shook her head. When she thought about Wen Wú Ping her blood would boil, she just hoped that he'd come out of this a better person in the future.

She had sent Wen Wú Ling a message earlier saying that if she wanted to meet up with her afterwards then she'd be at the library.

She sent the same message to Lu Mingxi, she thought about how to tell them both that she's planning to make a move to the capital after the SIC competition and so she'd like to spend more time fostering the relationship with the two of them.

Lu Mingxi was excited, she quickly sent a message back in the group chat the three of them shared.

Lu Mingxi got off school at 4 and would meet Qin Qianyu and Wen Wú Ling at the library around 4:30.

Wen Wú Ling was with her mother as they had dragged Wen Wú Ping to his court appearance and didn't know when it would start, let alone end.

When the message came she said she maybe a little late because she wanted to see the court hearing through to the end.

Lu Mingxi was confused and when she asked if everything was alright, Wen Wú Ling, just told her she would explain later at dinner.

"Damn! Dinner!"

Qin Qianyu quickly messaged the group back.

"Girls it's my turn to cook dinner for my family tonight, wanna eat at mine?"

"Deal! I'll bring fruits and drinks!"

"Yes please, I'll bring desserts!"

"I'll bring myself! Haha, When we meet up at the library we can have a catch up then head to my place from there."

"I gotta go, my brother is up, I'll message if I'm late, but I'll still bring the fruits and drinks."

"I have to go too, class is about to start. See you all in a few hours."

Qin Qianyu smiled reading the messages. Grandpa Wú saw this and thought to himself,

"This is the most honest smile I've seen from her, must be nice to be so young."

Qin Qianyu and grandpa Wú finished up and Qin Qianyu left for the library. She was going to cover and learn more about computer science this time in preparation for SIC.

She also wanted to understand the radioactive happenings inside Grandpa Wú.

Meanwhile in another part of the city the next group of people were called into court. Wen Wú Ping was part of this group. This group consists of those that have been summoned to appear over matters related to deviancy.

Wen Wú Ling and her mother Xi Susu sat in the middle row while they watched each offender came before the judge.

The offenders would give a few words, after awhile, both mother and daughter noticed a pattern emerging.

It went, remorseful opening, which then led to misunderstood circumstances that led to them being in court, after which, the offender is then berated by the judge followed by the offender grovelling and crying before being sentenced.

"I know what you're thinking, but this is the lowest level of court, the main priority is to rehabilitate them all through these smaller actions, if that doesn't work, then it goes to the next level."

"Well, as long as that panty sniffing sicko gets what he deserves for what he did then I can't complain about it."


Those that were sentenced to jail time, had to sit to the side until all the cases were heard by the judge and would all be taken together.

Those that were let off with a fine or had to compensate the victim were free to leave as soon as the the judge said so.

When Wen Wú Ping's turn was up, he followed suit and even followed the same script as the people before him.

The judge reviewed the case, even though it was Wen Wú Ping's first offence, the evidence showed that he maybe "habitual" especially when the court watched the security footage and the technician paused the video on his lewd looks several times. The judge was also astonished to hear that the victim was only 15,

The Judge gave him 30 days in detention to reflect on his actions, a fine, of which, would be used to improve the safety of a particular joggers park, and he also had to give back to the community by cleaning and picking up rubbish around the joggers park and the immediate area surrounding it.

"30 days! It should be life!"

Wen Wú Ling moaned loudly, people seated nearby looked at her quizzingly.

Wen Wú Ping also heard his sister and his face twisted as he shot an angry look at her.

Wen Wú Ling however just turned her nose up at him as he was led away and made to sit with the others that would be sent to the city's detention centre.

"Well that's that then, when you meet with your friends do tell her that I'm truly sorry and set up a time for us to share a meal together alright?"

"Yes mother, I'll let her know. But as for dinner . . "

Wen Wú Ling looked to where her brother was seated and frowned,

"I think it's a little too early for that, but I'll let her know of our intentions."

"Mhm, sounds good, alright off your go, don't be too late returning I'll head back to do my work also."

The mother and daughter pair paid no mind to Wen Wú Ping, they only came for the results of his case.

There was nothing more to be said that hadn't been said over the weekend.

Wen Wú Ping watched his family leave court, he was a little disappointed in them, but after thinking about it some more, he realised that the outcome was of his own making.

At the same time as this case, another was being heard, it was taking place in the higher courts.

A young man sat in the dock, he was Liu Chen, the young man from Qin Qianyu's school and author of the forum post outing Qin Qianyu as a sugar baby.

However, because his family wasn't overly wealthy, he couldn't afford a very good lawyer.

His family sat in the gallery tiredly.

They couldn't understand what had possessed their son to do the things they were told about by the police such as trespassing, stalking and attempted blackmail.

What made it even worst was he wasn't just investigated by the police, but also a special investigation team for the country.

They couldn't believe it, the ones that had come first before the police was in fact the Phoenix Investigation Team. Liu Chen had been caught up in their special case.

When a member of PIT told them that their son wasn't involved in the case they were sent to investigate, his family were relieved, but their elation didn't last long, they were instead told that he would instead be turned over to the local police to deal with because of their findings.

The members of PIT couldn't ignore it, plus, it was a command given from someone more higher up, they just didn't know that, that triple zero official was also the victim Qin Qianyu.

They have had a few sleepless days since the investigational powers turned up at their home and started going through their entire house.

When everything was laid out, Liu Chen couldn't believe it, he started screaming and yelling that the court had been bought off by the Jing's.

The man representing Liu Chen cupped his hands over his own brow, then slammed his heel into Liu Chen's foot as the lawyer was admonished by the judge.

"Hey kid! Get a damn grip will you! Use your damn head, do you truly think a measly Jing family has the influence to sway a special investigation team of the country!? It was them that had sent your case to the local police.

"That car! Doesn't belong to the Jing's, it belongs to the grandfather of that girl you've been stalking, that young man in the park! He was arrested a few days ago for deviance, he's not even local, your sugar baby story with the Jing's! Nothing more but a figment of your imagination, no more than a damn lie! The only people lying in this court room is you!"

"You're lying to yourself!"

The lawyer for Liu Chen then turned even more serious than he just was as he added,

"But what isn't a lie and what's very, very real is you trespassing, you stalking, taking and possessing illegal imagery, you attempting to blackmail several people and even slander!"

"Why couldn't you have stayed at home and done your homework!?"

Liu Chen didn't want to accept it, but now with everything that's happening, he only had his delusions to cling on to.