A Touch of Darkness

It is raining. The cars in the bustling city, going in and out of every corner of the urban giant. The water caressing the streets, the roofs, and other contents of the city. Flowing water going to the canals, and the river, to fulfill their eternal destiny.

Calm and quiet, spreads out throughout the city, but despite this, there is still night owls that lingers within the dark cover of the night sky. The skyscrapers exhibiting spots of light within some of its rooms, and the houses of few, light still lingers too.

3 pot-bellied men roams a certain street, they seem worried and sweating, despite the cold of the heavenly stream. They are walking in a hurry, and seems to constantly look out for their surroundings, as if fearing the eyes of a devil that lurks within the dark.

From an intersection in front of them, comes out a black van, its image akin to a silhouette, blending under the shadow of the all-encompassing night. The 3 men becomes frantic, and starts running in the opposite direction of the car. But! unfortunately for them, another black car blocked their way to escape.

Men suited in black clothes entered the wet domain of the rain, and starts encircling the 3, after which, they get taken and put inside the cars. Tranquility returns to the street where they were originally was, only the sounds of the water can be heard throughout the place.

In a luxurious skyscraper, lives a woman clad in black. She is holding a glass of wine, with contents redder than the richest blood, lightly taking a sip and shaking it from time to time. She seems to be waiting for something, keeping her sharp eyes stick to the door of her room.

A light knock shows itself on the room, with the knock containing a certain kind of fear, fear for the anger of something. Another knock arrived again, and this time, the woman spoke, with her voice laced with the deadliest poison.

"You may come in."

In the side of the door is a calculator like thing, with a red light coming from its screen. When the voice and words rang through the room and reach it, it suddenly turned green, like a puppy turning happy when its owner is near.

The men in black on the streets came in orderly while bringing in 3 beaten up men. Their eyes reminiscent of a panda's, and their blood dyeing their bodies red like a painter does to his canvas. The woman's eyes surveyed the three like a hawk would to its food.

" Do you three know how much I hate incompetence?"

The three broken men tried to speak but the wounds on their faces keeps their mouth shut, like a mousetrap gripping a mice to death.

"I don't love my brother you know, his death is inconsequential as far as I am concerned. Do you know what angers me though? If the actions of a puny thing, affects me greatly. Because it is incredibly humiliating, that someone inferior to me, can affect my overwhelming power. "

The 3 continue to try and speak, tears coming out of their blackened eye sockets, to beg for their rotten and pathetic lives.

"His recent actions of raping a woman, has been filmed and is flying all over the goddamn internet. And surprisingly, someone managed not only managed to associate it with me, but DID SO IN AN HOUR AFTER THE CRIME! HE ALSO EXPOS-

She throws the glass wine into the floor into the direction of the 3, shattering it, with the pieces flying around, and piercing 2 out of the 3 bags of meat. She takes a moment for deep breathes and speaks with poisonous grievance again.

"The worst part is, that the elections is just around the corner, you know, just like the corners of your bruised bodies. And my business, oh it is just great huh. Potential investors, and the reputation of my business is tarnished. The dealings of the underworld under me, has slowed, because apparently some criminals want to avoid getting caught up with my "scandal". BS! They are just hopeful that this will weaken my hold over this country's underworld, but oh, they couldn't be more wrong ."

She pauses for a few seconds, as if giving thought to what she is saying, the three injured people in front of her is slightly confused but still begging for their lives like pigs being sent for slaughter.

"So basically, people of all kinds that I do trades with, is losing trust in me, in my capabilities. And who do you think I blame? I blame you rotten fools, that shitty girl, and the wretched ones that exposed his and my scandals!"

Another excruciating pause.

"You know, I shouldn't have let my emotions control me. I shouldn't screamed and vented in front of you three, so you know what, I'll let you 3 go with great pleasure."

Happiness radiated from the three when these heavenly words came out of the devil-like woman, and they start trying to convey their thanks with their damaged bodies, though it is more like worms trying to move.

"From the chains of life of course."

three shots rang like thunder from a gun, held by the woman. The three bodies turn limp, and their blood start flowing into the floor.

"Throw these bodies into the Pasig river, make sure no one sees you guys throwing the bodies, if someone sees, kill them ,and make sure they don't float back into the surface. Also, bring someone to clean this up, and send Rio into my office."

She stands up with her wine still in hand, and goes to the door that his underlings came through, with them making a way for her and getting out of the elevator. She goes up in the building, and enters a lavishly decorated room. She sits in a chair, waiting for this Rio to come.

After a minute of time, someone came through the door. he bears the same black suit as the rest, with sharp black tie, contrasting with the white inner shirt. He walks towards the desk, and bows in front of her while asking why he is called.

"I want you to find that woman and all that exposed these scandals. If they are alive, I want them brought here and killed in front of me. If they are dead, bring me their heads. Is this clear Rio?"

"Understood my lady. Is that all?"

"That is-"

Light devours the everything for a moment, and in another instant, it disappeared. The room is still there, and the 2 people that was in there, is still there, like nothing ever happened.

The woman quickly goes up from the chair, like she was never drunk in the first place. She quickly ordered the man named Rio to order someone to check the borders of the metropolitan area, and assemble the entire trained manpower under her.

{An hour passes}

The woman that was just angry because of her tarnished reputation, is laughing. Laughing wickedly like there is no tomorrow, like the best thing just happened to her. Eventually, the laugh calmed down replaced by a booming voice of authority.

"My men. Today marks the day that we no longer hide. The day that we will dominate this city and the lands beyond it. Today is the day, of the establishment of my empire, a true empire. Operation Darkness is commenced!"

"Yes Ma'am"

"Now move! conquer the city so we can conquer this world next!"

Everyone starts to move, riding their cars out of the building, while several stay put to guard their mistress. Chaos descends into the Eastern Pearl City, as giants starts to make their influence clear, even to the purest persons.

A man in white is being protected by many people, in many colors. They shield him from people in black that is shooting at them. A missile comes bursting through from afar, and broke their protection and killed the man in white.

In various parts of the city, Crime Lords are being hunted down by the underlings of the Lord of the Underworld. Their force not enough to shield them from relentless attacks. Their ends brings dawn to the collapse of their domains of influence, some escape but their evasion of death didn't mean their powers are not stripped.

If seen from above, black smoke is rising from different parts of the city, and the various forceful rivers that flowed through this city is enlarged by 2-3 times, splitting the city into numerous parts.

A day passed in this state of discord, and the World Guidance System is activated. The Dark Empire became recognized by the System, after a woman that brings darkness upon the land, seized the City Badge of the Eastern Pearl in the Imperial Palace.

The once Presidential Palace, became the Imperial Palace, and the Eastern Pearl City is renamed. The capital of the newly born Dark Empire is the newly established Dark Pearl City, and it will also be the beginning of a dark wave, that will sweep through this world that they have descended into.

A Golden Dawn for the Empire! Eternal Dusk for its Enemies!