Prologue: Weiss

Now you're Probably wondering.

Who am I?

Well, I am Weiss, a Low-Income worker. 22 years old and haven't graduated College, My parents do not have much hope with me and I've cut off any Connection with them for awhile, I don't have any Girlfriend. Not that I'm Gay or Anything, I just find relationships really annoying and I doubt that I won't get to an Romantic Relationship with Someone.

To be Honest, my Prospects do not look great at all, All I got to offer to the world is some average talent many Rich Men would laugh at. Most of my Life, I've been just playing video games and honestly slacking around. So many people mock me for so many of my qualities, traits, and etc. Heck, even my Family do so too. But all I can do is remain indifferent about it.

What I'm passionate about however is Games, and Weapons. from the Past, the Present or the Future, I wouldn't care, as long as I can do something with it. I get happy.

Now for Anyone Wondering where does this take place, It's the year 2142, Many aspects of Life has been Improved and Science and Technology has reached a point of advancement that Interplanetary Travelling from Earth to Mars is possible within hours.

Now Anyway, I've been explaining too much. It has been 60 years since games transitioned from behind a screen to Games with Virtually endless possibilities.

And Gaming has recognised to be a Major Sports. So big that every other sports had been rendered old.

I haven't played any MMORPGs due to my Poor Background that is Until.....

I saw "Afterlife".

Man oh Man was it a Beast of a Game. But sadly, I am short of money.

If only I had money.

"Hey" Someone shouted


"Hey!" says the same person

Wait who? Oh Sean.