Chapter 1: "Afterlife"

"Man oh Man, Im so Beat!" Said a Young man While Stretching His Arms.

"Oh Shut Up, You didn't even do Shit, You just Slacked off and Slept on the Spot. Goddamn Man! Have a Sense of Responsibility" Said Another Young Man while Slapping the other young man's head in the Back.

"Oh What the Fuck Sean, why did you do that" Says the Man Scratching the Impact on his Head

"Fuck off Weiss, It seems like a Single Slap in the Head isn't even Enough" says Sean preparing to Slap Weiss' head again.

"ok ok! Stop man, Geez!" I cried while Raising my Hands up in Defeat.

*Sigh* "Man you need to fix your Life, you're gonna rot like shit if this keeps up, I'm worried of your Life. Like Dude, I'm still surprised that you can still live like this" Sean says while walking.

Oh fuck off Sean, you're too well off Already, and why do you still stick with me?

"Well, I don't even have anything to work with Sean, Everything feels like Crap to me" I state.

"Sigh.... You need something to entice you to work with. Jesus Man, How do you even live." Sean says.

"Not sure, Just that I don't have any inspirations, every other jobs that I applied had literally decline my application"

"Heh, you know what. You might be actually good at something" Sean grins while he gets something from his bag. And he pulls out, a Coupon?

"Take this, I think you've heard of 'Afterlife' have you not?" Sean pulls out the biggest grin i've seen in my li--

Wait, wait, wait wait wait.....


"Dude, why do you want to give me this!?" I exclaim

"Weiss, Bro I've seen you glance at Afterlife ads that It shows how much you like the game, I pulled this on a gashapon in some store." Sean says while still grinning like some madman.

Goddamn, Sean has some Good Awful Luck, While I can't even pull a 100 dollars on a 1 dollar lottery.

"Besides, Take it as something of a repayment for a favor I did sometime ago, You did me a solid there back then, So I might as well do you a favor too. And also, you can also earn money there so you wouldn't have to worry about living like crap."

"Oh and Also, Don't worry About me, I have one too" Sean says while Smiling.

Goddamn Man, I thought he forgot about that thing years ago.

"I --" I stuttered

"Goddamn Man, You don't have to sulk, Don't be faggot, You Enjoy the Game and don't be a cunt. There's a whole new world out there to garner your Interests so you might as well pick it up" Sean Exclaims.

Sigh.... Might as well go for It.

"Oh yes, You gotta claim it today or it will be redundant, So go for it right now."

Oh Fuck, You didn't say that earlier.

"Damn man, I gotta go and Claim it, See you Tommorow Sean!!" I said as I start to Sprint.

"Yeah Fag, See you Tommorow" Sean says while going in the opposite way and Waving goodbye.

So I ran and ran, Until I reached the Game Store.

"*Panting*, Sir may I claim this Coupon for a VR Device?" I said to the Store Clerk

The Store Clerk glances at the Coupon, grabs it, looks at it closely and then Smiled.

"Oh you Lucky Bastard, You can get the Device, Let me get it" The Store Clerk says while Grabbing the VR device.

"Congrats Young Man, And Enjoy the Game" The Store Clerk smiles while giving me the Device.

I did a 90 Degree Bow to the Clerk and Went on my way home. After I got to the Apartment, I unpacked and unboxed the the Device. It's a sort of small box with instructions on how to use the device and how to activate it.

I did the Instructions as Carefully as possible, and suddenly.


The Small Box turned into a Big Pod, I shivered with Excitement but I decided to calm myself down. I prepared some food for Dinner and Took a Bath. Then Decided to Enter the Pod.

"Oh shit, this Chair is so soft~~~~" I ecstatically said. I pulled myself Together then turned on the Device.


[Welcome Player!]

What? who said that?

[I did]

Oh shit, the Pod talked!

[I am the AI for the Pod you are currently In, This is the Realis Experientia Pod]

Oh so That's what this is Called. Man am I so Clueless about this.

[Do you wish to Enter Afterlife?]

Do I want to at the Moment?

Well Screw it.

"YES!" I excitedly said

[As you wish.]

[Running Afterlife]


.... Ding!

[Afterlife has been Successfully Downloaded]

[I wish you a great time]