Chapter 4: Quest Time!

Now to do Mr. Soren's Quest, I must find some rabbit's to hunt, Now that I remember, I did not have any weapon at the moment. But I think It's on my inventory.

"Inventory!" I thought

Then a blue screen appears on my eyes showing my inventory


> Special Tutorial Reward

> Trainee's Weapon Pack

> Trainee's Armor Pack

> Trainee's Potion Pack

> Gold : 200000



( ̄, ̄)? hmm, it's not bad, that's a lot of gold though, I guess I can open the Trainee packs first.

For the Weapon Pack, I chose a sword.

For the Armor Pack, I chose a light armor.

For the Potion Pack, I got 5 low-level health potions, same goes for the mana potions.

And now to open the last one, [Special Tutorial Reward]

[Opening 'Special Tutorial Reward']

[Congratulations, You recieved 'Weapon Orb of Imagination']

[Congratulations, You recieved 'Armor Orb of Imagination']

[Congratulations, You recieved 'Realis Imaginis']

(#°Д°)!!! What the fuck!, What are these even? I might as well check them later. I'll focus on hunting rabbits first.

< 10 minutes later >

Goddamn, these Rabbit's sure are hard to find. I only ever found 2 but they ran away before I got the chance to kill them, Sigh....

Wait, is that one? time to appraise.

[Wild Rabbit]

Level - 1

HP- 10/10

Finally, there's one again, I gotta be careful with my steps, they are actually sensitive to hearing.

Step... Step... Step..


- 210475!! (Critical) (Overkill!!)

[Congratulations, You killed 'Wild Rabbit - Level 1']

[You gain 4 exp]

[You gain 2 exp (Overkill)]

[You gain 1 Rabbit Hide (Quest Item)]

[Congratulations, You learned 'Silent Steps']

Finally, 1 down and 9 to go.

Wait, Did I just deal damage that's 210k? and what's this 'Silent Steps?' I'll check it.

[Silent Steps]

Classification - Passive

Rank - B (Max - S Rank)

Proficiency - 0%

Effect - Reduces the sounds of your step by 28%,

Cost - None.

Cooldown - None

Oh, Damn. It's just what I needed to hunt these bastards. I'm feeling pumped!!

< 20 minutes later >

Shit, I finally got 10 hides. I've learned 2 skills also,

[Blade Slash Beam]

Classification - Active

Rank - A (Max - SS rank)

Proficiency - 1.2%

Effect - When activated, perform a Sword Slash that launches a beam towards the direction it's been faced to, When In Contact, Deal 250% Damage to the enemy with 30% chance of Bleeding for 8 seconds, 10% chance of Fatal Damage (Damage dealt increases by 8x).

Cost - 800 Chaos Force

Cooldown - 4 Seconds

Requirements - Any "Blade" Weapons

[Empowered Strike]

Classification - Active/Passive

Rank - B (Max - SSS Rank)

Proficiency - 2.3%

Effect - When Activated, The next attack will deal 200% damage, 30% to Stun the Enemy for 4 seconds.

Cost - 340 Chaos Force

Cooldown - 2 Seconds

Requirement - Blade or Blunt weapons.

Both are Overpowered like hell and they made hunting way more easier. I took a look at my Experience and it's [60/100 Exp], Just 40 exp remaining.

So, that's done and I'll go back to Soren.

< 10 Minutes Later >

"Mr. Soren! I am back" I shouted while I ran. gradually stopping near him.

"Oh, If it isn't the Silverhair" Soren laughed.

Silverhair? Oh yeah, that's my hair color. I forgot I configured it that away. Anyways.

"Mister, I got the 10 Hides that you asked for" I said as I am giving him the Hides

"Well done Silverhair! Now that you got the hides, It's time for you to hunt some wolves and get their fangs as your proof of the hunt" (Soran)

['Beginning of a Journey' has been Completed]

[You have leveled by 2]

[You now have 10 bonus stats]

[You have acquired 'Iron Sword']

['Wolf Hunting' is now Ongoing]

o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o Alright!, time to check my stats


Level - 3

Exp - 10/400

Class - None

Titles - [The Only/First Tutorial Completionist]

Health Points - 55250/55250

Chaos Force - 55250/55250

Chaos Damage - 2550 x 5

Chaos Defense - 1420 x 5

Strength: 105 Agility: 105

Intelligence: 105 Vitality: 105

Stat Points : 10

Alright, I'll just dump my stat points in strength and intelligence.


Level - 3

Exp - 10/400

Class - None

Titles - [The Only/First Tutorial Completionist]

Health Points - 55250/55250

Chaos Force - 55375/55375

Chaos Damage - 2630 x 5 (2550 -> 2630)

Chaos Defense - 1485 x 5 (1420 -> 1485)

Strength: 110 Agility: 105

Intelligence: 110 Vitality: 105

Weapon - Trainee Sword (10 Chaos Damage x 3)

Armor - Trainee Light Armor (5 Defense x 3)

Alright, now that's over with, its time for me to check the things I forgot about awhile ago.

[Mask of the Unknown]

Classification - Face (Special)

Rank - Special

Effect - Hides your name from other players and cannot be appraised by others with special permission.

Requirements - None.

(Bound to Weiss, Cannot be Dropped on Death)

Neat! This one is something I'll definitely need in the future.

[Weapon Orb of Imagination] (Growth)

Lvl - 0

Classification - Mainhand & Offhand (Special Unique)

Rank - Special Unique/???

Damage - (Depends on the Weapon Form)

Special Bonus - (Depends on Weapon Form)

Effect #1 - Whatever weapon you think off will transform the orb to the desired weapon.

Effect #2 - The weapon runs on Chaos Force (Special), As long as there is enough Chaos Force, the weapon form will last longer. All Damage dealt will be increased by 5x and can be superimposed.

Effect #3 - If weapon is formed into a Projectile Weapon, The Projectile will be formed with additional Chaos Force

Effect #4 - Weapon will Nullify any Defensive Bonuses.

Effect #5 - Weapon can change form anytime as long as there is Chaos Force remaining.

Requirements - Weiss

(Bound to Weiss, Cannot be Dropped when Killed)

(⊙_⊙)?Wait Hold on, Does this mean I can use guns!?.

Holy Shit, I can actually use guns here, the thought of slaying monsters and beasts within this Fantasy-Like world with Guns gets me excited. I feel like Passing out just by seeing this.

[Armor of Imagination] (Growth)

Lvl - 0

Classification - Armor Set (Special Unique)

Rank - Special Unique/???

Defense - 1000 Chaos Defense (Growth)

Special Bonus - 25% Damage Reduction, 200% Movement Speed, 3x Attack Speed

Effect #1 - Whatever armor you think off will transform the orb to the desired weapon.

Effect #2 - The armor runs on Chaos Force (Special), as long as there is enough Chaos Force, the armor form will last longer. All damage dealt to you will be decreased by 40% and can be superimposed.

Effect #3 - Any attacks that land on the armor will have 30% of it's power absorbed into Health.

Effect #4 - 30% Chance to cast the attack that targeted the armor to the attacker.

Durability - None

Requirements - None

(Bound to Weiss, Cannot be dropped on Death)|

Jesus Christ, this armor is too perfect, Anyone who see this will try to steal this from me but it's a good thing that both weapon and armor are bound to me or they'll be easily stolen.

Now that's out of the way, I'll go and hunt for wolves.