Chapter 5: Wolf Hunting

Can't wait to hunt for wolves, but first I have to know where they are. Which is annoying. For awhile I asked some of the villagers where I can find wolves and they say that it's northeast from here, Apparently they want me to be careful at that place due to it having a huge pack of wolves with an apparent Alpha Leader. A Boss wolf essentially. But nonetheless, It's time for the hunt.

< 10 Minutes Later >

So now i'm in the location that they told me but I still don't see some wolfies. I might as well take collect some apples or something.

Rustle... Rustle...

Wait.... did something move? I swear that I heard something.


Oh, it's a wolfy! I guess I can probe on it for a moment.

[Wild Wolf]

Level - 3

Hp - 400/400

It's nothing much I guess. It takes one hit to do it.

['Wild Wolf' killed]

[Gain 15 exp (10 + 5 (Overkill)]

I got the wolf's fangs and pelt, now to wait for other wol---


Well, they're already here, and.. Oh! its a huge pack. This is gonna be fun

I've killed around 30 wolves but no sight of their leader. I got a title though, but it's just a 10% damage boost to wolves. My Experience is at [310/400] which is great. Now that I've gotten all I needed, it's time to go back and ---


[Warning, Incoming Enemy!]

Well Shit, I guess I'll kill this Bastard first. Wait, It's even bigger than the normal ones, I gotta go Check it.

[Alpha Wolf Leader (Enraged)]

Level - 8

Hp - 5000/5000 (Wild Boss)

It's still quite easy to deal with the boss, Just gotta do a light swing on it and....


- 250000 (Critical!!) (Overkill)

[You have Killed 'Alpha Wolf Leader' Alone]

[You have killed a Boss Under Enrage!]

[You have gained Title 'Slayer of Wrath']

[You have killed a Boss Solo!]

[You have gained Title 'Solo Boss Slayer']

[You have killed a Boss with a Higher Level than yours Alone]

['Solo Boss Slayer' becomes 'Bane of the Boss' (Evolvable)]

[You have killed a Boss in a Single Hit]

['Slayer of the Enraged' and 'Bane of the Boss' has mixed with an another title and becomes 'The Madman'(Evolvable)]

[You have killed a Wild Boss Alone!]

[The Title has mixed with the 'The Madman']

[You have gained 10000 exp]

[You have Leveled Up 4x]

[You have gained...]

Holy Shit, That's alot of notifications inside my head, Hold on, wasn't there another thing?

[Do you wish to announce your Name for your Feats?]


I directly Chose no.

[World Announcement: Player '???' has slain a Unique Wild Boss Alone and It is the First . His Feats are reward with 1 free level up and Special Rewards]

HAHAHAHHAAHHA, my first fucking world announcement and it's even being repeated for 4 times. I get a Level up and a Gift for my troubles, How Neat. I should be around level 7 now and I'll have to allocate it first before I check my other loot.

I just evenly spread the Attribute Points.

Titles - [The Only/First Tutorial Completionist]

Health Points - 55250/55250 - > 55300

Chaos Force - 55375/55375 -> 55425

Chaos Damage - 2630 x 5 (2630 -> 2680)

Chaos Defense - 1485 x 5 (1485 -> 1525 )

Strength: 115 Agility: 110

Intelligence: 115 Vitality: 110

There it's nice done.

Unbeknowst to Weiss, The World is entirely in Chaos over this Announcement.

A Single Player. Able to kill a Unique Wild Boss Alone? That is unscientific! The Forums is ablaze with so many topics about that announcement while Top Guilds within the World is scrambling to find that player and recruit him.

Now, Back to Weiss.

(Weiss) Now that I've done checking the items, most of the boss drops don't really entice me, But Rather the Materials from This Boss and this one peculiar item is what got me.


Rarity - ???

Note - The Necklace seems normal, but if given to the right person. Will Show it's purpose

I don't know what this means, but I smell quest Item. So I might as well go back to the village to deliver my quest, on the trip back to the village, I got the Healing Grass Necessary for the other quest. I still don't know where I can mine ores.

< 15 Minutes Later >

"Mr. Soren I am back once again!" I shouted to the NPC

"Oh, Silverhair! Your back again. Do you have the fangs" He asked.

"Yes I do have them" I said while giving him the normal wolf fangs first.

"Very well, good job young lad. Now you need to get Stronger to venture the world." (Soren)

And that marked the end of the Wolf Hunt. And now the other part.

"I got this necklace from a certain big wolf I killed" I said while showing him the necklace.

"This...." He Stuttered. There were visible tears from his eyes. This necklace must be precious to him.

I saw the man cry on the spot, that necklace must be something to make Soren cry. Then out of the sudden.

"Silverhair, did you kill that wolf?" Soren said with visible bloodshot eyes as he grasp that necklace real hard.

"I did" I said as I gave him the Wolf Boss' Fang.

"Thank you, Thank you for avenging my only child." Soren out of the sudden looked up to the skies. "My Little Sabrina" He said.

[Congratulations, you have completed a Secret Quest 'A Father's Woe']

[You have gained Title 'A Good Man']

[You have Leveled Up 3x]

[You have reached the Max Starting Level]

A secret quest huh? I feel bad for Soren. Being Alone must be the worst thing for him. It kind off reminds me of my family when they abandoned me.

"Silverhair" He says once again.

"Yes, Sir?" I replied

"Thank you" as he said while becomes transparent and along with him was a young girl around 6 years old. They were disappearing.

Well Shit, He was a ghost all the time?

While I was in a trance, I felt a tap on my shoulder, It was the Village Chief.

"Thank you, young man. You gave Soren his peace" he said while he was smiling.

He told me what happend to Soren's family and honestly, It felt sad, To lose his life and family to a Monster Tide. Especially his Daughter who got brutally killed by the same would I brutally killed.

"So Young Man, do you wish to venture out to the unknown right now?" He asked.

I thought about it but I declined. I still had some job to do and that's what I did.

<2 Hours Later>

I have pretty much done everyone's request and I guess it is time.

"Weiss, do you want to take your Journey now?" The Old Chief said while smilling.

"Yes" I replied

"Very Well, Step into the platform so I can begin your teleportation" (Old Chief)

And so I did, the Platform lit up and a pillar came out of nowhere. At the Same time.

[Congratulations to '???' for being the First Player to step out of the Village]

The Message was repeated 5x and there was a clear message.

In the first day, Someone had leveled up so quickly to move out of the village while even the top players are still below level 5.

It sparked a new Beginning.

--- Volume 1: The Beginning (end) ---