Xandar reception

It is. . . Big, full of colorful strangers, complex and uncomfortable in general.

-We are here, you can register yourself with one of your staff. The pet creature need to be registered as well for security measures. I may leave you now. Would you like to rate our services? - Asks the Star Wars looking hologram android, while he shoes me a color table from red to blue. Unlike earth, blue is the color of the good and natural.

-No, thank you.- I answered politely.

-I'll be waiting here to show you the next item when you're done.- So, the hologram gone.

I look one more time at the reception, a balcony divided into chambers, where there was a NOVA employee in each one.

I walk to one of the rooms with no clients.

- Welcome to NOVA corporation headquarters, how can I help you?-

- I would like to register myself in Xandar. - If I say something wrong, it is Tony's fault. I am just following the protocol.

-Very well, Name and origin? -With these helmets and uniforms all the same, I can't tell the race or gender of my attendant. It looks like a human, but it's probably not one. Should I scan it? Let it go, it's not like it's going to make a difference, I'm just being paranoid.

-Maria Stark Junior, from planet earth.-

-I never heard of this planet, in which galaxy and solar system is this in? - I think I underestimated the intergalactic insignificance of the earth in this universe.

- Milky Way galaxy, system 616. It is the third planet.-

- Oh, found it. What a puny planet. -Compared to the rest of the universe? I cannot disagree.

-It's that planet that's been catching the attention of the big ones lately. We had no records that this planet had space technology. We have to update the records. One moment, please.-The attendant types something and comes back to me.

-Ready, race and reason for the visit please?-

- Earth Synthezoid. I came for commercial reasons.-

- A Synthezoid, this makes things a bit complicated.- She takes a better look at me, I think it is the first time she looks at me.

- Are you aware or not?-

-As far as I know I'm as alive as anyone else.-

- Alive, a robot? How so? -

-hum. . .I think it has to do with the energy of the space gem they used to create me.-

- The Space gem? Anyway, Who is your creator?-

-Tony Stark, aka Iron man-

-So you are the synthezoid that NOVA has been watching, Vision?-

-I think this is my brother. -

-Strange, we have only registered from one living Synthroid on earth.-

-It is a long story. - What does are she/he reading at this computer? A few seconds ago he didn't know where the land was and now he knows everything! Uh, I just had a crazy Idea. The NOVA database seems to have as much information than the Shield Database. Should I just Hack it too?

-What are your intentions here again? - Let's forget that thing for now.

-I intend to trade and buy NOVA technology.-

-Do you have a permit?-

- No, but I will get one.-

-All right, what about the creature o n your shoulder? Is it your pet?


-Name race, age and sex?

-Panda, He is an Earthling cat and just became one-year-old.-

-Has it been vaccinated?-


-Does he have something special I should note?

- Ah. He is blind, a mutant and may have some Kree blood.-

-. . . What is his mutation?-

- I do not know.

-. . . Ok, please stay quiet, so I can take a picture of you both.-

Should I slime? I don't know. If the reception makes this many questions, what will I do to get the selling permission? I do not even know what I will sell!