What to do?

I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I have no idea!

I mean, I have a plan. I know what I need here. I know a way how to get what I need, but I do not have any idea of how I should do it. I can run a thousand simulated situations in my head, and they are going to consume battery! All paths seem grim and embarrassing!

You know what, I just thought of something to do as soon as I get back to earth. Find Riri, she always knows what to do at these times. That's if she's not dead. Or don't even exist in this dimension!

I think I'm panicking.

- All set, you can stop smiling. Here is your registration chip, don't miss it, or you can be expelled from Xandar. Have a good day.- Yea, the staff's irony is enough to put me back on track.

I take the microchip and put it in a compartment on my arm. Now it is time for the next stop.

As soon as I turn around and take the first step away from the cabin, the android automatically reappears in front of me.

- Hello again, ready for your next stop?- Says the Xandarian automatic voice.

- Yes, please. - I answer short.

- Please follow me. -Says the hologram while he turns to the enormous building square.

I silently follow him, passing endless tents and noisy beings from across the galaxy.

This gives me some time to think, let's recap a few things.

The plan is, to buy access to the Nova energy source. It is such a powerful source as the infinity stones. Of course, the stones are more powerful, but in terms of energy, the two are equal. If I can get access to this energy source, I can use it anywhere in the galaxy to use 100% of my functions. And so, I can use the fine energy of the space stone that is in this galaxy to use my teleport specifically. But what am I supposed to sell? Myself?