The Idea

That is a brilliant Idea!

I will sell myself!

I will exchange my services as a natural protector for the access to the power source.

It could not be simpler.

I just have to pass the NOVA entrance exam.

- Please, can we change my destination?- I ask my personal hologram android. I said personal because I just noticed that there is a lot of them wandering around gibing everyone in this building.

- Of course. Where do you like to go?- replies the gentle mechanic voice.

-To the NOVA training hall please.-

-At your service.- Most people would feel like he is talking to a wall when replying a robot. But I think that it is because they do not have any Idea of what is behind the robots question or answer. A very complex algorithm. It will learn more with every piece of information you give, and it will never forget a thing.

We slowly move to the arena entrance.

Hey, why is here so empty?

The arena was a roman stile one. It has a white sand( Xandarian sand, not earth sand) floor and the typical arenas banks. The difference is that Xandarian banks floats.

To great me there were just one NOVA soldier rank one (Corpsman).

-We arrived your destination, do you need my help after this?- Asks the hologram.

-No, thank you. I know my way from here.-

-Very well. Do you want to rate your services?- Do you know what I said about talking to non-conscious machines before? Forget it, it is just like a wall.

-No.- Without saying goodbye, the hologram disappear in front of me.

The Corpsman looks at me, he has green skin, nothing against it. I look at the corpsman, he has shining eyes, that is uncommon.

- We do not accept non-living things as nova soldiers. - Says the corpsman with a voice more robotic than the hologram.

- I am very alive, thank you. - He was rude first, ok?

-Can you prove? - Asks he with an obvious doubt face.

I give him my fresh made Xandarian ID chip.

-Do non-conscious robots need ID chips?- I ask, proud of myself.

He looks at the chip, inspecting every millimeter, unfortunately it is not fake, and he knows it.

-You can enter. - He says giving up.

- Thank you.- I answer before going in.

In the arena, a lazy Denarian sits in a bank.

- A robot wants to join NOVA? Now I have seen everything. - What a déjà vu.

-Will you test me or not? -

-You arrived here, it means you can do it, so let's go. NOVA needs new soldiers since the Xandar Battle.- He gets up and pics a baton from a stand of xandarian weapons. This will be a battle test? Time to be creative. If I hurt a strand of hair from any living being, I will be automatically shut down. Do you remember? Maria, the non menace robot.

- Go. Pic your weapon, or you already have some under your skin? Just letting you know, you don't need to go easy on me, just do your best to take me down. - Just a denarian? I think I can do it.