

Simon's p. o. v

So we're gonna act like it's no big deal and it'll be fun.

Eric was resting his head on his elbow as he listened to my plan of making Steffy and Laro meet.

"soo what do you think?"

"cute idea strawberry!!!!"

"were you even listening?"

"of course love"

"w-what's with the nicknames?"

"what about them?" eric smirked as he inched closer trying to tease me.

"nicknames all of a sudden"

"you don't like it?"



"I do, I do like them" I smiled as eric pulled me down to lay beside him. Spending time with eric really does make time fly. We would talk about the most random stuff without even realizing how time passed.

We decided to have a movie marathon at home with laro and Steffy in order to try and introduce them to each other. Steffy kept texting and updating me about her chat with laro.

"give me attention strawberrrrryyyyyyyy" eric whined making me put my phone aside.

"Okay, my attention is all yours" I replied ruffling his hair as he smiled wide. God his smile is gorgeous.

"thanks I was about to burn that phone"

"that would be sad" I shrugged as eric pulled my phone away.

"Can I look at your pictures?" I could not resist his puppy dog eyes as he excitedly swiped through my gallery.

"oh my god, strawberry!! These pictures are gold" he said as he showed me the pictures from some of my dance performances.

"those are from a few of my dance performances" I replied as he stared at the mobile screen like I stare at ice cream.


I was looking at his pictures where Simon looked like he landed straight out of heaven. He looked so handsome in every picture.

I stopped at a picture where Simon was wearing a transparent black top and he looked so...



Okay, I'll stop.

He looked like a fairy. Very pretty and elegant.

"w-what happened?"

"oh nothing" I gulped as I showed him the screen.

"it's just that you look ethereal here," I said as he rubbed his ear which turned red at my compliment.

"t-thank you. It's uh- it's the picture from the Christmas event last year" he said as my eyes widened.






"eric I think-


" I think you were hanging out with your friends. You weren't there at the performance"

"oh," I said disappointed at my own self. I don't even remember what the fuck I was doing.

To think of it, yeah I was out with my group of friends messing around.

"I'm sorry I wasn't their strawberry," I said as he shook his head.

"it's okay. Steffy was there and so was Laro"

More points for laro.

Again. A-fucking-gain.

"laro was there?" I asked trying to play it cool as Simon smiled.

*he always smiles when you mention him*

"yeah. he was the one who talked me out of my nervousness"

"oh" was all I could say.

"d-don't be sad. Y-you can be there t-this time"

"you're performing this time??????!" I was surprised at this revelation.

"y-yeah. I have been performing for the past 2 years." I felt sad about how much I never noticed Simon.

Just where was I when looked like THAT?

*so he was walking around wearing THAT and your dumbass didn't notice*

Shut up mind.

*and laro did*

I said shut-

"eric a-are you alright?" Simon asked looking adorably concerned as I patted his head softly.

Such soft hair. Imagine pulling on it during-

"yeah, strawberry. I'm good." I said as he nodded with a cute smile.

"do wear that shirt around me though, wouldn't mind the view" I whispered as he blushed beet red before slightly pushing me off.


And he liked the shirt from that picture.

"I told you to wear it but you didn't take my advice," Steffy said as a matter of fact. We were currently in our bedroom as I "updated" my love life with her.

Steffy was painting her toes red as we talked.

"that looks so pretty," I said as I looked at her feet. I love colorful things. They make me feel so happy.

"can I paint yours too?"

"w-what if eric doesn't like it?"

"I'll paint his too" she winked making me chuckle.

We ended up letting setffy paint my left-hand nails a baby pink color as we talked about laro.

"he's a good guy. I'm sure he won't disappoint" I said as he sighed heavily.

"hope it's true. I took your advice I invited him too" she said making me grin as I pinched her cheeks.

"that's great."

"you know only you can do that right?" Steffy said trying to keep up her bad girl persona.

"of course," I said pinching her cheeks once again as she smiled.


Simon had called me the other day asking to hang out with Eric and the grocery queen.

Said grocery queen had also texted insisting me to join them and have a "fun day"

I think Simon and eric are officially dating because every time I call eric the man answers like he's in a trance. He dreamily answers the phone and all he talks about how cute Simon is.

I texted back to Steffy that I'd be going.

I was currently watching a zombie movie called "train to Busan" as I texted eric in between. He kept asking me if he wanted to go wearing cow costumes.

Sometimes I wonder what goes on in his head.

After the movie ended I showered and put on some decent clothes. I texted Eric asking if he was ready to which he responded with a yes.

I drove to eric's only to see him lazing around on the bed with a bunch of clothes.

"you said you were ready"

"I don't know what to wear" he replied.

"All these clothes around you just pick something," I told sitting beside him as he rolled around.

Not gonna lie this version of eric is entertaining.

"but I wanna look good for strawberry"


"yeah," he got up smiling like an idiot.

"well, I think he'd like you in white"

"and how do you know that?" he asked skeptically making me roll my eyes.

"I know because we've been friends for long, now get up and get dressed"

"okay. Jeez. Don't rush" he said picking a white shirt and jeans making me chuckle.

This guy is whipped.

Eric's p. o. v

We were currently driving to strawberry's house as I felt nervous. I don't know why I was feeling like I had to look good.

*you're insecure about Laro aren't you?*

I don't know what you're talking about.

When we reached his house we were welcomed with a very normal? Looking Steffy as she opened the door.

Usually, when it's just me she opens the door with a dangerous look.

*she thinks you're a misfit for her sugarbab- son*

When I saw strawberry I wanted to pick him up and cover him in kisses from head to toe. He was looking adorable in a black shirt and denim overalls.

He smiled as he waved at me and Laro sending me in a trance. Why does he have to look like a god-sent angel at the tiniest gestures?

We settled down in the living room as Laro looked a bit distracted?

I noticed him looking at Steffy from time to time as he talked to Simon.

"long time no see, little Simon"

" long time no see Laro." He said making me jealous already.

"This is Steffy. My b-best friend"

Thank god.

They all made small talk as I sat there awkwardly looking at Simon as she smiled at me from time to time.

"okayyyyy let's not be awkward. We all literally go to the same college. Wanna watch a horror movie?" Steffy said breaking the ice-making all of us sigh in relief as we chuckled lightly.

"cool. You like horror movies?"

"bro, you kidding me? I LOVE HORROR MOVIES"

Watching laro and Steffy converse I gave a knowing look to Simon who mirrored the same as he smiled.

"I'll check up on the pizza," Simon said as he got up making his way to the kitchen.

"I'll check up on strawberry," I said following Simon leaving Steffy and Laro alone.

"sooooo you decided to hurt me like this?" I said as I watched Simon stare at the oven excitedly.

He turned around in surprise as he looked at me like I just hurt a puppy.

"when d-did I hurt you?"

"you hurt my heart looking this adorable," I said as he blushed red.

"c-cheesy," he said turning around and looking at the oven.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind embracing his warm body.

"you're so warm," I said as I placed my chin on his shoulder.

"you are warm too," he said making me kiss his cheek as he held my hands.

"you look great today," he said making fireworks burst in my mind.

"thank you. Strawberry" I said kissing his forehead as he turned around in my arms.

"We haven't kissed today. K-kiss me" Simon spoke innocently as I leaned down to fulfill his wish.

Simon kissed back equally softly as I kissed him making me drown in his scent and all the emotions he made me feel.

A few seconds later we pulled back as I brushed his soft hair.

"you make me want to stop being Simon," he said whispering which made me very confused.

"what does that mean?" I asked as he walked away giving me a little SMIRK????

I am confusion.