you good strawberry???

I still didn't understand what Simon meant. I followed him as we sat on the floor. Laro and Steffy were immersed in the horror movie playing when Simon looked at me from time to time and averted his gaze every time I looked at him.

Seriously, what was strawberry trying to say?

*he meant you make him want to disappear because you're that useless*

We watched the movie in silence only Steffy's laughter filling the room every time the ghost appeared.

Is the woman okay?

Simon stared at the screen with his chin resting on his knees as he played with his toes.

Does he find this movie boring?

"Strawberry? All okay?" I whisper talked as he nodded and continued fiddling with his toes.

"y-you guys watch i-I'll go get the food," Simon said before he got up and walked towards the kitchen.

He came back holding pizza and many other snacks which looked mouth-watering.

Laro ruffled Simon's hair as he placed the food in front of us.

"you made all of this?"

Yeah, he did, but you don't have to ruffle his hair and sweet talk like that.

"yes," he whispered smiling back at my best friend.

I looked away not looking at Simon who looked interested in the movie.

After a while, I felt my shirt move as I looked down to see Simon pulling on it.

"yes, strawberry?"

"y-you okay?"

"of course," I said smiling at his cute antics.

We finished the movie when Steffy announced she was going to show us another movie.

"s-steff, I-I'll be back," Simon said as Steffy and laro nodded.

"c-come with me," Simon said before pulling me up and taking me with him.

Strawberry lead us to his bedroom as he released his hold on my hand.

"Simon, what's wrong?"

"y-you didn't notice at all?" he questioned pouting making my stomach feel the entire zoo.

"notice what strawberry?" I asked gently as he huffed.

CALL 911

"I'm not smelling like strawberry today," he said making me realize.

When I came in, I didn't smell his usual strawberry scent on him, but it was prettier. It smelled more good.

"you didn't notice?" he said making me coo at his cuteness.

"I'm so sorry baby. I was too busy admiring your adorable face. I failed to notice" I said pulling him closer to me.

"c-cheesy" he commented making me chuckle.

"so, what's this scent?"

"g-green apple"

"Oh- WAIT!! Green apple is my favorite."

"y-yeah. I know" Simon spoke bashfully.

"how?????" he didn't say anything just sticking his tongue out at me.

We sat on his bed as I held his hand.

"you look so cute in overalls," I said making him blush.

"t-thank you"

"eric" he whispered making me look at him.

"you like how I smell?" he asked as I nodded.

"t-then i-I want to show you something," he said making me gulp.

Damn. Who knew strawberry could be like this.

"Okay," I said as he pulled me up leading me to the BATHROOM??????


Whatever it is. It's gonna feel like heaven.

I followed him as he turned around to face me.

"i-I'm obsessed with something" Simon whispered making me gulp.

"with what?" I asked as he looked down before taking a deep breath.

"i-it's time I t-tell you. B-but don't be weirded out p-please"

Damn Baby what are you just hiding. Unleash your inner Beyonce-

"I'm obsessed with different scented soaps!!!!" Simon squeaked out loudly making me snap out of my thoughts as he knelt down near what seemed like a cabinet.

What did this boy just say?


"i-I said-

"no, I mean-

"do you hate me now eric?" he asked tearing up as I pulled him closer to me.

"no strawberry, not at all," I said as I pulled him closer to my chest.

"you're adorable Simon," I said as he looked up before kneeling down and taking out different soaps?

"t-this green one. It's my favorite" he said handing the bottle to me as I smelled it before nodding.

"It really does smell great," I said as he smiled.

And I thought he was about to do something freaky.

God, this boy is so innocent.

"Is this what you meant when you said I make you stop wanting to be Simon?" I asked as he flushed red.

"n-no," he said surprising me again.

"then what was that out there?" I said as I inched closer to him as he moved backward.

"t-that was n-nothing," he said backing away as I inched closer.

I backed him up until his back hit the wall.

"then tell me strawberry. What did you mean?"

Simon's face was as red as a tomato at this point. He avoided eye contact looking everywhere except me.

"look at me baby," I said lifting his chin as he held on to my hand.

"y-you make me feel things," Simon said as I leaned down to peck his neck.


He leaned down to peck my neck as my body felt like fireworks.

"what things strawberry," he asked his voice low and heavy as he littered kisses from my neck to my cheek.

I clutched my overall tightly to not let out the sound I was holding in. waves of slight pleasure rushed through me every time he kissed the sensitive area.

I was too shy to tell him the unholy thoughts that ran in my mind.

"tell me, my angel. What things?" he continued making me moan slightly as I grabbed his shoulders.

"l-like being close to you," I said as he continued his kisses from my neck to my chest. I felt all the tingles despite being fully clothed.


"a-and.. kissing you I l-like it"


"and ahh- and being l-loved by you," I said as he turned on the shower by opening the shower tap which was beside me.

The water showered on us soaking the both of us wet as eric leaned down to kiss me. I kissed him back moving my lips matching his pace as he grabbed me by my waist and hoisted me up.

The water gave me shivers when his kisses gave me all the warmth inside. It was like an explosion of emotions.

"don't hold back baby." He said recognizing my hesitance to make any sounds as I let go of my leftover shyness as I gave in to him.

Eric kissed my lips to my neck biting down planting hickies as I clutched his shirt in my hands. I leaned down kissing his neck to his jawline planting a hickey too as he moaned making my stomach feel like it's about to burst. His deep voice made me feel tingly as I felt like I needed an urgent release.

Shit. I was hard.

"babe. Do you want to stop?" eric asked as I shook my head no.

There was no way I was stopping now.

*little hoe*

I am. What about it?

eric unclipped my overalls from my shoulders as I grabbed his hands in a hurry.

"don't worry strawberry. I won't take them off" he said pulling them down to my stomach as he continued kissing me from my lips to my chest.

I moaned as he bit down on my sensitive spots. I felt him go hard too as his hands roamed from my shoulder to my waist but never below.

"don't be scared babe," he said pulling me closer making me feel embarrassingly horny.

I pushed myself closer making eric groan as he imitated my action basically humping me. I could feel his hard-on through our clothes as he pushed into my groin making me moan out loud. I kissed him every time I felt the high waves of pleasure moaning into the kiss as eric's hold on me tightened.

"you're so fucking hot Simon," he said thrusting up as I moaned burying my face in his shoulder.

"e-eric!" I moaned as he pushed into my groin making me push back urgently enticing sounds from my mouth I never thought I could make. I bit down on his neck making a hickey as Simon held me with my legs wrapped around his waist as he continued thrusting up sending waves of pleasure jolt through my body.

he repeated the action a few more times before I felt a heavy pressure in my abdomen as I grabbed him tightly moaning out loud. eric groaned as his hold on my waist tightened before he rested his head on my shoulder breathing heavily.

The shower was still on as we breathed.

"p-put me down please," I said as eric put me down gently before he hugged me.


Simon hid his face in my chest as I hugged him. His body was warm as he breathed heavily. I held him with one hand as I turned the shower off. We stood in silence for a few seconds before I pulled away making Simon look at me.


"I just want you to know that this is special for me too"

"I hope you don't feel like you have to hide from me when something happens between us"

"and… "

Simon blinked as I continued.

"and please don't be shy to ask me for anything" I completed as Simon nodded shyly before hugging me again.

We walked out of the bathroom before Simon grabbed a towel and some clothes.

"I'll change first," he said slowly before going back in.

I smiled at the thought of Simon being so cute before a very active Steffy barged in with laro following behind.


"Oh... OH!!!!!" She yelled after noticing me drying my hair and basically soaking wet as she smirked. Laro tried hiding his smile as he cleared his throat.

"guess you couldn't keep your hands to yourself huh"

"can't help it… my strawberry is irresistible " I smirked back as she raised an eyebrow.

"you have the nerve to say that about my son"

Wait WHAT???

"your s-son?"

"yeah, my Babyboy"

"umm…." I didn't know what to say as her expression darkened suddenly.


"what did you do to my son?"

"I d-didn't do anything"

Okay, this woman is scary….

"s-steff stop," Simon said as he came out shaking his head at Steffy before she burst out laughing.

"Jesus Babyboy.. you should've seen his expression," she said laughing as Simon just smiled.

" you are t-too naughty sometimes," he said pushing her slightly as she walked out laughing.

"you two are cute together," laro said before he winked at Simon and left.

Simon blushed red before he threw a towel and some oversized clothes at me before asking me to change.

"g-go get changed. I'll wait outside" he said pushing me towards the bathroom as I blew him a flying kiss before going to get changed.

If adorable was a person. it would look like Simon.