Suddenly the door opened and a tall and muscular man entered he was none other than Chase, as he came in he analysed the beauty sitting in front of him, he knew that behind that beautiful face was a clever and sly mind that had all kinds of schemes and escape plans in them.

That was another reason why he was interested in her, because this girl's mind seemed to calculate all the possible escape routes as well as preventions before doing any thing else.

Anna looked at the man in front of her and the first thing that striked her was - Devil.

Yes, although calling a human with that word seemed weird and scary but she could not help herself as she looked into those deep endless eyes, but what she did not know was that the other person was thinking the same exact thing... well excluding the devil part.

She started the conversation as she held out her hand and greeted, "Hello, Mr. Chase, I'm Anna Hall's, nice meeting you."

He replied in the same cold tone, "Nice to meet you too, Miss Halls, as you must've been already informed that I would like to invest in one of your projects, I just asked for this meeting because as you know that the project is quite a big deal I wamted to discuss the details personally."

Anna liked that he cut straight to the point as she replied, "Sure, you can take a seat Mr. Smith. Let us order a light refreshment and then start with the discussion" And just like that the meeting lasted for four hours as they discussed about all the terms and conditions and how they will proceed.

After both of them bid their goodbyes and we're heading home, both the people had fully opposite thoughts on their mind, Chase was happy that finally his curiosity was cured a little but after talking to her he wanted to becomes friends with her in the future.

But the only thing that was bothering Anna was when she was talking to Chase she felt that something was off as he would try to ask about random things while they were discussing as if he was testing her personality or something, she knew that she was not going to be at peace of mind if she continued thinking about it so she simply decided to shrug it off.

As she reached home, did her chores, had dinner and was going to sleep she remembered the get together tomorrow and simply sighed and thought 'Looks like fate is going to be cruel to me for a few more years, at least let me have my beauty sleep'.

After that she slept a good sleep while dreaming about her in a beautiful masquerade ball and dancing with a masked prince, as she dreaming she smiled like a fool and continued her sweet fictional dream.

On the other side, Chase was turning and rolling on his bed thinking of ways to meet Anna, he did not why but he wanted to talk to her again, it almost felt that a magnet was pulling him towards her. ( Author : Well, it's not the magnet but me... hehe )

Anna slept a beautiful sleep unknown to the trouble coming her way.