Anna talked to her parents for some time and after knowing that her grandparents did not come, she excused herself and called them and talked with them for a while too.

After that, she went to a lone corner and read some documents that she had to review, because when you're free why not be productive ?

She was just near to finishing her document when she realised that everything suddenly became quite and as she looked up she saw the Smith family majestically coming downstairs.

Chase came forward and gave a simple and short greeting to all the guests and the banquet actually started. Chase's brother, Jim was busy talking to men and flirting with some young misses.

Everytime he winked or smiled at them in the midst of talking with someone else all of them would squeal.

Anna had not heard much about him but just that he was a famous actor AKA the national crush. He looked slightly similar to Chase but unlike his stoic face, Jim had a happy go lucky and warm face.

Anna was simply scrutinizing everyone, when someone suddenly tapped at her shoulders, she was going to punch whoever was behind her, when she heard a familiar voice say, "Oh! oh! Stop it's me!!" She stopped and after she saw it was Chase she simply shook her head and greeted him.

After exchanging some words for thirty minutes or something, both of them became silent. Anna thought it was a calm and relaxing silence but well..... the same could not be said for Chase.

Although he had decided to talk a lot more to Anna, he was never good at conversations and the conversation he had today was the longest.

He kept glancing at Anna to find something to say, but Anna received it as he wanted to say something but was hesitant, so finally after a few minutes she asked him what was wrong. He simply denied it and said that her hair looked good.

But his red ear tips did not lie and Anna could tell that he was embarrassed about being caught glancing at her. She found it kind of cute and lightly chuckled. Hearing her suddenly chuckle Chase could not understand what made her giggle so he innocently stared at her.

Anna saw that he was looking at her and simply said, "It's nothing, something funny came to my mind. Let's go inside, it's getting cold." And after that she just left him there with his eyebrows raised as he tried to decipher what could make her laugh.

Finally, after not finding an answer he simply shrugged it off and went inside after her. Although it seemed nothing to them, a seed of feelings got planted in their hearts.

Many people came one by one to give their gifts to the Old master, but when they saw their calm eyes even after receiving such precious gifts they could not help but feel cold sweat in their backs.

It's not that the Smith family was not grateful for what was given to them, it was just that everyone had a hidden purpose behind giving it to them so it did not amount much. Anna and Chase were not there because they were just coming out of the balcony they were in.

Chase then held her wrist lightly and slowly took her towards his parents. Anna was at first surprised, and felt her heart skip a beat but when she thought about what she was thinking she immediately shrugged off the feelings, then returned to her usual face.

While for Chase although he still kept that cold face his ear tips and neck were fully red. God knows how much courage he built up to touch her. Her hands were so soft and delicate, so he held them as carefully as possible.

At first he thought that Anna might reject his touch but when she did not he started having butterflies in his stomach. He tried his best not to smile but his family to whom he was walking towards could easily see the joy ans satisfaction in their son's eyes as he held the hands of the person he liked.

Anna was confused at first as to where she was being taken but then she realised that he was taking her towards his family. So, she silently gestured her assistant to bring over the gift.

The action did not go unnoticed from the family and they decided to examine her if she really liked their son or was just going after him for money. But that was mostly not possible because the girl had a natural gift in business and had raised their company to new heights, so they simply stood their with a polite smile.

Anna when seeing the sudden change in the family's expression could of help but smile lightly. When she reached them she also put up her usual business smile that she used for her clients. When the Smith family saw this their lips twitched at being treated as nothing but clients because usually people would put up their best award giving smiles.

Chase was oblivious to all these as he still dreamed on his fantasy with Anna and was proud when he introduced Anna to his family. When Anna reached them she greeted everyone and then gave the old master the chess piece.

They were all in a harmonious atmosphere as they talked with Anna about various things and found that the girl was very knowledgeable and was wise beyond her age. Chase only chimed in to count Anna's capabilities and brag about her otherwise kept quiet.

When Anna saw this a gentle smile naturally appeared on her face and when all the members saw this they could not help but stare at her beautiful smile blooming like a blossom on her face.

They were enjoying their time, when they suddenly saw a girl in a revealing red dress coming towards them as she smiled at the family but glared hatefully at Anna.