The girl's actions were seen by the family and they naturally had a bad impression of her. Anna was just looking at the girl in amusement as she waited for her say to something.

The girl was Riley, she was the daughter of the mayor and was spoiled since birth. Although she was not interested in Chase, she just felt really jealous of Anna as before Ann's came all the attention was on her but it was shifted at Anna.

Her parents and friends also compared her with Anna and kept telling her how she had managed their family company and gained success.

In reality, they only wanted Riley to pay more attention to her studies and have a bright future but she misinterpreted their words.

She directly went towards them and after greeting the Smiths turned towards Anna as she said in a fake worried voice, "Oh! Anna! How are you? You look so pale, is something wrong? You didn't even wear makeup did something wrong happen?"

Everyone could easily tell that she was faking her concern and mocking lied beneath her words. Chase was about to step in when, his mother stopped him. They all wanted to see how Anna would react in such a situation.

Anna's eyes only contained unhidden amusement and excitement throughout, as she said while slightly smiling, " Nice to meet you too Miss. Firstly, I don't think we are close enough for you to call me by my name. Next, I am good, I was just not in the mood to wear makeup hence, what you see. And lastly, nothing wrong happened with me or my family. By the way, Thanks for your concern."

Just as Anna finished speaking the Mayor and his wife came hurriedly as they pulled away Riley after apologising, as she was red with embarrassment. She ran away crying and if anyone didn't just witness they would think that Anna had bullied her.

The party resumed back to as it was. Anna excused herself from the family as she went to greet other guests too. She had a good conversation with all of them.

Finally, she went to the drinks area and ordered a cocktail. After finishing her drink, she resumed to being a wallflower and enjoyed the party from behind.

Then the dance started, as everyone chose their partners and started dancing. Chase was looking at Anna who was still looking at everyone instead of dancing. He wanted to ask her but felt very nervous just thinking about it.

Finally, he gathered his courage as he went towards Anna with a confident posture....well something like that. Anna was going to start to review her documents when she saw a hand in front of her. As she looked up she saw Chase's expectant face.

Just as she was going to ask what was wrong, he said, "Do you want to dance?"

Anna looked at everyone else who was dancing and after a few seconds, said," Can we go to the balcony? I don't feel comfortable here." Chase's face lit up as she at least did not reject him.

They went to their previous secret place as he again asked her, "Can I have the honour to dance with you?" Anna gave her hand gracefully and placed it into his. As both their hands touched Anna suddenly felt nervous and excited. She took a deep breath as she smiled and said, "Sure, the pleasure is all mine"

They started dancing as their bodies moved in synch. Although not practiced their steps were synchronised. Both felt giddy and satisfied as they were dancing. Slowly, beautiful smiles were on both their faces as they looked at each other with eyes holding unexplained emotions.

As Anna was enjoying the moment, images of how she spent her previous life with Ben and how they tortured her came into her mind as her eyes started tearing up. She quickly broke the dance and slightly pushed Chase.

Chase was startled when suddenly Anna's eyes went from happy to pain, hate and desperation. After Anna pushed him and broke the dance, he became worried and quickly asked her if she was fine.

Anna just tried to calm herself down first as those images kept coming in her mind. She quickly told Chase that she was okay and went inside in fast and unsteady steps.

Everything just happened to fast for Chase to realise, after a moment he quickly went after Anna while asking her to stop. Thinking about Anna crying he felt a clench in his heart as he followed her.

Anna just quickly went towards the exit without thinking or looking at anything in her surrounding, she went to her car and drove off in a fast speed .

By the time, Chase came running after her she was already gone. He wanted to go after her when his family called him inside and required his presence. Throughout the time at the party, his heart was beating fast as he kept texting Anna but got no reply.