
Damien POV

I lay there in the bed with Amber for a few minutes, just making sure that she was happy. I don't want to push her too fast or expect anything in return because that is not what love is supposed to be about. I turn to her "Hey Kitten, I am going to get a shower. You go ahead and rest and I will be back shortly. If you need anything just walk in, I will leave the door unlocked.

She looks over at me with a questioning look "What about you? I didn't take care of you."

I get up off the bed, "Kitten this is not a tit for tat relationship. I wanted to make you happy, I didn't want to make you happy so that you could make me happy. You being here with me is happiness enough." I make my way to the bathroom and gently shut the door. I walk over to the shower and start the water, I free myself of my boxers and step in. Sudsing my body with soap, I start stroking myself so o can try to get rid of this raging boner that has not gone away. Images of Amber keep flashing in my mind. Her perfect supple breasts with her perfect little nipples. Remembering my head between her thighs licking that delicacy of a pussy, my erection keeps growing. I run my finger over my tip and let out a small groan. I start to pick up the pace, my eyes closed, I imagine her bouncing on this sock. Suddenly I feel tingles on my back and I snap my eyes open. I turn and I am met with Amber's intoxicating eyes.

"Let me make you happy, you don't have to do it yourself." She says timidly. I look down at her perfect naked body standing there in the shower with me.

"No Kitten," my voice cracks as I talk to her. "I don't know if I can control myself-" she cuts me off and pulls me to her, standing in her tip toes and meets my lips with hers. As we kiss she takes her delicate little hands and wraps them around my engorged cock. She pumps it a couple times and then starts kissing down my neck and then continues down my torso, moving her hands to the sides of my hips and she kneels on the ground. She takes a hand and grabs my dick, steadying it she brings her lips to my tip and plants an open mouth wet kiss on it. My dick jumps with anticipation as I throw my head back at how good her mouth feels on my cock. She takes the tip into her mouth, and swirls her tongue around it. I open my eyes and look down at her, I put my hand on the back of her head as she starts to bob her head up and down my shaft. "God baby that feels so fucking good" I breathe out.

She picks up her pace, and then starts doing this crazy thing with her tongue swirling it around and she moves up and down on my shaft. "God kitten, if you don't want me to go in your mouth let me know." I say to her.

She looks up at me and releases my cock from her beautiful lips and says "if you don't cum in my mouth, I will never let you make me happy again." Then she proceeds to grab hold of my cock again, wrapping her little hands around the shaft while losing her mouth onto it, and working in unison with her hands. She picks up her pace and then starts sucking hard on the head, my whole body tenses as I feel my balls start to squeeze and I release my load into the back of her throat and she swallows all of it, continuing to suck on the head until every last drop was out.

"I can't believe you were going to take care of yourself and let that wash down the drain" she says to me as she stands up.

"Oh my god you are perfect" I say to her as I grab her and push her up against the wall. My hands on either side of her head, I lean in and start my assault on her neck, kissing and gently sucking down to her collar bone. She brings her hands and wraps them around my neck. I grab the back of her thighs and lift her up so they are on either side of my hips. She starts grinding her core against me and my dick starts to grow again. She gasps at the sudden hardness she feels.

Amber POV

Damien has my hoisted up so that he is holding my thighs, my arms are around his neck holding myself up and I grind myself against him. His assault on my neck feels so good, and no matter how many time my head tells me to slow down, I can't for the life of me being myself to stop anything with him. I continue to grind my core against him and I feel his erection start to grow again, I gasp at the heat that grows inside my core. I need him inside me. I take one of my hands and I reach down to hold his shaft in my hand, moving it against myself I let out a loud moan. Damien let's put a growl and grabs my hand from his shaft and pins it behind my head. He looks deep into my eyes "Amber look at me. I want you, I want all of you but know that if we continue, I will mark you. This is your last chance to stop and take things slowly. If we stop now it's fine baby, I won't be mad. But I will not be able to stop myself if we move further than this." He looks at me with a serious look.

He will mark me? What does that even mean? Do I want to be marked? I return his stare and ask him, "what do you mean mark? Will it hurt?"

He kisses the spot where my neck and collar bone meets and says" right here, I will bite you, and you will wear my mark, so everyone knows that we are mates and you will be connected to me. It only hurts for a minute but the pleasure will override the pain." He stares at me while I think about what he just said. No one has ever been this kind or respectful to me, no one except for this stranger who is my mate. My heart fills with warmth knowing that I am finally safe, and in the arms of the man made for me. "I am yours" I whisper to him as I capture his lips, kissing him with the passion that courses through my veins. He returns the kiss with just as much passion and picks me up wrapping my legs completely around his torso so my his hands holding me ass. He shuts off the water and carries me into the bedroom, never once halting our kiss. He sets me down in front of the bed and guides me so I am laying down. He hovers over me with both hands on either side of my head holding himself up as he leans down and captures my lips once more while settling himself between my legs. I can feel his huge rod resting at my core begging for entrance. The fire in between my legs intensifies and I moan as I lift myself up to him. He trails his fingers down until he reaches my wet hungry core and he starts play with my nub. "Your pussy is so fucking wet for me baby. You are dripping," he says as I grab his ass and pull him further to me.

"Damien...please... I want you" I breathe out.

I feel him take his manhood in his hand and place it at my entrance, he slowly pushes just the tip in. "Is that what you want baby?"

"Mmmmmm... yes" I moan. I suck in my breath when he pushes in a little deeper.

"Relax baby," he says. "I will make it hurt as little as possible."

I try to relax as best I can and he starts kissing my neck as he gently pulls out a little and then in a little further than he was. I can feel him filling me up entirely, and just when I think he can't possibly go any deeper, he shoves in hard, and I can feel a barrier rip and everything is on fire. I feel tears run down my face as I close my eyes, and then I feel him kiss the tip of my nose. I open my eyes and he is staring deep into mine. He has stopped moving "are you alright?" He asks.

I shake my head yes slowly, and Damien starts gently rocking his hips slowly. He captures my lips with his and as the pain slowly starts to fade it is replaced with pleasure. As the pleasure increases I start moaning as I scratch down his back. When he hears my moans it's like something inside him snaps and his gentleness is replaced with eagerness. He starts to thrust in and out of me vigorously. "I want to hear you scream my name baby," he growls in my ear. The deep rumble of his growl in my ear doubles the fire inside me and I feel like I am on the edge.

"Oh my god...Damien" I moan as I start to shake.

"Not yet baby...hold on. Don't come yet," he says to me as he takes one of my legs and puts it over his shoulder. He starts thrusting again and at this new angle I can feel him hitting everything inside me. With each thrust my orgasm builds, I start screaming "oh my god! Damien!!!!....I am gonna"

He stops thrusting and puts my leg down. He starts thrusting slow and hard and leans down by my ear. "Cum for me baby," he growls and as I start to come undone I feel him bite into my neck, shooting a stabbing pain in my neck, but as he starts to lick it and my orgasm triples. I feel the fireworks everywhere. One last thrust and I feel his hot seed inside me as he lets out a growl.

"I will be right back" he says as he kisses my forehead and then gets up and heads to the bathroom. He comes back with a warm rag and starts cleaning me up. My heart flutters at the fact that this his if a man is taking the time to take care of me.