
Amber POV

I lay there in bed watching this sexy god of a man taking his time to clean me up. How in this universe did I get so lucky? Damien looks up at me and asks, "How do you feel? Are you still in pain?"

I shake my head yes and reply "a little sore, but nothing I can't handle." He looks at me with those bright green eyes and smiles. He then comes over and lifts me up bridal style. "What are you doing?! I can walk!" I yell, as I get all flustered.

"If you soak in the bath, it will help ease the pain." He says as he continues to carry me to the bathroom. He sits me down on the side of the tub as he turns the water on and starts adding in some oils to the water. Mind you he is still naked and I can't help but let my eyes wander to his very large member. Apparently I let my eyes linger a little too long because I hear him clear his throat and say, "you know if you take a picture it will last longer." My eyes snap up to his and he starts laughing when I become flustered. I'm sure my face is tomato red. I immediately look away and try to focus my eyes on something else. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to stare." I whisper.

"Oh my little kitten, you can stare as long as you want, I don't mind at all." He responds as he shuts the water off. "Go ahead and soak in the bath, I am going to get breakfast ready and send someone up with clothes for you. There is a towel right there for you when you are done. Someone will be up to bring you to the dining hall." He says, then gives me a kiss on the forehead and leaves the bathroom, softly closing the door behind him.

I lower myself into the bath, letting the hot water do it's job of soothing my pain. I close my eyes and think of where I came from and where I am now.

Just yesterday I was in the kitchen of my mother's house, screaming at her because I found out she sold me. She let that asshole Jeb put his hands on me yet again. I'd love to say it was something new, that it was just because the tensions were high, but Jeb putting his hands on me was nothing new. There were so many times I prayed and prayed for my father to return. I was convinced that one day he would come to save me from that hellhole, but no such luck. My knight in shining Armor was a ruthless Alpha. In fact the most feared Alpha around. But how ruthless can he be? I have seen him be nothing but gentle and kind with me.

When the water starts to get cold I get out of the tub and dry myself off. I walk over to the mirror to take a look at my neck, and there is still hideous bruising around my neck from where Jeb had his hand around my throat. But when I look at the spot where my neck and collar bone meet, I see there is a mark. I move closer to the mirror so that I can take a look at what the mark is. Oh my, the mark is beautiful. It has the silhouette of a wolf howling in front of a white crescent moon. It's not a large mark, about the size of a nickel. I smile thinking back to the pleasure I felt when Damien marked me. Butterflies made their way into my stomach as I walked into the bedroom to get dressed. I made my way over to the bed and saw clothes neatly laid out in the bed for me to wear. There was a black fitted tank with a low V-neck, a dark denim jacket, a pair of dark denim skinny jeans, a bra and panty set, both black lace. On the floor in front of the bed there was a pair of black flats. I checked all the sizes and sure enough they were all right. I got dressed and walked into the bathroom to finish getting ready. I checked the drawers and found a hairbrush and hair ties. I didn't want to take forever so I braided my hair to the side, which was always my go-to hairstyle when I didn't have much time to get ready. I never wear makeup anyways so that didn't matter to me. I checked myself once more in the mirror and made my way to the door of the bedroom. When I opened the bedroom, Jeremy was standing there waiting for me. "Hello Ms. Amber" he says.

"Hi Jeremy! Are you coming to breakfast?" I ask him excitedly.

"I will taking you to the dining hall. Normally there are a whole lot of people who eat breakfast together, but Alpha Damien has requested that you two be left alone for the day." Jeremy says while ushering me out of the door. He loops his arm in mine and starts to lead me down the hallway and down the grand staircase. The house is quiet, it seems like there is no one in it, but I can smell the breakfast that is being served. We make our way to the dining room and I see Damien sitting at the head of a large table. This table could seat 30 people easily. Jeremy leads me to the place setting to the right of Damien.

"You may go Jeremy. Please lock up on your way out and make sure that the guards are stationed at the entrances to the house. We wouldn't want any unwanted visitors." Damien gives his orders to Jeremy and I catch a glimpse of a completely different man than I have so far. Power is emanating off of him and his tone is cold. He gets up from his seat "you may go," he says to Jeremy as he comes around and pulls my seat out for me.

I watch as Jeremy makes his way out of the room and I guess I look a little too long because I hear Damien let out a low warning growl as he takes his hand and turns my face to him. "Unless you want me to take you and lock you in a room, I suggest you don't stare at him." He says.

I can feel the anger and insecurity radiating off of him. I took my hands and put them on either side of his face, looking into his eyes, "Damien, I only have eyes for you. I know we just met last night, but you are my mate and I have given myself to you, ALL of myself. Please don't get angry over anything like this. I was simply watching him leave out of habit." With that being said I gave him a gentle kiss on his lips.

He pulled me into an embrace and buried his face into the crook of my neck, then inhaled a deep breath. "I won't apologize for being possessive. I just got you, and I don't plan on ever letting you go." He replied. "Go ahead and take a seat. Lets eat some breakfast and get to know each other."

I sat down in my seat and he pushed my chair in for me. He then took a seat at the head of the table, I saw him stare off into space and in the next second a woman walked in the room with a maids outfit on. I couldn't help but hold my breath as I stared at her. This woman was a short, petite brunette with bright blue eyes. Her skin looked like porcelain, not a blemish in sight and she had some of the biggest boobs I have ever seen on someone of her size. The uniform though, I could not believe how provocative it was. It was a classic maid uniform, however the skirt barely came to the bottom of the maid's ass cheeks and the top left nothing to the imagination with how low cut it was. I could see just about all of her boobs. My blood started to boil when I saw the look on her face as she stared at my mate.

"Alpha Damien, what would you like for breakfast?" she asked. He smirked at her and replied, " I would like you to bring out whatever Amber here would like. I will just have what she orders." I watched the maid's disappointed reaction as she looked over to me.

"What would you like Miss?" she asked in an annoyed tone. What was this bitch's problem? I haven't done anything to her and she is treating me like I just stole her dog.

I stared at her and studied her for a minute before I replied. "First of all I would like you to wipe that annoyed look off your face. I haven't done anything for you to treat me this way. Second of all, the next time you think to make googly eyes at my MATE, it will not end well for you. Lastly, I would like 2 scrambled eggs with American cheese in them, a side of cheesy hash browns and three pieces of bacon. I would like the bacon somewhat crispy, not crunch and not floppy. I will take a glass of orange juice and a glass of water as well." When I finished what I was saying she looked like she was going to cry. She sat there starting at me and then looking over to Damien to see if he was going to say anything to me about how I spoke to her.

"Gretchen, you heard Amber." Damien said with a smirk on his face. She immediately made her way out of the dining hall quickly. Damien turned his face to me, "Jealous my little kitten?" he asked.

I took in a deep breath and through gritted teeth replied, "she didn't need to have an attitude with me. I understand by looking at her uniform she was probably a former play toy of yours, but I suggest you change the slutty uniform if you want her to stay breathing."

This earned a chuckle from Damien. "And what would you do kitten? She is wolf just like I am, and you do not have the strength to do anything to her."

"Excuse me?!" I raised my voice to him. "I will pretend like I didn't just hear you say that to me. I don't give a shit if I don't have a wolf. There are many other ways to kill someone, especially a wolf. Just because I wasn't blessed with a wolf does not mean that I do not know what to use and how to kill a wolf." Damien was up out of his seat in the blink of an eye and he had me up out of mine. He held both of my arms and put his face right up to mine, "Is that you making a threat to me?" he asked.

I took in a deep breath to try to calm myself. "No Damien, that is not a threat. I was simply informing you. You sought me out so I don't understand why you care about your little maid so much. Tell me..." I started as I shook his hands off of my harms, "how many times did you fuck you little toy?"

His face turned bright red and I could see the vein in his forehead start to throb. He got up real close to my face so that our noses were almost touching, "For your information, I never fucked the maid. That would be below me." He answered as he took a step back and walked back to his seat.

I laughed as I took my seat again as well. "Then why do you have her dressing like she is a little sex doll? And why does she make googly eyes at you?" I asked incredulously.

"Because kitten, just because I don't touch, doesn't mean that I don't like to look. I am a man and I do like to admire." He said matter-of-factly.

I looked at him dumbfounded. I mean was his head so thick that he did not understand how this would make me feel? I couldn't take this conversation anymore, and suddenly I had no desire to be around this man. "I am going back to my room in the cellar. Please have someone OTHER than the maid bring my breakfast down to me." I stated.

"You will do no such thing. You will sit your ass back down and eat your breakfast with me." He rebutted.

Seriously?!? What am I? A Child?

I walked over to his seat and leaned down so that my face was in his. "Listen Damien, I don't know who exactly you think I am, but I don't take orders. I am not some little airhead slutbag that will do and say what you please. Before last night I was a virgin. Do you want to know why? Because I have respect for my body and myself. Do you know why I never got along with my mom and her boyfriend? Because they never respected me and all they did was beat and degrade me every chance they got. I am not and will not trade one shitty situation for another. So I do suggest that if you would like me to continue staying here, if you would like me to provide you with an heir, and if you would like to have a lasting loving relationship you change your attitude really fucking quick. You may think I don't know what it means to be mated to an Alpha, but I know EXACTLY what it means. By you marking me last night, I am your LUNA and that being said, I am your equal whether you like it or not. So you can take your shitty attitude and shove it up your ass. When you feel like being a decent human being and a decent mate you can find me in my room." And with that said I turned on my heels and walked out of the dining hall. As I made my way out and stepped into the hallway I walked directly into the maid.

"Watch where you are going!" She yelled at me.

I grabbed her wrist and dug my nails into it while looking directly at her. "Listen Gretchen, I don't know what your fucking problem is...oh wait I actually do, but here is the deal. Keep your greasy fucking paws off of Damien. Stay away from him or I will make you regret it. Also, I am now your Luna, so I suggest that if you would like to keep enjoying your life, you learn how to show me some respect."

She glared at me, "you will never be my Luna!" she yelled.

I slapped her. Hard. "I already am." I responded and then turned and made my way to the cellar steps. I walked down the stairs and made my way to the same room Jeremy led me to downstairs. Once inside I locked the door. I took off my shoes and decided I would lie down until my breakfast arrived. I quickly drifted off to sleep though as my body was exhausted. 

***Author's Note***

Hey guys! Please like and comment on my story. I would love to know opinions, likes, dislikes. This is the first story I am writing and could use any help I can get! Thanks!