Not a Coward


"What do you mean Hunters?" I whispered in disbelief. Staring at the screens I watched as these men endlessly roamed the castle. They were going in and out of each room as though they were looking for something, tearing each room apart. "What are they looking for?" I questioned.

My father rubbed his hand down along his face, closing his eyes. When he opened them there was a look of fear that consumed him. "They are looking for us." He answered. "Once upon a time, they used to just hunt any werewolf. Now it seems they are working with someone and their main goal is to find any royals they can."

I watched as they continued tearing apart so many rooms, I felt like I was going to be sick. How can people be made this way? Why was there so much hate in this world? Hunting down just one group of people because there is something different about them. It all just felt so barbaric, like living in the neo-Nazi era.

I watched as a group of Hunter's entered the kitchen area where the kitchen Staff was currently huddled together hiding behind the counters. The head Hunter's mouth was moving, but obviously I could not tell what was being said. I just could see the kitchen staff freeze, seeming to hold their breath to be undetected. One of the other Hunters made his way around the counter and found the group of employees and all hell went loose.

Employees were screaming and crying, trying to scramble out of the area as the rest of the Hunters came further into the kitchen. I saw one of the younger female workers, seeming to be about 20 with long blonde hair make a run for the doorway when she was pulled back by her hair by the head Hunter. He brought his face to hers and started whispering into her ear as he brought his gun up to the bottom of her chin. She was shaking in fear, I would assume pleading for her life as words were pouring out of her mouth, but still I could not hear. I watched as the Hunter put his gun in his holster and gripped the girl by both of her arms. Walking to the counter he pinned her against the counter and started speaking to her again. She started to shake her head vigorously as he moved one of his hands to grope her breast as he continued to talk into her ear. I kept on watching in disbelief, the image getting cloudy because of the tears that were threatening to spill. I felt nauseous and dizzy all at once. Clearing my eyes of the tears I looked again to see him wrap his hand around her neck and shout orders at her. She shook her head no and it seemed to enrage the man even further.

"We have to do something!" I shouted. "We can't just stay in here and watch this all happen!" My heart was breaking as I looked around to everyone in the room with their eyes downcast, all except for Damien. I saw a look of worry flutter across his face. "We CANNOT just sit here and watch them terrorize out people!" I ran over to my father and grabbed his hands. "Father Please! Please tell me we are not going to sit in here safe while our people are being terrorized and murdered!" I begged him.

My father looked at me with pleading eyes. "We have to my Rose. I cannot let anything happen to you. I just got you back." He whispered. Seemingly defeated.

I threw his hands out of my touch. Anger was coursing through my veins. Making my over to the door, Todd stepped in my way. I looked at him with fury blazing in my eyes, disgust written all over my face. "I will NOT sit here while MY people are being terrorized, murdered, and raped. I am not and will never be a coward like all of you!" I screamed.

Damien came over to me and grabbed my arm. "Amber please," he looked at me with pleading eyes. "We will figure out a way to fix all of this, but you putting yourself in danger is not the way."

I shook my arm out of his grasp. Closing my eyes for a second to try to compose myself. Resting my hand on the side of his cheek, I looked up at him with so much love. "Damien, I love you more than life itself. My life is no better than anyone else's, and no one should die to protect me." I turned to face the door.

"How do I get out of this room?" I ask anyone and everyone. There was a dead silence as everyone refused to answer me. I repeated, "How do I get out of this room?" and was only answered by the silence again.

I don't know what came over me but I felt a huge surge of energy course through my veins. The only thought that consumed my mind was getting out of this room and protecting my people. I put my hand on the doorknob, turning it to reveal it locked. I closed my eyes and started pulling and rattling the door. There was no budge. I concentrated on trying to pull the door open, but something in my mind urged me to concentrate on being on the other side of the door. I listened to my mind and just envisioned myself on the other side of the door. As the energy I felt coursing through me seemed to triple, I felt electricity run through me for a split second. When I opened my eyes, I was on the other side of the door!

Holy Shit! Did I just teleport? I was in aw of the fact that I just teleported but reminded myself that I was on a mission, and that mission involved saving my people. I tried to remember how we came into the room and noticed I was not just on the other side of the door, but I was in the hallway where the hidden door up the stairs had been. I looked down each direction of the corridor, trying to sense anyone near me. Choosing to head to my right, I quickly and quietly made my way down the hallway, passing a couple rooms on either side of me, pausing and listening before passing each room.

I was suddenly grateful for the tour that Todd was giving me as I started to pass one of the rooms, which I remembered was where they kept some of their weapons. I made my way into the room, pressing a button on the side of the wooden coffee table in the room, watching it start moving until it was open revealing a Remington 1911 9mm with two mags full. Sliding one mag into the handgun and the other in my pocket, I stealthily made my way out of the room and down the hallway, heading for the kitchen with one thing on my mind. SAVE MY PEOPLE.