
Damien POV

"What the fuck was that? Where the hell did she go and how did she do that?!" I screamed, completely flustered that my mate just vanished in front of my eyes. My heart rate was increasing and I could feel my anxiety getting the better of me.

"That my dear boy, I would assume, is one of my niece's powers. A very convenient power to have." Her uncle answered me. I glared in his direction to study the almost smug smile that graces his face.

I start banging on the door, trying to make it budge from its hinges. "How the fuck do we get out of here?!" I exclaim. "And why the fuck are you smiling like that?" I growl at him.

I stop what I am doing as I hear his laughter. I took quick strides in his direction with the intention of pummeling my fists into his face. Todd quickly stepped in front of him and started shaking his head while wagging his index finger at me, "Ah Ah Ah, no you don't. Back the fuck up Mr. Alpha Cave Man."

I grabbed Todd by his shirt. Bringing his face close to mine I almost spat in his face as I growled out, "I'll show you cave man you annoying fai-"

"ENOUGH!!!" the boom of Amber's fathers command was enough to make me drop Todd to the ground. He pointed a finger to me and lowered his voice as he glared at me, "You will not fight any member of this family that has brought no harm to you or your mate. Get your temper under control boy or I will have to do it for you." Moving his attention over to his brother he quickly shot a glare in his direction. "And yes, brother, Damien has a good question. Why do you have that smug smile on your face and why in the holy hell are you laughing at a time like this?" he questioned seeming to be flabbergasted.

His brother stopped laughing and walked in his direction. He came almost nose-to-nose with the King and started speaking in such a tone that showed complete and utter distaste for the King. "Because brother, King, I have watched you run from everything, trying to keep yourself and family members safe by hiding away whenever there is trouble for years. My niece, that ball of spitfire out there is here for less than a week and she already has more fire in her heart than has ever been in yours. Her Nobility astonishes me as does her sense of loyalty to a people she doesn't even know and hasn't ruled a day in her life." He takes a deep breath and smiles. "She sees her people in danger and doesn't even think about it, doesn't think twice. She knows that it is her duty to protect them and not the other way around. And just when you think you have one and there is no way for her to get out of this room, she surprises us all in the fact that she doesn't have to train for her powers – they came NATURALLY when she knew what was NEEDED of her. I have never seen a person more fitting for the role of being a leader."

The King shakes his head at his brother. "So you would rather see your niece out there in danger than in here safe?" he exclaims.

I take a look at the screens and see that Amber has armed herself with a gun. She is stealthily walking towards the kitchen area, not being noticed by anyone, yet. "How the fuck do we get out of here?" I ask with desperation in my voice.

"We can't Alpha. My dear brother, your king, has made it so that those doors will not open the entire time that alarm upstairs is going off. No amount of power from either side will make that door open." He answers me shaking my head.

"So we just get to sit here and watch my mate put her life in jeopardy? What the fuck?!" I scream, seeing red as I feel my heart getting ready to explode. We all just look to the screens and stare in horror as we watch the next events happen all too quickly.

Amber made it to the kitchen area without being noticed. Screaming at everyone in the kitchen to stop. She starts screaming words that we can't tell what they are, but it looks to be she is giving the head hunter a piece of her mine. He starts to laugh at her; she quickly takes the gun in her hand and fires a shot at a hunter to her left. He falls and hits the ground, still and unmoving. This makes the headhunter stop laughing. He seems to have become furious.

Amber motions for him to get off of the blonde kitchen girl he had been harassing. He takes a step back with his hands slightly in the air. The headhunter and Amber are exchanging words back and forth and he shakes his head no. This time she turns to her right and shoots another hunter square right between the eyes. He lands on the ground as well. She moves to the next one and shoots him as well, and continues going on until it is just she and the headhunter left. He seems to have become frightened at this point. Who knew that Amber was such a good shot? I certainly didn't!

Amber starts shouting to everyone left in the kitchen, still not knowing what is being said we watch the entire kitchen staff exit the kitchen area quickly. Amber takes slow calculated steps towards the headhunter, aiming her gun at his groin. I watch in disbelief as the man seems to start begging for something and I see the gunshot go off to undoubtedly blow his man-parts to smithereens. He looks like he is agonizing pain, serves him right. Then she points her gun to one of his shoulders and fires again, the man screaming out again. She finally points her gun up underneath his chin and says something right before she pulls the trigger and the man is unrecognizable.

Just as Amber throws the gun down and away from her, I start to shake my head "No no no no! Amber watch out!" I scream as if she can hear me. She never sees it coming as a man walks up behind her and holds the muzzle of a gun to the back of her head. She freezes and doesn't make a move. I watch the screen as the man takes a hold of Amber by the throat. He turns so that his face is looking straight at the camera giving a sadistic smile and a wave before he turns Amber to face the camera as well. She looks so completely frightened, tears streaming down her face. He whispers something in her ear and she turns to look at him, still struggling against his strong grip around her throat. She looks as though she has seen a ghost and then her fear turns into pure rage. Before she could do anything else, the man took the butt of the gun and knocked her out cold.

My growl boomed loudly within the walls of the confines of this safe room. Looking around I screamed to everyone, "We have to get out of here! We have to save Amber!" I look around to see looks of pure shock, terror, and maybe regret? The King's face was as white as a ghost as he stood there with his hand covering his mouth as sobs started wracking his body. He croaked out, "What is Jeb doing here?"

My eyes go even wider knowing that name. That was the same man who almost killed her the night that Jeremy not only picked her up but also saved her life.

"Why are you just sitting there?! Do Something! Anything! We have to go save her!" I was screaming as my heart was breaking and fear was consuming my body. Why didn't Jeremy just kill Jeb? What the fuck did Jeb even want from her? I closed my eyes waiting for the alarms to go off. Preparing myself because the second these alarms stopped going off and I could get out of this room, I am going to find her. I am going to find her and make everyone pay for what they thought they could do to my mate. They will all die, if it is the last thing I do, I will kill them all.