Unanswered Questions

Amber POV

Jeb leaned down and spoke to me. "Amber…I am going to take this gag off of you. If I untie you, you have to promise me you won't kill me. I will lead you to your mother, but after that I will run. I will never bother you again, please just let me live."

I nodded my head in response and as soon as he undid the gag I spit in his face. His face turned red and I could tell he was trying to control his anger; he just looked down and muttered, "Well I deserved that."

My rage was ready to be unleashed. "Untie me now you piece of shit! I will make you pay for what you have done to me!" I screamed. "Ahhhhhh I hate you!"

He brought his face down close to mine but I didn't cower this time. He looked me dead in my eyes and started to speak, "Amber, don't be stupid right now. I know you want to rip me to shreds right now, you have every right, but unless you would like Gretchen to come back here and kill you before I take you to your actual mother, then I suggest you make this easy for the both of us."

"Ugghhhhhh! I hate you!" I groaned.

"Are you going to cooperate if I untie you?" Jeb asked hesitantly.

I shook my head yes because I couldn't bring myself to utter the words. Jeb started to untie my hands and then my feet. Rubbing my wrists to alleviate the pain that was created by pulling on them for so long, I quickly realized that I needed clothes.

"Jeb, where are my clothes? I can't walk around here like this." I watched him walk quickly around the room and he threw my pants at me, followed by a black t-shirt that obviously was not mine. "Jeb this isn't my shirt." I complained.

"I know it's not your shirt Amber, just put it on. It's the only other thing that is in here that you will not swim in. Put that on and I will get the rest of your things." He said as I saw him walk over to a cabinet against the wall. I quickly dressed in the clothes, awaiting the rest of my items.

Jeb walked to me with a pair of boots in his hand, a hair tie, a pair of earrings and my necklace. MY NECKLACE. "Jeb why did you take my necklace off of me?" I asked as I grabbed my necklace from his hand.

"I took it off of you because it seemed to be glowing. It was kind of freaky actually so I just thought it would be better to take it off of you. As soon as I did so, it stopped glowing. Please hurry up Amber, we have to move quickly." He stuttered nervously.

I quickly put my boots on, shoved my earrings into my pocket and looped the necklace around my neck. I had trouble with the clasp so I asked Jeb to help me get it on. As soon as he clasped the necklace and it rested against my skin, it started to glow.

"Ummm Amber…your necklace…it is glowing again." Jeb said in a nervous voice. "Why is it glowing all of a sudden? It never did that before." He questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I never saw it glow before, I'm not sure. It doesn't matter though, lets hurry up and get out of here." I rushed my words as I started walking towards the door.

Just then the door swung open and Gretchen was in the doorway. An evil cackling laugh resonated through the room. "Where do you think you are going?" she asked with her hands on her hips.

I took a step towards her, anger running through me. "Out of this place and away from you, you psycho bitch!" I gritted out.

Gretchen reached out and backhanded me across the face causing blood to pool in my mouth. Spitting the blood from my mouth I balled my fists and grabbed her by her hair, yanking hard. "You wanna go bitch?" I yelled in her face.

She instantly started morphing into the spitting image of my mother. Laughing crazily, "Now is that any way to speak to your mother?" she cackled. I let go of her in disbelief.

"What the hell are you?" I asked in utter disbelief. I mean she had morphed before in front of my eyes, but I still couldn't believe that this was real.

"Oh me?" she put her hand on her chest feigning innocence. "Why what would be the fun in telling you? We'll just leave that to your imagination you little tramp." She stepped back pulling a silver blade from her hip and pointing it at me. "Now Jeb, grab her!" she screamed.

I took a defensive stance, taking a glance behind me in confusion as I saw Jeb start walking towards me seemingly in a trance. I could feel my bones start to crack as I tried to shift into my wolf, but as soon as it started it seemed to end with the clicking of my bones going back into place.

"Aw little Amber here can't shift. Don't worry about that whore, I took the liberty of injecting you with something that prevents that." Gretchen proudly announced. "You wont be shifting for quite sometime you white bitch." She sneered.

I felt Jeb's hands on my arms, grabbing them hard enough to cause me pain and I winced. "Jeb! Jeb!" I screamed. "Don't do this! You promised me you would help me!"

Gretchen took a few steps towards me putting the silver blade up against my neck. "Oh don't mind him…he can't hear you right now. But I will be sure to give him your message once he comes back." She evilly smirked.

Rage, Anger, confusion, they all shot through me. What the hell was this bitch? How was she controlling Jeb's mind and had she been controlling him this whole time? My necklace started glowing brightly, enough to grab not only my attention but Gretchen's as well.

"Why the hell is your necklace glowing you little tramp and how did you get it back?" she yelled in anger. "Jeb take the fucking necklace!" she screamed.

As Jeb removed his hands from my arms, I kicked Gretchen hard, taking her by surprise and flinging her across the room. It seemed to momentarily take Jeb out of his trance as I turned to him.

"I don't know if this will work, but Jeb I need you to think of where my mother is." I whispered to him as I grabbed his hands. I closed my eyes and concentrated on going where Jeb was envisioning, willing us both to end up where he was thinking of, and in the blink of an eye we were transported to another room, seeming to be some sort of dungeon.

Instantly I was engulfed in the smell of honeysuckle. It smelled like home, but I hadn't smelled it in years. Nervously looking around the room I came face to face with my mother. She looked between Jeb and I in utter disbelief, tears filling her eyes.

I took in her frail body, her dull blonde hair and tired eyes. She looked like my mother, but a different version of her. I stared back at her confused.

"Amber?" she whispered quietly, if I wasn't a werewolf I wouldn't have heard her.

"Mom?" I questioned as I let go of Jeb's arms and walked towards her. "Is that really you?"