
Damien POV

I can't believe Jeb took her! I had never before felt this complete sense of dread, of… of fear. As soon as the alarms stopped chiming, just like everyone said, the panic room doors were unlocked and I was out of there in the blink of an eye. I didn't know where I was going; all I knew was that I needed to find her.

I made my way to the kitchen area, where Amber was last seen. The floor was littered with the bodies of the men that my mate shot. Who knew she would be such a good shot? To say I was proud was the least that could be said a bout it.

"Damien you need to stop and think!" Todd called out to me from behind. I froze in my steps, anger consuming me. I turned quickly and grabbed him by his shirt, lifting him off the ground.

"Who says I am not thinking? What do you know about what is running through my head right now? And who are you to tell me what to do?" I was seething mad right now. No one was going to tell me how to act or what to do. My mate's life was at stake here, and I was going to do whatever I had to do to get her back in one piece.

"He is her cousin! Now put my son down before you regret every laying your hands on him!" Adam ordered. Turning to look at him, he didn't have his playful demeanor right now. His eyes were cold and fixated on me, a stone-face hiding whatever emotions behind it.

I quickly dropped poor little Todd to the ground and turned in Adam's direction. Studying him intently to try to figure out why all of a sudden his personality changed so much.

"Todd is right, this is not the time to just act. You must think every action through thoroughly. Amber's life is at stake, I understand that your first instinct is to kill to protect her, but you must know that this is a more complex situation than her just being kidnapped by some lone rogue. This seems to be planned out, which means there are multiple persons involved. Call your pack Alpha, we will need all the help that we can get ensuring that Amber make it home safe." Adam didn't skip a beat giving orders.

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I dialed Jeremy's number and started the call. One Ring…Two rings…"Hello Alpha." He answered.

"Jeremy, I need you to round up as many men as you can, the best fighters and the best strategists. I need you all here as soon as possible." I started ordering.

Adam cut in right then, "No, you cannot take all your best away from your territory. Leave a few behind, enough so that if something happens, your territory will still be protected."

"Alpha what do you want me to do?" Jeremy questioned.

I paused for a moment thinking about Adam's words. His words made sense, but everything in me wanted all my best to help bring Amber home. I looked at Adam. "Why?"

Adam let out a sigh. I could tell that he was becoming frustrated with me. "Because, there is something that feels off about this situation. Call it a hunch, but I think you still need to have forces in your territory to keep it safe. Bringing Amber home is our number one priority yes, but you both also need a safe place to call home once she comes home." Adam explained.

"Jeremy, bring half of the best fighters, and most of the best strategist here with you as quickly as possible. We don't have any time to spare. Also, do not mention a word of this to anyone. I do mean anyone. We don't know who or how, but there has to be someone that knows of our whereabouts, and that only means one thing."

Jeremy finishing my statement then cut me off. "A mole."

"Yes, a mole. Has there been anyone that has been asking questions about Amber or myself recently. Anyone that seems a little bit off?" I couldn't comprehend that there was a mole in my territory, but it was the only explanation I could come up with. No one knew that Amber and I were here at the Elder's castle, except for people in my territory. Obviously since Jeb took Amber, that was the intention all along.

"There really hasn't been anyone that has asked a lot of questions. I mean besides that skank of a maid that is." Jeremy sounded utterly disgusted at the mention of Gretchen.

"What do you mean Gretchen? What was she asking?" I immediately became irritated. Yes Gretchen had been a fine piece of ass to watch, but a soon as Amber came and put me in my place, I no longer found a want or need to watch her.

"Nothing really Alpha. I mean everyone knows that Gretchen has a thing for you. She always has. She tried making a move on me, and I didn't let her down so easy," he chuckled. "Anyways, when I let her down her whole demeanor changed and she literally said that it was fine, she didn't want anyone like me since she had her sights set much higher…on you."

There was a long pause as I processed this information. I mean I knew that she had the hots for me; most unmated females always have the hots for the alpha of the pack, but to actually sit there and say that she had her sights on me. AFTER she knew that I found my mate? There was something off about that, I mean it could just be her being a slutty bitch, but it also could mean a plethora of other things. "Jeremy, don't mention where you and the others are going when you leave. Also, have Gianna keep surveillance on Gretchen from afar. We don't want her finding out that she is being watched, but I need to know if she is involved in whatever this is." I ordered.

"On it Alpha." He replied and I heard the line click as he hung up. Putting my phone back in my pocket I looked to Adam and Todd.

"Three hours and my team will be here. Until then we need to find as much information as we can." They both nodded their heads in acknowledgement. I started making my way through the kitchen as they followed me.

I heard Adam shout orders to get all the kitchen employees to meet us in the kitchen. As we were speaking there had been people in here cleaning up the dead bodies already. As I turned around to make my way out of the kitchen I was met with a pair of piercing blue eyes. It was the woman from the kitchen incident we all were forced to watch and do nothing, except for Amber. Not my incredibly gorgeous, completely infuriating, big-hearted mate.

The girl made her way to me, putting her hand on my arm and staring at me intently with those piercing blue eyes. "I'm sorry Alpha." She timidly said as she looked down at her feet.

"For what?" I questioned.

"For being the reason the Princess was taken…I…I" the girl was trying so hard not to cry, taking in deep breaths but I could see the tear drops landing at her feet.

I took my hand and lifted her head up by her chin, so that her eyes could meet mine. "Do NOT blame yourself. Whether it was you or someone else in trouble, I know my mate and she would have done the same thing. I am just incredibly proud of the person that my mate is, and so happy that she stopped what was happening to you in time. What happened is not your fault and never will be, so don't believe that for one second." I told her. My how Amber has changed me in such a short while. I was never one to console anyone or try to make them feel better, but it is as if Amber tapped into the human part of me, the part with a heart.

"Thank you Alpha. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you to help." She offered, looking at the ground again.

Adam stepped closer to us, his hard gaze on the girl. "Actually Cassandra, you can begin by telling us what the man was saying to you."

"Sir, he was ordering that I tell him where you were hidden."

"There was nothing else that was said?" he asked incredulously.

Cassandra sighed. She started picking her nails, studying them like they were the most interesting things in the world. "When I told him I wouldn't tell him, he became irate. He told me he was giving me one more chance; that he wanted to know where the Princess was. When I refused to tell him, he told me that he was going to teach me a lesson and started forcing himself upon me."

"Those were his exact words? He called her the Princess?" he questioned, clearly thinking hard.

Cassandra cleared her throat and looked up to the ceiling in thought. "Well no…He asked where Amber was. I just don't feel right not calling her Princess sir." She answered timidly.

He sucked in a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Was there anything else that was said that could help us finding her?"

"I…I…don't know sir. When we all made our way out of the kitchen following Amber's orders, we ran for our lives. We had no idea if there were more hunters in the house. I did hear a male talking to a female though. It wasn't the Princess's voice, but another female I have never heard before." She answered.

All three of us were now staring at her intently. Todd was the one who jumped in this time, anger obvious in his eyes. "What was said?" he yelled.

Cassandra started crying, trying to take deep breaths to calm herself so that she could speak. "She…she…said…to take Amber…to the the safe house…" she paused catching her breath and then continued. "She…said…that Amber… was in for…one hell…of…. Of a surprise."