Secrets Secrets Are No Fun

All four of us stood in a circle; I laced my fingers through Damien's to my left and through Todd's to my right, leaving my uncle in between Todd and Damien. Taking a deep breath to clear my mind and calm my racing heart, I started to think about my mother. Her scent of honeysuckle suddenly overwhelmed me and there was a bright glow coming from my necklace. Everyone seemed to stare at my necklace in confusion except for my uncle. His face lit up like a Christmas tree. He knew something, but I didn't have time to dwell on it and ask questions. I closed my eyes and felt a rush of air against my face. Tightening my grip on the hands I was holding, I sucked in a deep breath as I felt the burst of energy run through me.

When I opened my eyes all four of us were in the middle of a bright white room. Everything in this room was white, the walls, the floor, the furniture consisting of a white couch and two white sitting chairs. I looked over to the corner of the room where there was a white rocking chair where my mother sat with her mouth gagged and her hands tied in front of her. The echo of a pair of clapping hands rang out throughout the room and immediately all four of us were in our defensive stances.

The clapping was slow, loud and dramatic. "Well done!" a deep voice rang out through the room. I whipped my head around fast in the direction of the voice to see who it was. It was a not a voice I was familiar with at all. And my heart sank with realization. I was staring into a pair of deep dark emerald eyes, a shade darker than those of the ones I loved so much. The man's hair at one time must have been jet black, but as he stood in front of me he was aged with salt and pepper hair. His skin was tanned just as Damien's was, with a similar build to Damien. For all intensive purposes, anyone who knew Damien and looked at this man could surmise that this was his father.

"You Bastard!" Damien let out a howl. It was filled with so much anger and pain; I looked to Damien and could see the hurt that flashed across his face.

"Now is not the time son." David uttered simply. He was unbothered by his son's emotions fixing his eyes back on me. "You know, you are just as beautiful as your mother. Such a shame you are mated with my son." He tisked.

Todd stepped in front of me. "You bastard! You will stay away from my cousin. What the fuck is wrong with you?!" he bellowed.

An evil smirk turned into a wicked grin within seconds. David started chuckling to himself. Taking a step closer to us he pointed at Todd. "You my boy have always had a flare for the dramatics. No harm will come to Amber as long as she listens to everything I say." He paused for a moment. "Amber, you will do as I say correct?"

I took in a deep breath. What the hell did he mean do as he says? I don't just do what anyone says, I never have and never will. I do what is right. Damien stepped closer to me and I stopped him with my hand. I looked David in the eyes and glared at him. I stepped towards David. "Do as you say? Do as you say? What the hell? Are you my father? Are you my master? Absolutely Not! I do what I want, what I feel is the right thing always. Not you or an entire army can change that about me!" I stood tall in my conviction. All a person has in this world is their honor, their word, and their respect. I would die before I lost all those things.

David took a step closer to me. His eyes were fixed on mine and his smile had turned into a thin line. "You little bitch!" he seethed as he took another step closer to me. In an instant there was a gush of wind from behind me and I saw David being tackled. By Damien.

Damien had David on the ground, punching him square in the jaw there was a loud cracking noise. David pushed his hands out and grabbed Damien's throat, squeezing tight as Damien continued to throw punches but they were sloppy now and turning sluggish.

"No let him go!" I screamed. David just got a huge grin on his face. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" I screamed. My uncle came up next to me and handed me a bracelet. I turned to him. "Now is not the time for gifts Uncle!" I whispered exasperated.

My uncle turned his yes to me quickly, and very lowly he whispered to me, "It's not a gift. It is yours. Hold it and just let the power flow through you. You will know what to do."

I listened to him. I gripped the bracelet tightly and closed my eyes, feeling so much power, knowledge, and energy run through me. Flashes of images ran through my mind and I suddenly realized what I had to do. Mumbling some words under my breath, with a flick of my wrist David was torn off of Damien and sent hurling to the other side of the room and into the wall.

I ran to Damien, throwing my arms around him as he fought to suck in air. Gasping he looked at me wide eyed. "How did you do that?" he asked in shock.

I looked at him in puzzlement. I had no idea how I did it, I just knew exactly what to do once I focused on the bracelet. "I don't...I don't know." I whispered to him.

"Bravo! Bravo! You little witch!" David cheered evilly as he peeled himself off the wall. Damien pulled me to him protectively as my uncle and Todd came over, shielding me from David. David started laughing like a maniac. "Son, why don't you ask your mate how it was that she was able to get me off of you? Why don't you ask her what she really is?"

"I don't care what she really is! I love HER, not WHAT she is!" Damien screamed at his father. "Nothing you can say or do will ever tear Amber and I apart." He spoke with conviction.

My Uncle stepped in front of all of us towards David. "David, why don't you just shut your mouth and go back to wherever it is you have been hiding all these years? Leave my family alone!" he boomed.

David swiped his hands through his hair; crazily he started pulling his hair until he looked like Jim Carey from 'Liar Liar'. "Leave your family alone? Hiding? Are you listing to yourself Adam? You know I can't do that!"

"You CAN and you WILL!" he boomed.

I was utterly confused at his point, and I looked to Damien and Todd to see what their reactions were. They looked just as confused as I was. I stepped away from my uncle, Damien and Todd doing the same.

Looking between both of them I took in a deep breath. "Alright, what the hell is going on?" pointing to David I asked, "What are you talking about what I really am? What problem do you have with me and what the hell do you want with me?:" and then looking over and pointing to my uncle I questioned, " What do you know Uncle? What are you hiding? Why do you always know so much and always just give me just enough information that I need but obviously not everything? Who is David to you? How do you know him and what the hell do you mean go back to hiding? And how did you know this bracelet would help me?!" I was screaming by the end of my delivery and so extremely overwhelmed.

Todd stepped up next to me grabbing a hold of my hand. He looked at his Dad with a venomous glare. "Start talking NOW old man."