What The?

"Start talking NOW old man."

We all looked between my uncle and Damien's father. My heart was thundering in my chest. What could possibly be this big secret? How did I do what I did when my uncle gave me the bracelet?

David walked towards my mother, walking around her so that he was standing behind her. He leaned forward and whispered something in her ear that made her eyes go wide and she started shaking her head furiously. Trying to yell something but none of us could make out what she was saying because of the gag. Kissing my mothers cheek softly, David pulled up a chair next to her rocker. "I do believe it is story time little ones!" he yelled as if he were a kindergarten teacher getting ready to tell a story. The excitement in his eyes was vivid.

My uncle stepped to the front of us, in between David and the rest of us. "Now David, I really do not believe that story time is necessary. If you would please just let us be on our way with Natasha we would greatly appreciate it." My uncle seemed so nervous, so out of sorts it was starting to make me nervous.

David leaped out of his chair in the blink of an eye and made his way towards Uncle Adam. Grabbing Uncle Adam by the collar of his shirt he brought him so they were nose to nose. "Adam, I've waited long enough for this story time, and it is going to happen. Now you can sit here willingly and listen or I will remove you." He sneered. Adam sunk his head in submission, but I was seething mad at the fact that David had just threatened my Uncle. I don't care how mad I was at my uncle currently, no one and I do mean no one will ever insult my family in front of me. I gripped onto the bracelet that was gifted to me earlier and with a flick of my wrist, David was launched through the air back into the chair he was previously sitting in.

I took a step forward towards David and smiled. "David, David, David. I did hope that we were going to be such great in-laws." I said making a pouty face. "I mean you are the father of my mate, the previous Alpha, and for someone to produce such a well-mannered son I would have thought you an angel." I said acting in mock shock. Putting my finger up to my lips like I was in deep thought I let out a gasp feigning shock. "Oh that's right!" I gasped. "Your son is the most feared Alpha in all of the US. Looks like Daddy Dearest isn't such a great father after all!"

David must not have liked that statement because as soon as the words were out of my mouth he leapt out of his chair trying to make his way to me. This time there was no fear that consumed me, I took my wrist with the bracelet on it, flicked it towards David and he went flying back into the wall. "David, I would not try that again if I were you. Now we will sit here for this little story time of yours, but that is simply because I am curious to know what you know and I believe that you are the only person that is going to tell me what I need to know." I walked over to my mother. Pointing to her hands I said calmly, "Now untie her hands and remove the gag. You are no longer calling the shots David, I am. Once you are done freeing my mother, go ahead and sit back in the chair. I will be moving us all to be seated across from you." And with that being said, I waived my hand around in the air, moving the furniture so that the couch was next to one of the sitting chairs, along with the rocker on the other side, and the chair that David was sitting in was directly across from us.

My mother remained seated in the rocker, Uncle Adam made his way to the sitting chair, Todd took his seat on the couch closest to his father, and Damien just stood there in shock. I walked over to Damien and put my hands around him, bringing him in for a hug. When I pulled back and looked into his eyes I saw a mixture of confusion, love, anger, sadness, and a plethora of other emotions. Putting my hands up to his face I whispered to him, "Damien are you OK?"

He took his hands and put them on mine still cradling his face. Looking directly in my eyes he gave a soft smile. "I'm Ok. I might be in shock a little, but baby you amaze me. You are so fucking amazing." He said as he crashed his lips down on mine in a very hunger-filled passionate kiss. I kissed him back with the same fervor, trying to pour my love into it.

Todd clearing his throat cut the moment short. "Um hello you two. I mean I know we are in a very live or die situation and sometimes that makes people make some reckless decisions, but could you please save your kissy-feely time for somewhere that is NOT HERE!" he wined.

I giggled at his immaturity, although the sentiment was pretty much on point. I laced my fingers through Damien's and led him over to the other side of the couch. I tried sitting next to him but in one swift move he pulled me onto his lap and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I adjusted myself so that I was sitting sideways on Damien's lap so that I was more comfortable, resting my feet on the side Todd's leg. He looked over at me and giggled, "You are so lucky I don't have a problem with feet!"

"Ok now that you are all ready, I would really like to get on with this instead of watching all of your immaturity." David said as he rolled his eyes. He looked over to my mother with a look of utter seriousness. "Now Natasha, would you like to do the honors of starting the story out or would you like me to just tell them everything?" he asked her.

All heads whipped towards my mother quickly, waiting for her response. She sat there frozen, not uttering a single word. Her eyes were as big as saucers as she seemed like she was going to pass out.

"Natasha, I am going to give you one more chance. Would you like to start this off or am I going to have to do it all?" David boomed.

Just then, the door slammed open. "How about I do it for her?" a high-pitched voice rang. "After all, isn't that what sisters are for?"…