***Not a chapter, just a message***

Hey Everyone! There will be no update posted today, I am working on the next chapter however I don't want to rush it. Everything needs to come together perfectly and if I rush it, I will be ruining it. I also am helping out a neighbor for the next couple of days watching her child due to unfortunate life circumstances for her, so I will have an extra child for a few days and my house will be a little more hectic. Please, if you don't have anything nice to say, please don't say it at all. I love writing, and I love receiving feedback from all of you, but I do not appreciate the nasty comments or messages that are left when updates are not made quickly enough. I understand the frustration, I have books that I am reading where the author hasn't updated for over 6 months, it's frustrating but that author has their own life just as I do. I don't hate, I don't judge. If anything I send a message asking if they are OK and letting them know if they need someone to talk to, I will always listen.

I came across a word years ago that has become my absolute favorite word. The word is "Sonder". What does it mean? The definition is, "the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own." This is a word I remind myself of everyday, hence the username. Everyone always needs to remember that everyone has their own lives, and while you may not see what goes on in someone else's life, it is just as complex as your own. Rant over, Sorry everyone! XOXO

If you would like to send me a message you can email me at swift.sonder@gmail.com