Storytime Part I

Just then, the door slammed open. "How about I do it for her?" a high-pitched voice rang. "After all, isn't that what sisters are for?"

I looked over at the door to see none other than Gretchen. Damien squeezed me tighter and Todd grabbed a hold of my foot giving it a soft squeeze. I didn't dare to look at anyone else's face knowing that they all showed exactly the emotions I was feeling. Anger surged through me as well as a bit of confusion and disgust. Suddenly I had a real urge to look at my uncle, to see his reaction. Just as I had assumed, he had no shock showing on his face. It was a blank slate, as if he was trying to put on a poker face not giving any emotions away.

"Oh well isn't this just a perfect little family get together? It does look very cozy! Hello big sis! How have you been?" Gretchen asked, feigning curiosity. "Oh that's right! You've been here with me!" Gretchen walked towards David giggling to her-self.

"Gretchen will you just sit down! You've already put a damper on this story time!" David snarled in her direction. I was feeling very overwhelmed and disgusted and the moment, surely giving me a very short fuse.

"Hey Slutbag, sit down and shut the fuck up! I have had enough of you to last a lifetime." I spoke with the purest tone of hatred in my voice. Not only had this woman made me temporarily question my worthiness of being Luna to myself, but she also pretended to be my mother for years abusing me both mentally and physically. I looked at her just as she turned to make her way over to me.

"Oh you ungrateful little br-" she started whining but with a flick of my wrist she was shoved back down onto David's lap.

"Sit down and shut up Gretchen. Now obviously there aren't enough seats, but since you and David are such good friends I don't think you will mind sitting on his lap for story time. Now keep your lips sealed. I don't want to hear your annoying voice more than necessary." I ordered.

Gretchen tried to get up off of David's lap but every time she went to make a move I flicked my wrist shoving her back down. Finally she let out a big sigh seeming to have given up, no matter how temporary it was.

I looked over to David and then to my uncle, "Now which one of you would like to begin?" I questioned.

I heard my uncle take a deep intake of breath letting it out slowly. "Amber, dear, this is a very complicated matter that we don't need to-" he started but was quickly interrupted by Damien. Damien's grip on my legs tightened as he spoke in a very low commanding tone. "Adam, you WILL speak the truth NOW. You have left your niece waiting long enough, in fact you should have told her the WHOLE truth from the beginning. Everyone in this room deserves the whole truth and quickly at that. I for one am not a patient man and am losing my patience as the hands on the clock keep ticking. For your sake be happy that I haven't ripped out the throats of all of you. I am trying for the sake of my mate to not be the monster that man across the room created, but I am losing my control more and more every second you all prolong the so called story time. Give us answers NOW!" Damien boomed.

I took one of my hands and placed it on Damien's shoulder, rubbing it gently as he relaxed slightly under my touch. I gave him a thankful look and then turned my eyes over to David and Gretchen. Studying them I could sense that David was extremely uncomfortable with Gretchen sitting on his lap, he seemed almost disgusted.

Gretchen caught my eyes and she smiled. "Oh Damien you always did have such a way with words, it's a shame that my conniving niece had to be your mate." She said in an annoying whiny voice.

I controlled my temper from exploding and took in a slow breath to calm myself before I glared at her. "The only person here who is conniving is you, you piece of shit slut. You can't be my aunt, there is no possible way I could ever be related to you." I spat with venom in my tone.

Gretchen started cackling and she started shifting her form until she was the form of my mother, sitting upon David's lap. David tensed, obviously feeling very uncomfortable.

"Holy Shit Balls of Fire!!" Todd screamed as he jumped up to his feet, making mine fall to the floor. He turned to Damien and me with a look of complete shock. "Did you guys see that? What the hell, she just changed!" Todd kept looking between Damien and I and Gretchen.

"Todd! Sit the hell down now and keep your mouth shut! Will you ever grow up?" Uncle Adam roared.

Todd immediately sat down. He looked so shocked, but he also looked intrigued. I couldn't miss the gleam of mischief in his eyes. The room went quiet for a second until I heard Todd scoff at his father's words. "Grow up? Grow up? Who the hell wants to be a stuffy old bat like you? Gretchen can you turn into anyone you want? I mean like if I asked you to turn into Channing Tatum could you?" he questioned eagerly.

I gently kicked Todd in the shoulder giving him a hard glare. "Todd, she can turn into anyone she wants OK, and now we certainly all know who your weakness would be!"

Todd's face turned tomato red as he put his hands over his face in mortification. "It was just the first name that popped into my head!" he groaned. "I mean doesn't every guy wish that they could be him after watching 'Magic Mike'?"

I could feel Damien start shaking. I turned to look at him and he was chuckling like a little kid. "No guy in his right mind would watch Magic Mike, unless of course they are G-" Damien started to say but Todd quickly cut him off.

"Don't even finish that statement! I am not, I just like to get some pointers." He growled.

"More like a "pointer"" Damien mumbled under his breath while chuckling.

"WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP?! You have to be the most immature, rude, stupid beings I have ever come across in all my life. Damien I already knew you were a disappointment, but how my disappointment has grown seeing all of you together." David's tone was condescending as he made his little outburst.

All of a sudden my mother stood up from her rocking chair. The look of pure rage taking over her features as she glared at David would scare even the Devil. "You will not talk to my child that way, or my future son-in-law." She started.

"What about me?!" Todd whined like a three year old who didn't get his favorite lollypop while the rest of the class did.

My mother quickly added in, "and my nephew. David you once were a good man, the best man I had ever known, I don't know what happened to you. All this time I have blamed myself for what happened, but you aren't the same person that I knew. You are an evil, evil bastard and I cannot even stand to look at you." She took a deep breath, seeming to be trying to control her emotions. Turning her eyes to Gretchen, "And YOU! Shift into anything or anyone else, but do not EVER take my form again! You sicken me. I loved you, you are my own flesh and blood, my baby sister but I don't know what happened to you. I don't know what ever I could have done to you that made you hate me so much; that made you hate my whole family. I look at you now and I can see nothing but an evil repulsive woman." When Gretchen didn't make any move to take another form my mother took a step towards her. "I said shift NOW!" my mother screamed. As she screamed the lights seemed to flicker a little.

I looked over at my uncle, his eyes as wide as saucers. He looked over to me while digging into his pocket. Bringing out a necklace he held it out to me. "Put this on your mother. It is hers." He whispered to me. I looked down at the necklace. It was a simple golden box chain with an intricately designed pendant hanging from it. A large golden ring with the tree of life symbol made of golden wire. Each of the tree branches seemed to be holding a different type of crystal. To say it was beautiful would be an understatement. But one thing was bothering me, why did everything have crystals? My necklace, my bracelet, her necklace…Crystals seemed to be the common theme here.

I walked quickly over to my mother. She gave me a questioning look until I held out her necklace. She smiled from ear to ear as a look of longing and relief washed over her. She turned her back to me, moving her hair to one side. I put the chain around her neck, securing it and stepping away from her.

The room became brighter, and then the lights started flickering a little. I took a couple steps back from my mother and I watched, as it seemed to be an influx of energy was passing into her body. Her skin grew tanner; her hair almost seemed to be glowing. When she turned to look at me, she looked so much more full of life and energy.

"Thank you. I have not had this in over ten years." She said as she turned to look at David and Gretchen again. "Now the real fun begins." She declared.