Hot Memories

Damien POV

I sat there watching my mate lay in the hospital bed looking so weak and broken. It has been two days and she still hasn't woken up. She still looked as beautiful as ever, but completely drained of her life. Her skin was so pale; she looked like a ghost. What I would give to see her open those gorgeous amber eyes again. I moved my chair closer to the hospital bed and took her hands in mine, bringing them to my lips. Placing a gentle kiss on her hands the tears started falling from my eyes. "Amber please." I whispered. "I need you to come back to me baby. You are everything good and pure in my life. I need you. I need to see your beautiful eyes again; I need to feel those delicious lips on mine. Please baby…please! Fight your way back to me; come back to me." I closed my eyes and rested my head on her hands.

She was still asleep, but it gave me some type of comfort to feel the tingles as I was holding her hand, however faint they were right now. I couldn't lose her, my angel, my light. She didn't deserve this, any of this. This woman right here deserved everything good in the world and more. I don't know what the moon goddess was thinking when she made me Amber's mate. What I did know is that I will do everything to keep this woman happy that was in front of me. I would be everything she needed and I never wanted to see her laying in a hospital bed again for any other reason that having my babies.

There was a soft knock on the door followed by light footsteps. "Anything?" Todd's small voice made it's way to my ears. I shook my head gently from side to side, not turning around because I didn't want him to see how utterly broken I was.

I heard his footsteps towards me and then felt his hand gently fall on my shoulder. "She will wake up man. She's the strongest woman I know and she loves you more than life itself."

His words were meant to be comforting, but they were anything but. Sobs started wracking through my body as despair washed over me like a tsunami. Todd pulled me up from my chair and brought me into a tight embrace. "Todd I can't lose her!" I sobbed as I gripped onto his shirt. Tears were streaming down my face and I was finding it hard to breath.

"Take a deep breath. Calm down man. You aren't going to lose her. She will come back to you, to us." He gently spoke while hugging me tighter. "Man you need to be strong right now. She needs you to be strong."

I could feel myself getting weaker, wanting nothing more than the ground to swallow me so that I could just be with her. I wanted to hear her laugh, look into those beautiful amber eyes, kiss those delicious lips of hers. Todd gently pushed me away from his embrace while looking me up and down in disapproval. "Man, you need to take care of yourself. You cannot let yourself fall apart; she wouldn't want that. You need to eat something and get a shower. You want her to wake up to you smelling like a swine house?" he made a small attempt to joke.

I shook my head furiously. "No…No…. I can't leave her. What if she wakes up and I'm not here? I can't do that to her." I refused.

"Damien Lionheart, get your ass in that shower over there. The bathroom is connected to the room; you are going to be what 30ft from her? While you get a shower I will have someone get you food." He ordered.

I sunk my head in defeat. I really didn't want to leave Amber's side, but he was right. She wouldn't want me to be so broken when she woke up. "Fine man, as you say." I said, before bending over to give my mate a kiss on her forehead. "I love you Amber Rose West more than life itself. Come back to me baby."

I made my way towards the bathroom slowly but steadily. Before closing the door, I turned to Todd and asked him to bring me a set of clothes. He quickly agreed and told me to take my time.

Quickly stripping out of my clothes I turned the shower water on before stepping in front of the mirror to wait for the water to heat up. My hair was all disheveled, bags under my eyes were just about black, and I looked like I had two black eyes.

I stepped under the shower water letting the hot water stream down my body. Closing my eyes all I could see was Amber. A few tears escaped as I let the water just fall on my head. I need her to wake up; I need her to be OK. I couldn't remember the last time I was just able to be with her alone without any drama or interruptions going on.

I tried to think of the last time we were together finally remembering that it was right before she got kidnapped. I had her up against a wall in a room when Todd was giving us that tour. She had looked so fucking hot, willing and ready. My thoughts were getting dirtier and dirtier as I felt my dick start coming to life. "Shit." I groaned to myself. It had been so fucking long since I felt her.

Taking my length in my hand I began stroking myself while thinking of Amber. Flashing of her came in my mind like a hurricane. Her perfectly round perky tits bouncing in my face as she rode my cock, my head between those perfectly curvy legs of hers, the sounds of her soft moans while I'm buried between her legs feasting on my favorite meal. My dick was throbbing now, yearning to be inside her. I started pumping myself harder and faster as an image of her face as I make her cum flashed in my mind. Tightening my grip and continuing to pump I flicked my finger over tip imagining it was her tongue while I was fucking her face. How her lips felt around my cock was nothing short of amazing. Another image of her on all fours with me pumping into her from behind with slow deep thrusts as she is screaming out my name. I was getting close, feeling the build up, my breath becoming ragged. "Oh fuck Amber." I whispered as I sped up and continued letting my mind replay all my favorite visions of her. "Fuck…fuck…Amber…Ohhh" and I blew my load all over the shower wall as I replayed the image of her making her "O" face as I am coming balls deep inside her.

I tried to slow my breath as I opened my eyes. What had a just done? My fucking mate was lying in a hospital bed and I had the audacity to beat my meat in the fucking shower next to the room. What in the actual fuck is wrong with me?

I cleaned myself up as quickly as I could and made my way out of the shower drying myself off and wrapping the towel around my waist. Standing in the mirror I brushed my teeth, put on my deodorant and brushed my hair.

I felt a little better in regards to myself but I still had a heavy heart, wishing for nothing more than to have Amber back awake and in my arms.

I opened the bathroom door and walked into the hospital room, with nothing but my towel on my hips. There was no one in the room but Amber and myself so I dropped my towel as I saw fresh clothes laying out on one of the chairs for me. As soon as the towel dropped to the floor, the hospital door swung open revealing Todd and Natasha. "Fuck!" I screamed while I saw Natasha quickly close her eyes and Todd just stood there gawking. "Holy fucking horse cock!" Todd yelled with his eyes bulging out of his sockets. I turned quickly to put my sweatpants on. "What did you stick your dick into a bucket of miracle grow when you were a kid?" Todd asked gob smacked.

I chuckled to myself shaking my head no. Pulling my shirt over my head I looked at Todd and Natasha.

"Any change?" Natasha asked.