Suck it up buttercup

Damien POV

"Any change?" Natasha asked.

I shook my head no as I glanced over to Amber. The feelings of helplessness rushed over me once again as I let out a sigh. I couldn't help but have this looming feeling of dread. The fear of not knowing if she was going to wake up was consuming me. Hesitantly I looked back over at Natasha. "She's going to wake up right?" I asked, not sure if I wanted to hear the answer or not.

Natasha walked over to my side and put her hand on my shoulder. Looking at me with so much care and concern, she shook her head yes. "She is going to wake up Damien. My sister stole a lot of Amber's power the other day. I'm just glad that I stopped her before she could do anymore damage. Part of the problem is I don't know which stone Amber draws her most powerful energy off of. She isn't a match to mine, mine was always amber." She explained.

I looked at her in almost disbelief. Then it almost felt as if a light bulb went off in my head. I looked between Natasha and Todd as I began. "Amber's father knew about Amber being a stone witch didn't he?"

Todd seemed to understand where I was going with this line of questioning because his face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Yes! Damien you are a genius!" he exclaimed. He reached over to me and grabbed my hand to pull me to stand quickly. "We must go at once!" he yelled merrily.

"What are you two talking about?" Natasha hesitantly asked.

Todd was bursting with energy at this new train of thought. "C'mon, we will explain on the way! There is no time to waste!" he rushed. Putting his hand on Natasha's shoulder and guiding her to walk in front of him he continued on with his explanation. "When Uncle Ashton lost you and you took Amber with you, he had more time to look into stone witches. He did a lot of research, and he knew that Amber would one day have to find the stone that gave her the most strength. In preparing for this, he has probably one of the largest crystal/stone collections in the world. The whole castle is filled with them, especially Amber's room. I'm sure if she has a stone, it is there. We must go to the castle and bring some here at once! It could help her heal faster!" he finished excitedly.

Natasha froze mid-stride upon hearing his words. I looked at her questioningly before throwing a glare at her. "Why are you stopping? Do you not want your daughter to wake up?" I growled. Starting to take slow deliberate steps towards her, I continued. "Why would you not want your daughter to wake up? What are you hiding?" I came to stop in front of her, bending slightly so that our eyes were level with one another.

She took a step back from me. Throwing her hands up in defense she quickly started to explain herself. "No Damien it's not what you think. Calm down!" she begged. "I just don't want to see Ashton! I know he is dying to see me, but I don't want to see him! He is not my real mate, what he feels is not real! It was put there by his brother!" tears were starting to pool in her eyes, and I could tell that she was speaking the truth.

The anger leaving me in an instant, I put my arms around her in a hug and a little awkwardly patted her back gently. "I'm sorry, I did not mean to accuse you." I paused looking for the right words to explain as I took a step back from her. "Amber is everything to me, I get a little protective." I tried to shrug it off. I really should not have jumped to conclusions like that; I guess my mind is starting to lose it.

"Well don't we all know that Cave Man." Todd interjected. "She's your weakness and your strength all rolled into one. She needs to wake up fast before you go completely prehistoric and start chomping off heads without talking first. I'm going to start calling you Damisaurus Rex!" he laughed quite irritatingly.

I sent a stone cold glare in his direction and he just continued to chuckle to himself. We all continued to walk and make our way out of the hospital, and just as we reached the hospital doors Todd stopped suddenly. "Hey Natasha," he started. "What did you mean when you said that Uncle Ashton isn't your real mate?" he looked at her like a little kid waiting for the answer to the question of if Santa Claus is real.

Natasha seemed tormented with whether or not to answer this question in truth. I watched her for a couple seconds before I offered, "Natasha, Todd is a grown man, that is once you look past some of his personality traits. He can handle the truth."

Stepping out onto the sidewalk of the hospital, I motioned for them to get into my car that the driver had brought to the doors for us. I made my way to the driver door and motioned for the driver to get out, while mind linking him and telling him to get someone to give him a ride.

"Why are you driving?" Todd asked.

"Well, think about where we are going. The less people there, the better right? Safety precautions are a wonderful thing." I said sarcastically.

"Well you don't always have to be a smartass." Turning to Natasha he stared at her. "Get in the car. Besides the fact that I am still waiting on you to answer my question, your daughter needs you. You have the most knowledge about stones and crystals and which ones may help her heal. You can put all the other bullshit between you and my uncle to the side for now, I think that is a pretty reasonable option considering that you being with us could help save your daughter."