
Amber POV

As soon as I woke up, I knew I needed to go straight to Damien. I quickly gathered myself together and jumped in the shower. Washing myself as quickly as possible, I shut the water off and stepped out of the shower. Thankfully there were already towels stocked in the bathroom, but shit I didn't even think about clothes.

Wrapping my towel around myself I made my way out of the bathroom back into the hospital room, quickly searching for a change of clothes but there were none to be found. Shit what the hell do I do? The answer came to me quickly as I thought of my room back in Damien's castle. In an instant I was standing in the middle of the room breathing in a sigh of relief. I walked to the closet, perusing through all of my clothes until I decided on a pair of black leggings along with a cute white came with black polka dots all over it. Dressing quickly I pulled on a pair of black sneakers and quickly braided my hair to the side. I didn't bother putting makeup on, as I couldn't contain my excitement to go see my mate. Taking a look over myself in the mirror I made sure I looked OK and quickly focused my mind on Damien. Closing my eyes I let myself focus my attention only on him as I felt the energy flow through me.

When I opened my eyes I was standing behind Damien, but couldn't help my attention being drawn from him as I heard my father tell Damien to go with Todd and grab the items they needed so that he could speak with his wife. I could feel the anger radiating off of my father as I witnessed his eyes changing between his amber ones and his wolf's red ones.

Wanting to diffuse the situation quickly, I spoke to my father. "That won't be necessary father. I have all the answers you need." I stated. His eyes snapped to me in an instant, but before he or I could say anything else, I felt two strong arms close in around me. Snapping my eyes to Damien, I didn't even have time to respond before he smashed his lips against mine in a hungry kiss filled with so much love and passion my toes started to curl. I quickly threw my arms around his neck as I jumped into his embrace, wrapping my legs around him. I felt the electricity between us as tingles coursed through my entire body, sending jolt after jolt to my throbbing core as he squeezed my ass in his hands. Just when I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore, he pulled his lips from mine and rested his forehead on mine, staring deep into my eyes as if he could see my soul. "Don't ever… ever do that again my love." He whispered; his words coated in pain.

I knew exactly what he was talking about. He didn't have to say the words, because I could read it all over his face. He had dark circles under his eyes and although it looked as if he had just showered, his hair was everywhere and he looked the most disheveled I had ever seen him. "I will do my best, I promise." I promised him giving him a tender kiss. "I love you Damien."

"And I love you, Amber Rose." He responded giving me a tight hug and nestling his head in the crook of my neck where my mark laid, inhaling a deep breath.

My body was aching for him, but I knew I had to take care of other things before I could spend the time I wanted with my mate. I moved to get out of his grip and stand again, which he reluctantly let me do. Lacing my fingers through his, I held his hand while I turned to my parents. "We all need to talk, now. I suggest we go to the dining hall though, because I am starving." I said.

Turning around I made my way to the front door, my eyes landing on Todd. His eyes were filled with tears with the biggest smile displayed across his face. In a flash he was in front of me, throwing his hands around me and pulling me into a bear hug. "Amber I'm so happy you are OK! I was so worried!" he declared.

I gave Todd a one handed hug, because Damien would not let go of my hand. He let out a low, barely audible warning growl when I tried. "Thanks Todd. I'm happy to see you too." I said to him in all honestly.

Todd released his grip on me and turned to Damien with narrowed eyes. "Caveman, keep the growling to yourself! I know you missed your mate but damn dude, she's my cousin; if there is one person in this world that you don't have to worry about, it would be me." Todd said as he started shaking his head with a look of utter disgust on his face.

I laughed in response to his statement as Damien just rolled his eyes. "Well at least you two are on speaking terms." I laughed as I made my way to the door and opened it. We all made our way to the dining hall, one of the cooks coming out as soon as we sat at the table.

"What can I get for you all?" an older lady with gray hair asked politely as she smiled at all of us.

I looked at her and smiled. "Anything easy, just a bunch of sandwiches if that works."

She nodded her head and made her way back to the kitchen. I looked around the table, looking at everyone around me. Damien was seated to my left, Todd to my right, my father was across the table from me and my mother wasn't sitting down. She had made a point to remain standing at the far end of the table. "Mother sit down." I ordered her, all niceness left out of my tone.

Her eyes quickly snapped to me with a look of disbelief crossing her features. "Are you asking or is that an order? Because it sounded a lot like an order." She snipped.

I stood from my seat and glared at her. "It is an order, now sit the hell down." I snapped back at her as I pointed to the seat in front of her. "I don't care if you sit all the way over there, that actually would probably be better." I added.

She took in a deep sigh, pulling the chair out to take a seat in it. The silence in the room was beginning to grow. Todd's voice cut through the silence like a knife through butter. "Well damn cousin!" he laughed. "I knew you were tough, but ordering your own mother around, that's just badass."

I shook my head at Todd as a small chuckle slipped through my lips. Damien put his hand on my thigh and squeezed lightly, letting me know that he was here to support me no matter what.

My father cleared his throat. "Amber, honey, I am so happy you are alright. Even though I will have to admit, no one told me you were in the hospital, so I didn't even know something was wrong." He glared over at my mother as he finished his explanation.

I took in a deep breath, "I know father, and it's OK. I have a lot to tell all of you. I'm not sure really where to start, but here it goes." I started. "I met Augustus." I said as I looked to my mother to gauge her reaction. As I suspected she instantly went rigid.

"Who is Augustus?" my father asked as he stared at me intently.

"Why don't you ask mother?" I said to him as I raised a brow.

A look of horror crossed her features as she started to shake her head no.

"Natasha, who the hell is Augustus?!" my father bellowed, his eyes glowing bright red.

My mother visibly jumped, with tears forming in her eyes.

"The Rogue Alpha." She whispered.

I scoffed at her response. "What she means to say is, Augustus was the Rogue Alpha, also her sister's father, and also…" I paused, knowing this part would tear at my father. "Your older brother, my uncle."

"What?" everyone around me gasped in unison.