
Amber POV

"What do you mean my older brother?" my father gasped. "I don't have an older brother, I am the oldest. Amber you must be mistaken."

I shook my head no. "Daddy," I started. "I'm telling you. You had an older brother-" I started but he quickly interjected.

"What do you mean had? You just said you met him?" he asked utterly confused.

"Yes, I did meet him. But I met him in limbo. Apparently he has been there since he killed himself years ago. Your father had a son with another woman before he met your mother. She was so furious and jealous that she made your father banish Augustus. He had become the Rogue king, vowing one day to take back his rightful place. But, but then he met mother's mom." I paused turning to look at my mother.

She had tears in her eyes as she looked back over at me. "They were mates. They were so happy together. Natalie was pregnant; she was expecting a baby girl. The only problem was that she didn't know of anything about Augustus being a rogue, let alone the Rogue Alpha. When she found out she broke things off with him, she rejected him refusing to see or speak to him or even see their daughter." I stopped to look at him, seeing the confusion turn to anger.

"How did he die?" he gritted out.

"He killed himself. He couldn't stand the pain anymore, and the regret of not telling her. He was so lost in all of his grief for everything, losing his mate, never seeing his daughter, being shunned by his father and his rightful future." I spoke gently, hoping that it would somehow dampen the hurt for my father, but I knew it wouldn't.

I turned to my mother once again, and raised a brow. "Would you like to tell him how your mother found out, mother?" I asked coldly.

She instantly got up from her chair. Making her way to the door I flicked my wrist and clicked my tongue her. "You are not going to get away that easily mother!" I yelled as the door slammed shut.

"Please don't do this!" she pleaded with me. "I was a child!"

A look of disbelief crossed my father's features. He gasped and clutched his chest. He started shaking his head back and forth. "No, no, no, no. Please tell me you didn't Natasha." My father pleaded with her. "Please tell me you weren't the reason my brother is dead." He begged.

"You didn't even know him!" she screamed. Tears were streaming down her face. "How can you mourn for someone you don't even know?" she continued. "You would have lived the rest of your life never knowing you didn't have a brother, don't sit there and act all high and mighty!"

"Enough!" Todd jumped out of his seat. "Natasha what else are you hiding?" Todd yelled as I saw a few stray tears run down his face as well. "That's all you are is a big book of secrets! What the hell else have you kept from this family?" he asked.

Natasha fell on her knees and started sobbing. "I never wanted to be a part of this family! I never wanted to be here or with any of you! My future was taken from me and I hate you all for it!" she cried harder. "I hate you for taking everything from me!"

"No one took anything from you!" my father interjected.

The door opened, and in walked my Uncle Adam. "I did." He stated regretfully.

"Father, what do you have to do with this?" Todd asked in disbelief. "What the hell is going on? I feel like this is just a merry go round at the circus. The next thing I know a fluffy pink unicorn is going to walk through that door and growl like a lion." Todd put his head in his hands and started to pull at his hair.

Natasha got up from the ground and lunged at Adam. Adam grabbed her wrists and started pushing her towards the table. "Stop this right now Natasha! Stop it!" he yelled at her. His face was becoming red with anger.

"No you Bastard! You took everything from me and expected me to just replace it! Tell them what you did! TELL THEM!" she screamed.

"Alright!" he yelled. "Alright I will tell them, now sit down you hysterical nut case!" He pushed her down into the chair and pushed the chair into the table. Taking a few steps from her, he went and stood next to my father. Looking down at my father he put a hand on his shoulder, meeting his eyes. "I switched mates around." He stated, looking guilty as he looked away from my father.

"You what?!" my father bellowed. My father stood in an instant and punched Uncle Adam square in the nose as I heard a disgusting cracking sound confirming that he had just broken my uncle's nose.

My Uncle's hand's flew to his nose as he took a few steps back. He quickly snapped his nose back into place and looked around at everyone. "I am sorry, I know I deserved that." He stated. "Natasha's real mate is David, Damien's father."

I heard Damien take a sharp intake of air as he lowered his head. I could feel the confusion and the hurt radiating off of Damien as I gently laid my hand on his thigh.

Damien I am so sorry. I told him through the mind link.

It's not your fault Amber. It just hurts to hear that my father had something like that taken away from him.

I know, but I promise, everything will get better after today. I let him know as I put my attention back to my Uncle.

"But why?" my father asked in utter disbelief.

"I was younger back then. I didn't know the severity of messing with true mate's. Natasha and David were mates, but he isn't a royal and she was a stone witch. It's against everything that is supposed to be. When Natasha was brought here and I was told the real situation, I knew I had to do something." He paused. "And our father asked me to."

"Why would our grandfather ask you to do something so horrible?" Todd asked.

"Because he held his firm belief that a stone witch and a mere werewolf would take the power from the royals. It was clear to him that we could not allow that match to happen." He ran his hands down his face. "And because… well because Ashton's real mate is and was dead." He hung his head down.

My father let out a sob. Covering his face with his hands, he broke down in tears. I stood up and made my way over to him, wrapping my arms around him in a gentle hug. "Shhhh it's OK Daddy. You didn't know. It's OK." I whispered to him.

"Undo it now!" Todd yelled. "do the right thing and undo it! I can't believe you are my father." He said in disgust.

Uncle Adam started shaking his head. "You don't understand, I can't just undo it. It will have painful effects, and I can't even guarantee everyone would be Ok from it. I would need all three of them here, and they may not make it out alive!" he screamed in frustration.

"I don't care…I want it undone." My father stated emotionless. "I don't want to live the rest of my life loving someone who doesn't love me in return. I would rather die."

"Daddy, don't say that." I whispered as tears started to cloud my vision. "I need you."

He held my face in his hands and made eye contact with me. "My beautiful Amber Rose, you, you are my everything. I love you more than life itself, but I cannot keep living with this heartache. Either I need it removed or I need my time on this earth to end. And if it happens to be my time to go, then at least I have the perfect successor. You will make an incredible Queen one day, and if that day happens to be sooner I will be completely satisfied knowing it is you."

I couldn't help the steady stream of tears that fell from my eyes as I clung onto him. I suddenly felt tingles on both of my arms as Damien came behind me and gently took me from my fathers embrace.

"Shhhh love… it will be OK. Everything is going to be OK." Damien reassured me as he gently stroked my back as he held me in his embrace.

After a long silence came Uncle Adam's words, "OK, I will do it."