
Spending the last few hours with family 2

You didn't even ask who the girl was..

"So you're going to tell me how I am so short of beautiful compared to her? or how I am so noisy and how she's so quite?" which of them?

None! he answered

None? How? you've always said things that pissed me and now you're saying "none" as if it going to make me feel any better.

You take things to heart too easy. I was only teasing..



Why do you tease me?

Well because i uh--um- I um care about you. he chuckled and she laughed.

"You. care. about. me" she huffed, that's new, because the Ronald i know doesn't care about me.

No it's old, don't tell me you live by assumptions, he smiled

What no.. I--

Ronald! I didn't know you would come, Alfred said interrupting them.

Exactly, I thought you were busy with work, Christopher added.

Uncle, father, welcome! he greeted

It's a surprise that you're here, Alfred said.

That's was exactly what ibitein said earlier, Agnes responded.

I see, I'm glad to see you, Alfred said.

Thank you Uncle, he gave a slight bow.

Uh Agnes that reminds me, what about Ayonadu? I haven't seen him seen last night, Alfred asked.

Um I went by his house earlier today but he wasn't there, I guess he should be on his way with Ferdinand, she replied.

It's true, she forgot to mention that to ibitein. Ayonadu was no where to be found.. but where did he go?

Ayonadu lived alone in his mansion, he was eight years old when his parents died, he was left with lots of wealths. Agnes's mother Josephine was the only relatively of his father, so she took him in and gave him all the motherly love, she was not partial. At seventeen he was taken back to his parents mansion. Ayonadu was one of the richest men in the village, for a twenty-two years old boy he was doing exploit. People from different villages came to get business ideas from him.

Ferdinand and Ayonadu were closer compared to Agnes even though they were cousins.

I hope he's fine, she thought to herself.

Hey!! he snapped his fingers and she came back to reality. Are you okay? you seem lost.

I'm- I'm fine, she hurriedly started walking away.

Wait.. I got something to tell you, he said walking backwards in front of her.

Look Ronald, she stopped on her track and so did he, i- don't have time for that now, okay? it almost time for the wedding ceremony, and you should go get ready.

But I j-

Not now Ronald, she murmured. I um-- I have a lot on my mind, now is not the time, she turned and walked towards the stairs.

Agnes didn't want any more distraction, at least not now. Although he was a tempting one..

She stopped and turned around to look at him and she said, we will talk about her later, I promise.. okay? he nodded and she smiled.

Ayonadu had been in his bath after a few hours of retuning from his quest. He was lost in his thoughts.

This world is indeed mysterious, he murmured. I just don't understand! Maybe i saw wrong or maybe I'm just jealous, he chuckled slightly. Suddenly there was a knock on his chamber door.

Master Ayonadu, Ferdinand is here to see you, a maid said.

I will be down in a minute, he responded

Indeed! Ferdinand said as he open the door. How long will it take you to prepare cousin? Are you shy?

You may leave, Ayonadu said to the waiting maids holding his towel.

I don't see any reason why, he chuckled as he got out of the bath naked.

Come on! We don't have all the time, Ferdinand pointed.

You know I'm fashionably late

Fashionably late my foot.

You-- he warned.

Hurry before you miss the chance of seeing ibitein as a single girl for the late time, he said playing with a jingle.

Ayonadu felt a sting of pain in his heart. You really do know how to turn off a person's happy mood, don't you? Ayonadu sighed in disappointment.

It was true after all. He might not see ibitein again for a while at least. He hoped. He exhaled. I thought i saw ibitein's groom to be disappear in thin air yesterday during the festival.

I doubt, Ferdinand waved off what he said.

"Why do you doubt?"

Because there are many different creatures that attend the festival and you might have been tricked by one.

You're saying that i saw i might have likely saw wrong?


Ayonadu nodded in agreement. Seeing the situation was on probability. But Heba said a different thing and it worried him.


I know how you feel.. Sharon sympathize with Abigail. None of us knew it would be like this.. but you have to be strong, I don't want her to see you like this, Sharon said sadly.

I know, Abigail nodded, I will try to be strong. You know when ibitein told us I thought it was one of her silly jokes but then I realized that it has been our fault.. we were pressuring her and now I'm regretting every single time I adviced her to find a suitor, especially one she know nothing about, Abigail cried softly.

Come here Abigail, don't blame yourself for anything. What will ibitein say if she sees you crying and saying these things uh?

You know Agatha had left earlier and ibitein was hurt. please don't hurt her even more, Sharon pleaded.

Oh my.. you're so beautiful, what I'm I saying you a-

You're beautiful as well, ibitein said flaunting her wedding dress.

Stop whining, Agnes rolled her eyes.

It's true okay, ibitein responded

Yeah whatever..

Would you believe if Ronald told you? ibitein asked raising her eyebrows.

What.. no no i- I um- i don't know what you're talking about, she stammered.

Yeah keep pretending..

Okay I will, Agnes responded

Oh.. so you'd like it, ibitein teased

no no I meant i will keep pretending, she pointed.

Okay, I will pretend I didn't hear that either, ibitein chuckled. After a few seconds, ibitein coax her, so you're in love with Ronald?

What? no no.... I refuse to fall for him, Agnes said

Why.. he so cute, she stressed.

I know!

You do?

Come on ibitein stop getting words from me. I thought we were done with this? Agnes rolled her eyes.

Okay fine, ibitein said with a smile.

okay! she exhaled, so I will go check if they're here. Also i forget to mention, I think Ayonadu is missing but I'm not certain, we will have to wait for Ferdinand to return, Agnes said worried.

Wait.. what?

Ibitein was already dressed in her wedding gown looking like a goddess. Hearing that Ayonadu was missing or even if it was not certain she was hurt and tired of everything.

"I shouldn't have told him to leave", i hope he comes at least to see me off, ibitein said sadly.

I hope so too, Agnes responded with a smile.

They're here, Vincent announced and Agnes's heart beat skipped.