
Keeping company 1

Come on Dorathy, hurry up! we are already late and you're still dolling yourself up, Lydia said annoyed.

I'm almost done, Dorathy replied

That's what you told me few minutes ago, now hurry up!! I'm loosing my patience, she furrowed her brow.

Don't devour me okay, let's go

And they rode off in the carriage.

I can't wait to see my Ferdinand, Lydia said.

Hold on! we are almost there, Dorathy said sarcastically.

Is that suppose to make me feel better? you took forever to get ready.

Don't overreact, I'm sorry okay.

Whatever, she sighed.


Two carriages arrived in the mansion and Vincent went to announce their arrival.

Calvin and Bull rode in one carriage while Black rode with the men.

Calvin came out from the luxurious carriage with his head held high like a prince that he was and so did Bull and the other men.

Agnes was walking along the corridor when she heard Vincent announced their arrival to Alfred in the main hall. Fear creeped into her. She raised her head to look at the wall clock and it was strangely 6 o'clock on the dot.

How strange, she muttered under her breath.

Okay go and inform the others, Alfred said and Vincent bowed and went upstairs. On his way he saw Agnes standing on the staircase and he gave her a slight bow and she returned it.

On the other hand, Alfred went outside to welcome his guest.

Greetings! Calvin gave a slight bow.

Greetings! to you um-- Alfred has never met Calvin before so he was confused, after all he wasn't the only person dressed like a groom, although there was a slight difference between him and the other men standing in front of him. Truth to be told, this man was as beautiful as an angel, no wonder ibitein accepted him, Alfred thought.

Oh please forgive my manners, my name is Calvin Jones, "the groom" he introduced. You must be Alfred Clifford, he said.

it was obvious that Alfred was intimidated by Calvin's dark demeanor even his height was intimidating. Calvin saw the agitation in his eyes and he gave an evil smith.

Yes I am, Alfred gave him a steaming look, as if saying you called me by my full name

Please come in, he led them to the mansion.

Agnes who had been standing at the corner of the piler looking at the men quickly ran inside the main hall when she saw them walking in.. she went upstairs to stand between the two staircases to look at them for any strange signs.

How was your journey, Alfred asked.

It was pleasant, considering it the harmattan season, Calvin replied.

That's good, it's the best season to travel, Alfred responded.

Jeffrey! Calvin called Blackgoblin. Of course he wouldn't call him by his name in presence of Alfred or anyone that is human. So to remove any suspicion he changed his name.

Hand the box to my dear father in-law, he said with his usual smirk.

Yes m- he stuttered, my prince, he bowed and handed the box to Alfred.

Oh so he is not only an angel.. he is also a real prince. Unfortunately he was the prince of darkness.

This is just a little gift for my in laws, Calvin said crossing his long legs.

Meanwhile Agnes was still standing at the same spot without realizing she had been spotted.

Is she also your daughter? Jeffrey asked as if he hadn't met her before.

Um to whom are you referring to? Alfred asked

The beautiful girl standing over there, he pointed and Agnes gulped. She cursed herself inwardly, stupid girl! she sighed. She took a deep breath and looked down from where she stood and exhaled.

Alfred called for her to come and she gracefully came down the stairs.

This is Agnes, she is a very close friend of my daughter.. he said with a big smile.

Oh is that so? Black asked obliviously. She's quite beautiful.

Agnes gave the men a skeptical look, checking for any possible sign of ghost in them.

Oh indeed! Alfred nodded and ask her to sit with them while he go call his wife but then she retorted.

No no uncle let me go and call Aunty.. you know I'm a boring girl and I might say stupid things, she smiled nervously.

Of course not, Calvin responded

Come sit we us, he said. with the way he said it, he was not asking but ordering.

What.. no no i--

We're going to be family after all, we should start building a good relationship, he insisted.

Come on don't treat us like strangers, Blackgoblin added more fuel to the already existing fire.

Um no I uh-huh, okay then, she stuttered.

Come on Agnes.. I will go ahead, Alfred said and left Agnes with the god forsaken possible or possibly not ghosts.

Agnes stood there perplexed not knowing what to do.

Sit! Calvin said and she obeyed.

What's your name again? Calvin asked

Ag- Agnes, she stammered. Her skin crawled when that man called Jeffrey came to sit close to her.

You have a beautiful name, he said

Thank you, she responded

Are you engaged to any man?

Not at all, she answered.

On the other hand while Calvin and Agnes were having a discussion Black sat there giving her a look that made her uncomfortable.

How old are you then, Calvin asked

I have 19 years, she responded.

Aren't you late for marriage? Judging it's a law to be married before you have twenty years.

I'm indeed, but i will eventually as soon as ibitien is married, my marriage will follow, she responded with a smile.

Calvin smirked, you're a good friend, he said.

Thank you. Her marriage came early so our plans went down, she added.

I understand, he exhaled, well accept my apologies for disrupting your plans.

Apology accepted, Agnes smiled. He's not as bad as she imagined after all, certainly not a ghost. Thank you, she murmured.

I'm glad we'll be family, he said.

Me too.

Well since you're planning for your marriage you're soon to be groom is a lucky man.

I'm the lucky one, she said shyly.

Calvin chuckled, be that as it may.

Jeffrey gave his master a look saying, "can i play with her for a bit?"

Calvin responded with a look, "yeah go on.. but for a bit".

I'm Jeffrey, he said and she nodded.

You're quite beautiful, he said with an evil grin.

Thank you, she blurted.

May i? He asked for her hand. She hesitated but gave him.

So warm, he said as he touched her hands inappropriately.

I'm not comfortable with your closeness, she said with a frown.

Is that so? is it a crime to admire something as beautiful as you are? He sighed.

Black was also a beautiful man. I mean to the human eyes he was. He had long black hair like his name implied and looked like a finely sculptured statue.

Of course not, Calvin chuckled.

Agnes gave a confused look at Calvin, was he not just so nice a few moments ago? She exhaled.

Especially when she is a curious one, Black added and they laughed.

I am supposed to keep you company and not the other way round, she cleared her throat and removed her hand from him.

But i--

Very well then, Calvin said. Jeffrey let her be, she's our in-law after all.

Yes tell him, she said in her thought. She exhaled, thank you.

Call me Calvin

Okay Calvin, she smiled.

Well to the normal eye "to humans" Calvin was sweet and everything but to the eyes that knows him, he's nothing close to being sweet.

He isn't a ghost after all.