The Heavens Warrior: Chapter Four

— "Huh...? Where am I?"— asked Johny — "And why am I in my normal form? And why am I chained?".

— "You make a lot of questions, that it's actually annoying"— a voice answered.

— "What? Who said that?"— asked Johny, surprised.

— "That doesn't matter right now, what do really matter is the fact that something truly amazing was born".

— "Something truly amazing? What are you talking about?".

— "And there we go again with the lot of questions... Listen, we are in your mind right now-".

— "In my mind...!? But how-".

— "STOP WITH THE F*CKING QUESTIONS ALREADY!"— yelled the voice, seemingly annoyed.

— "Ok, ok, Jesus... You've got an attitude".

— "F*cking hell... What I'm trying to say is that we are in your mind and I'm here to let you know that there's something really big coming soon and we will be a part of it".

— "Something big you said? How big exactly?".

— "Demonically big!".

— [Demonically!? Is he a demon!?] — said Johny in his mind.

— "Bingo, you got it, boy! ...F*cking finally...".

— "Wait, how did you manage to read my mind?".

— "...Do you not realize that I literally told you we are in your MIND?".

— "Oh, yeah, heheh".

— "F*cking hell...".

— "This is bad... How did a demon managed to get into my head!?".

— "Well, to be honest, I didn't enter your head first, I entered your pendulum".

— "What!? How!?".

— "That's an story for another time. Anyways, you should really take a look on what's going on outside".

— "Huh?" — Johny turned and saw the outside of his head, where the sky was painted in red and the city was destroyed. Screams and sirens could be heard. A lot of people were dead everywhere, including One Hand, who seemed to have a hole in his chest. He also saw the he was grabbing Dark Destructor from the neck. "...N-No..." — said Johny, shocked by what he was witnessing — "This can't be...".

— "Oh, but it is, boy! The birth of the new demon is here! HAHAHAHA".

— "No... NOOOOOOOO- AAAAAAAAAH" — Punch Boy woke up and punched the wall right next to him — "Wha- It was just a nightmare...?". He looks at his hands, concerned, but also realizing that he had bandaids in a lot of parts of his body.

— "Well, look who just woke up after sweating cold the entire time" — said someone. Punch Boy looked and noticed a 13-year-old kid with a lab coat and lab glasses standing in front of him — "Man, that wall didn't do anything to you".

— "W-Where am I? Who are you?" — asked Punch Boy, looking around, noticing that he was in some kind of infirmary room.

— "Well, Punch Boy, is it? You are in The Fortress infirmary and I'm your doctor, Dr. Science" — said the kid, whose name was Dr. Science — "Nice to meet you". Dr. Science has brown messy hair and yellow eyes, a little bit irritated, possibly due to his job.

— "The Fortress infirmary? What is The Fortress?".

— "I'm surprised you don't know what The Fortress is. The Fortress is a secret facility hidden in... Somewhere... It is a building for heroes to meet and train with safety".

— "I see... wait, you said you are my doctor...? Aren't you too young to be one?".

— "Yeah, everyone says that, but as I say, don't judge a book by its cover".

— "How did... I get here?".

— "Well, you got yourself into a tough fight, I'll tell you that" — said Dr. Science — "You should be grateful that Mr. Magma got there in time".

— "Mr. Magma was there!?".

— "Yep. He got the news about a new hero appearance in California, guess you are famous now".

— "Wait, what happened to Dark Destructor!?".

— "Dark who?".

— "The guy who started the chaos, please tell me you managed to get him".

— "Well, if you couldn't tell that I didn't know who that was at first then you should know that he was not caught".

— "Oh no, this is bad, I need to go and find him before he makes more disasters like today" — Punch Boy proceeds to stand up, but immediately stops after feeling pain in almost all of his body — "...Ok, I think I should just sit back again"— said Punch Boy with a face of pain.

— "Ah, I see you haven't recieved the second dosis of the healing process, I need to call Stamina for that, gimme a sec, I'll be back" — said Dr. Science as he left the room to look after the one he called Stamina.

— "Second dosis of healing? Stamina? Man, all of this is so weird...".

— "Veo que ya despertaste, Johny (I see you are awake, Johny)" — said the Guardian Angel, who appeared in a blink of an eye.

— "Ah, Ángel Guardian, me alegro de que estés aquí (Ah, Guardian Angel, I'm glad you are here)".

— "¿A qué te refieres? Sabes que siempre estoy a tu lado (What do you mean? You know I'm always by your side)".

— "(Bueno, la cosa es... Acabo de tener un pesadilla horrible donde un demonio hablaba conmigo y al mismo tiempo me enseñó que yo tambien era un demonio. Raro, ¿no lo crees? (Well, the thing is... I just had a really bad nightmare where a demon was talking to me and showing me at the same time that I was also a demon. Weird, don't you think?)".

— "...".

— "¿Pasa algo? (What's the matter?)".

— "No... No fue una pesadilla... Al menos no del todo (It... It was not a nightmare... At least not entirely)".

— "¿...Qué? ¿A qué te refieres con eso? (...What? What do you mean by that?)".

— "Verás...- (You see...-)".

— "Alright, I'm back, hope you didn't miss me-" — said Dr. Science who enetered the room and interrupted what the Angel was telling Punch Boy — "...Why are you looking at that wall?".

— "Oh, um, well, it's hard to explain".

— "...One Hand told me that you might be schizophrenic, but I didn't believe him... until now".

— "I'm not schizophrenic".

— "Suuuuuuure... Imma keep this information for further investigation later..." — said Dr. Science with a low voice — "Anyways, let's get to the point; Punch Boy, I present to you one of our newest members, Stamina!". Dr. Science extends his arm to the right, showcasing the doorframe, with nothing on it apparently.

— "...And I'm the schizophrenic one?" — asked Punch Boy, who seemed confused. Dr. Science realized that there was no one there.

— "Huh, that's weird, she was here a second ago" — said Dr. Science — "Well, she must not be ready to meet a new person yet. Anyways, why don't you have a tour around the place? Who knows, maybe you will like it here".

— "B-But what about my wounds-" — Dr. Science pushed Punch Boy out of the infirmary and slammed the door — "...Ok...? I guess I have no choice then, at least my injuries hurt less now". Punch Boy starts touring around the installations, noticing that the place is really big. "Man, this place is really big". As he walks, he notices a lot of rooms in the hall, probably rooms where they make experiments or investigations. He also notices a training room for soldiers, with two soldiers battling in some of ring. He then encounters the statues of some of the most important heroes of all times. "Wow... The legends that were among us at some point of history... So cool!". Finally, he gets to the Cafeteria area in the right side of the hall. "Hm... I might need some nutrients right now". He enters the cafeteria and gets amazed of the amount of options there are. From fast food to vegetarian food, even pet food.

— "This place has a lot of things, huh?" — said the Guardian Angel.

— "Man, I'm just craving for some pizza, wonder if they have Pizza Party in here" — said Punch Boy. As he keeps looking, he encounters with some people on his way.

— "Hm? Oh, it's you..." — said the person, who turned out to be One Hand, and with a disappointed look on his face — "I thought you were already out of here".

— "Well-" — Punch Boy was about to say something when the other person interrupted him.

— "Heeeeeey, buddy! How's it going?" — said the other person on One Hand's side, who turned out to be Crazy Wand, with a smile on her face — "Ooooooo, that bandana in your face makes you look so heroic!"

— "Um, thanks, heheh..." — said Punch Boy, with an embarassed experession on his face — "So, um, how are you?".

— "Well, thanks to you, I almost lost my f*cking arm" — said One Hand, annoyed.

— "Wait, what? I don't remember that happening" — said Punch Boy, confused.

— "Wait, you don't remember? How is that even possible?" — said One Hand, a bit surprised — "You almost f*cking murder all the police officers that got to the place".

— "What!?!? How!?!?" — asked Punch Boy, shocked.

— "Hey, I think we need to sit down to talk about this" — said Crazy Wand. The three of them looked for a table to sit. When they sat down, Punch Boy was eager to know what really happened.

— "Alright, you see..." — One Hand proceeded to tell Punch Boy all of what happened in the fight. Punch Boy didn't believe at first, or didn't want to believe it, but as One Hand continues to explain, he then remembers of that nightmare he had and how the dots are connected.

— "...No... This can't be..." — said Punch Boy, worried.

— "But it was and you made yourself look like a villain back there, I'm surprised Mr. Magma didn't imprison you at the moment" — said One Hand, with his arms crossed — "Also how in the world are you walking around with those bandages around your body?".

— "Oh, well, I think I got really injured in that battle, but now that you mention it, I don't feel any pain now, weird..." — said Punch Boy, confused — "Anyways, so how did Mr. Magma stopped me?".

— "You see, Mr. Magma did-".

— "Well, well, well, look what we've got here" — said someone, interrupting what One Hand was about to say.

— "Ugh... Not these guys again..." — said One Hand, seemingly frustrated.

— "Oh no..." — said Crazy Wand, worried.

— "So, how have you been, guys?" — said the guy, with a smile — "I see you met a new hero! Hello, I'm Infernus". The guy, whose name is Infernus, made a little reverence at Punch Boy.

— "Hey, I'm Punch Boy" — said Punch Boy, raising his hand.

— "Punch Boy, huh? Nice to meet you. I see you have a lot of bandages around you, must have gotten yourself in a really tough situation". Infernus was a teenager boy of about 16 years old who wore red and black cloat without sleeves over an orange shirt and black pants. He also wore black boots, orange sunglasses and had literal red fire as hair.

— "Yeah, it was, um, really tough" [Hm... Something's off... One Hand and Crazy Wand seem to be uncomfortable by his presence] — said Punch Boy on his mind, with a frown on his face.

— "So, One Hand, have you thought about what I proposed you?" — asked Infernus.

— "..." — One Hand didn't answer, which made Infernus a little bit mad.

— "Oh, so we are playing the cold game, huh?" — said Infernus with a serious expression. Then he proceeds to grab One Hand's hair from behind — "Do you mind if I heat things up?".

— "Argh!" — One Hand groaned with a face of pain.

— "Hey! Leave him!" — said Crazy Wand, who stood up to try and stop Infernus, but someone blocked her — "What the-!?".

— "Not so fast, multicolor freak" — said the person who stopped her, who was a corpulent 17-year-old teenager boy who wore dark brown pants and a light brown jacket over a white shirt. He wore a pair of brown boots and a pair of thorn bracelets in each wrist. He had brown eyes and a hair of literal pointy rock.

— "Ah, Wide Rock, just in time" — said Infernus who refered to the other teenager as Wide Rock — "I assume Aquarium and Wind Trouble are with you as well".

— "Yes, they are just behind me, guarding" — answered Wide Rock. Aquarium was a 16-year-old teenager girl who wore a dark blue jacket over a light blue long sleeve shirt and white shorts a little up her knees. She also wore a pair of blue fingerless gloves and white shoes. She had cyan eyes and her hair was literal water in a ponytail style. And the other one was Wind Trouble, another 16-year-old teenager who wore a white robe with gray shoes and white bracelets on her wrists. She had gray eyes and her hair was literal white hair.

— "Cool, as I was saying..." — Infernus pulls One Hand's hair more.

— "Sh*t!" — mourned One Hand.

— "If you won't accept my offer, then I have no choice but to incinerate this stupid hair of yours" — Infernus turned his shoulder on fire and then it started to spread all over his arm to almost reach his hand, hand he had One Hand's hair.

— "Stop, please!" — begged Crazy Wand, being ignored. The fire was about to reach One Hand's hair until someone grabbed Infernus wrist and stopped the fire.

— "Huh!?" — said Infernus, surprised — "Who dares-". When he turns to see who interrupted him, he realized that it was none other than Punch Boy.

— "Let him go, now".

End of Chapter Four