The Heavens Warrior: Chapter Five

— "Huh, curious" — said Infernus — "I don't remember telling you to interrupt me".

— "I don't want to repeat myself" — said Punch Boy — "Please let him go before anyone gets hurt".

— "Ah, a comedian, I see. I don't have time for your bullsh*t" — Infernus set his whole body on fire, trying to get rid of Punch Boy's hand, but he didn't even flinch — "What!?".

— "Impossible!" — said Wind Trouble, shocked — "No one had ever been able to handle Infernus' flames!".

— "...Who is this guy?" — asked One Hand to himself.

— "You bastard!" — Rock Wide tried to help Infernus, but he got paralyzed by one of Punch Boy's fire bullets. Wind Trouble and Aquarium tried to help too, but were blocked by Crazy Wand, who used her staff to make a rock wall.

— "I'm trying my best to be friendly guys, come on" — said Punch Boy — "Can't we just talk like civilized human beings?".

— "Argh! Get off me, you freak!" — yelled Infernus, desperate.

— "...I guess not" — Punch Boy set his hands on fire, ready for action. This hurt Infernus a little bit.

[What the hell!? His fire is stronger than mine!?] said Infernus on his mind [That's impossible!!!].

Infernus managed to get free from Punch Boy's hand, Wide Rock was able to move again and Wind Trouble and Aquarium managed to break the rock wall.

— "Oh boy, you don't know how f*cked you are now" — said Infernus with a smile on his face — "You are about to face the wrath of The Elements!".

— "I don't want to fight you, guys" — said Punch Boy — "Please just leave them alone".

— "As if I will listen to a nobody with a lame *ss name" — said Infernus.

One Hand and Crazy Wand stood beside Punch Boy, one on each side.

— "What now, new guy?" — asked Crazy Wand with a whisper.

— "I think there's no other choice at this point, guys" — answered Punch Boy with a whisper — "We might have to fight them".

— "Are you out of your mind?" — asked One Hand — "No one has been able to defeat those guys yet. What makes you think we even have an opportunity?".

— "Because we have God on our side" — replied Punch Boy.

— "...We are doomed".

— "Enough talk, time for some *ss whipping" — said Infernus. The Elements charged against Punch Boy and company, to which they reacted the same way.

— "What is the meaning of this!?" — yelled a voice at the young heroes. The Elements stopped immediately after hearing the voice. Punch Boy and company did the same.

— "Aw sh*t...!" — whispered Infernus.

The person who yelled was none other than Mr. Magma himself. A muscular 6'0 feet tall man wearing an all-black tight suit with red horizontal stripes on the arms, legs and waist, malleable steel gloves that bear with the heat of his power. Surrounding his body was a large cape made entirely of lava, but without touching the ground so it doesn't melt. His arms were crossed, leaving his suit at sight of everyone present. An adjustable red mask completes the hero's indumentary, in which a glance of anger could be seen. Orange hair and eyes are his physical characteristics.

— "F-Father, I can explain-" — said Infernus, with fear.

— "Infernus, I am very disappointed at you right now" — interrupted Mr. Magma — "You know very damn well that you and your friends should be an example for everyone in this establishment since you are the future of it".

— "B-But father-!".

— "No buts!" — said Mr. Magma with anger — "And don't interrupt me while I'm talking!".

— "...Sorry, father" — said Infernus, with his head down.

— [Dios... Mr. Magma sí que es aterrador en persona... (Jesus.... Mr. Magma sure is terrifying in person...)] — said Punch Boy on his mind.

— "Now, all of you head directly to the penitentiary room, this act of immaturity will not be let unnoticed" — said Mr. Magma to The Elements, which followed his instructions without discussion. Mr. Magma then pointed to Punch Boy and company — "And you three, to my office, right now. I need to talk to all of you".

— "Oh great, we are f*cked" — said One Hand.

— "Man... And I thought this day couldn't get any worse"— said Crazy Wand. Punch Boy and the Guardian Angel just looked at themselves, intrigued. They followed Mr. Magma towards his office, not before walking through a long hall with a lot of paintings in the walls, most of them being pictures of some of the most important heroic events. When they reached the end of the hall, they encountered two big doors in front of them. An electronic device next to the doors demanded for verification before entering the inside. Mr. Magma put his right hand palm on the hand scanner that appeared out of the wall. He then proceeded to enter a pin of 11 numbers in a panel that also appeared out of the wall. An eye scanner appeared from the roof, scanning both of Mr. Magma's eyes. A larger scanner appeared from the floor, scanning Mr. Magma's height and weight.

— "...Man, they really like security in here, huh?" — said Punch Boy with a whisper.

— "And you have just seen a part of it, you should see how going to the bathroom is a pain in the *ss" — answered One Hand with a whisper. The doors finally oppened after various scanning processes. Once inside, Punch Boy started looking around, being impressed by all the stuff Mr. Magma has around his office.

— "Sit down" — said Mr. Magma as hit sits on his chair. Three chairs appeared from the floor, and Punch Boy and company sat as Mr. Magma told them to — "I'm sure you all know why I brought you here".

— "Um... To point out our great efforts?" — asked Crazy Wand, with a nervous smile.

— "Not the time, Amanda" — whispered One Hand.

— "If by 'great efforts' you mean imprudent and stupid actions, then yes" — said Mr. Magma, sarcastically.

— "Sir, we can explain..." — said One Hand.

— "Oh, I look forward to that explanation" — said Mr. Magma, standing up and raising his voice —"Explain to me why you two decided to go by yourselves to a place that was being destroyed by otherwordly creatures that not even our scientists could tell what they were and how dangerous they were, to the point that you two could have lost your lives".

— "Well, saying it like that makes it harder to explain..." — replied One Hand. Mr. Magma just sighed.

— "I already talked with your carer, Charles Baxter, you two will be expelled from the Fortress".

— "What!?" — yelled One Hand and Crazy Wand.

— "Wait, wait, hold on" — said Punch Boy — "You can't expel them for helping others!".

— "...You" — said Mr. Magma, directing his gaze to Punch Boy — "You don't even know the big trouble you got yourself into. Do you have any idea on how your actions could prejudice our institution? With no hero identification, you are working illegally as a hero".

— "'Working?'" — asked Punch Boy — "Is helping others and fighting villains a job to you? Is that what this world has turned into? Heroes are supposed to help others no matter if they have a dumb identification or not, or are heroes supposed to do nothing if something bad is happening because they don't have a hero ID?".

— "I see you don't comprehend what being a hero is" — said Mr. Magma.

— "No, you are the one who doesn't get it. Being a hero means to do anything to save others. Ranks doesn't matter, money doesn't matter, but lives do, and I'm willing to save all the lives of this world and free them from all the sins that have surrounded humanity since the beginning".

— "...What's your name, kid?" — asked Mr. Magma after being left without words for a few seconds.

— "My name is Punch Boy, the Heavens Warrior, and whether you like my name or not, I'm here to save this world from evil".

— "Hm... You have attitude, kid, I admire that" — said Mr. Magma.

— "Huh!?" — said One Hand and Crazy Wand, atonished.

— "Um, thanks, I guess" — replied Punch Boy.

— "Say, would you like to join our association?" — asked Mr. Magma.

— "HUH!?!?" — said One Hand and Crazy Wand, shocked.

— "Join a place where people are being taught that being a hero is a job? No, thanks" — said Punch Boy, he then stood up and walked towards the doors — "I prefer 'working illegally' as you said".

— "You know, here at The Fortress, we help our recruits with the required training and equipment for them to gain the best experience, and maybe that's what you need. I saw you in battle, and let me tell you something: you lack of battle experience, and without it, you can't really help others" — said Mr. Magma. This made Punch Boy stop just before leaving the office, grabbing the doorknob with his right hand.

— "Tiene razón sobre eso, Johny (He's right about that Johny)" — said the Guardian Angel.

— "Lo sé, Ángel (I know, Angel)" — replied Punch Boy with a whisper — "Pero no quiero estar en un lugar donde explotan a los héroes y que les hagan creer que ser un héroe es solo una profesión (But I don't want to be in a place where they exploit heroes and let them think that being a hero is just a profession)".

— "...Is he ok?" — asked Mr. Magma, confused.

— "At this point, I don't even know" — replied One Hand.

— "Te entiendo, pero esta puede ser tu única oportunidad de entrenar con gente real y ganar mucha más experiencia que haciéndolo por tu cuenta (I understand, but this might be your only chance to train with real people and gain way more experience than doing it by yourself)" — said the Angel.

— "Ugh, de acuerdo (Ugh, fine)" — said Punch Boy before turning around — "Alright, I'm willing to join this place if that means that I will have better training and combat experience".

— "Perfect" — said Mr. Magma — "I'll prepare the papers to enroll you to The Fortress after this meeting".

— "I only have one condition, though" — said Punch Boy.

— "Oh? And what is it?".

— "My condition is for you to not expell One Hand and Crazy Wand from The Fortress or however you call this place". This left One Hand and Crazy Wand speechless.

— "Hm... Fine, they won't get expelled, but they still need to be punished for they imprudent actions. So, instead, they will be your guides while you make yourself comfortable in the facility" — said Mr. Magma.

— "What!?" — expressed One Hand — "We have to be his babysitters!?".

— "...I'm not a baby" — whispered Punch Boy.

— "Precisely, and you better take this opportunity before I change my mind" — replied Mr. Magma.

— "Oh boy, this will be fun! I can't wait to make you a part of the team!" — said Crazy Wand with stars on her eyes.

— "Now that this has been settled, you may leave my office and return to your homes, it's almost time for you to go to bed. Tomorrow is Monday and you kids have to go to school after all" — said Mr. Magma.

— "Wait, what time is it?" — asked Punch Boy, a bit worried.

— "It's about to be 10 o'clock" — replied One Hand, checking the time on his watch.

— "...I'm screwed" — said Punch Boy, worried — "Do you think you could send me home as soon as possible???".

— "Yes, we have a teleporter we can use for that" — said Mr. Magma — "But why are you so eager to leave so quickly?".

— "I don't have time to explain, please just tell me where this teleporter is!". Mr. Magma told him where to find the teleporter. Punch Boy thanked him and left the office as fast as he could. When he arrived to the place, he asked the man guarding the teleporter if he could teleport him home. The guard asked for an identification beforehand, but Punch Boy didn't have one yet, and the guard denied his wish. In that, Mr. Magma contacted the guard through the communicator on his wrist and told him to let Punch Boy use the teleporter. The guard agreed and let Punch Boy in, teleporting him outside of his home. Punch Boy undid his transformation and advanced towards the house's front door.

— "Ok, hagamos esto (Ok, let's do this)" — said Johny, grabbing the doorknob and opening the door. All the lights were off, which made Johny think that everyone were asleep. He then tried to enter without making any noise, he closed the door delicately and moved with tiptoes towards the stairs that lead to his room.


— [...Señor, por favor sálvame de esta (...Lord, please save me from this one)].

End of Chapter Five