Chapter Thirteen

Ciara's POV

I sitting on the floor looking at where Tyler and Kayla were sleeping, but he had fallen asleep right after Kayla. I knew this for a fact, because I know them and how they are with each other. Tyler knew that she was getting mentally unstable, but we don't know why now. I guess killing people was the line she had from this, because she always just killed the Walker's and now she had human blood in her hands.

Jasper and Jace were sitting on the couch next to each other not looking at anything just in their own thoughts. The people stayed away from Tyler and Kayla; since they were twins they figured that they both were freaks. Tired of sitting on the floor, I got up and walked to where Jasper and Jace were sitting and sat in the middle of both of them. The leader of the group was throwing looks at our groups even the teachers. "Why didn't she tell us?" I heard James ask. In the past I wouldn't be fond of him, since he was always a prick to me and everyone Kayla hanged out with.

I looked at James, who was standing behind me looking at me like I had all the answers. "Why wouldn't she? I mean, look at this people here. They're keeping their distance from her just because she's different. I figure she didn't want her friends to think that she was a freak or something," I told him.

Someone snorted "A little too late for that don't you think?" Jackie high pitched voice echoed around the mall.

Jasper, James, Jace, and I sighed "Don't you have something to do?" James asked her without looking at her.

"Like what? Because for what I seen I can't do shit the whole goddamn world is already ending," she said her voice annoying the crap out of me.

I looked at her. She was sitting with a punch of people, who were now looking in our direction. "I don't know. Why don't you go and fuck someone like you always did in school? I mean, you were known as the slut in school," I told her and smirked at her now angry expression.

She stood up and walked over to me "Listen you bitch," she yelled her voice a higher pitch than before making me cover my ears. I swear she's going to make my ears bleed form her fucking high pitched voice. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a bright orange glow from where Tyler and Kayla were sitting on the wall asleep. The glow came directly at Jackie, who had dodged at the last minute falling on the floor. The thing I thought was a glow was actually a fire ball and that could only mean one thing. Jackie had woken up Kayla and she was pissed.

I looked over at Sam, who was talking with Coach and was now looking at me. "Since you're the only one that can stop her from burning this place down prepare yourself, Sam, because she's pissed," I yelled at him and when I said the part of 'burning this place down' everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I looked back at them "NO, people I am not kidding. She hates being woken up, when she had just fallen asleep," I told them.

"JACKIE," Kayla's voice was different again it is hard to explain how she sounds like, but that voice scares the crap of me. I'll just let you guys imagine what it sounds like. I looked over to where she was and she was, in fact, in flames. Well, her arms were for now.

"Shit," Jackie said and I heard her foot steps backing way.

Kayla was looking at Jackie "Why do you have to fucking wakened me up? Didn't anyone fucking tell you that I had hate being woke up, when I had just fallen asleep?" her voice echoed like razors piercing your very soul feeling like she could kill you at any given moment. At least that's how I felt.

I looked back at Sam "Sam, do something," I yelled at him. He didn't need me to tell him twice. I saw him run to her, but he didn't make it. He was lifted of the ground and thrown by what looked like an invisible force, but he landed on a couch not far from me. I looked back at Kayla and saw that her eyes were white really white; you couldn't see her normal eye color. Kayla's eyes were completely white. "What the hell is going on?" I screamed at her, but she didn't react at all. It was like she couldn't hear me.

"Ciara, get the kids out of there," Caleb yelled and ran over to Kayla, but she raised her left hand and just that Caleb was lift off his feet floating above ground. The invisible force threw Caleb at the couch where Sam used to be.

No, this isn't an invisible force, I thought, its telekinesis and she can't control it. I grabbed the kids and ran towards Coach and the others. "What the hell is wrong with her?" Coach asked me.

I glared at Jackie "This is your fucking fault," I screamed at her.

She glared back "How the hell is this my fault?" she screamed back. The people were gathered behind us making it hard for us to back away. I saw Tyler making his way towards us, while everything in the room floated and moved around. I could see electricity coming from her hair and between her fingers. The weather outside was horrible it was dark and thundering a lot, the ground shook at our feet. I looked at Kayla and saw blood running down her nose as well as tears.

"Oh my god," I screeched.

"What?" Sam and Caleb asked me.

I pointed at Kayla "She's going to die, if she keeps this up," I screamed as my tears left me, because I knew none of use could do anything to stop her.

"Ciara," Tyler called my name. "Ciara, give me your gun," he told.

I looked at him shocked at what he asked from me "You're going to kill her?" I asked me.

He shook his head "No, I just need to know something. You are right though, she is going to die if I don't stop her," he told me. I handed him my gun. He pointed my gun at her and shot three times, but the bullets stopped in mid-air and vanished. "Good," Tyler whispered. HE walked in front of us and turned to look at us "Listen up people, I only have one shot at this and I don't want any distractions," he told us. I knew the people that didn't know Kayla were scared shitless, but so was everyone else. We hadn't seen this coming from her and she was losing control of whatever was inside her.

I had only one question for Tyler "Are you sure you can stop her?" I asked him and glass shattered from the store.

He looked at me "I have a feeling that I am the only one that can stop her, but I don't know how I know it's just a feeling. But I will follow it to the very end. I can't let he die, Ciara, she's my little sister," he told me and walked up to me planting a kiss on my lips. Tyler ran towards his sister dodging things here and there like a ninja it's a good thing both of them know martial arts.

"Be careful," I yelled.

Tyler was near her, when a trash bin came to him direction. He went to the floor dodging the trash bin by an inch. That was a close one, I thought looking back at Kayla. She still had blood running down her nose, but it looked like she was getting injuries herself. She had slices on her arms and neck making her loose more blood, but if this keeps going any longer we won't have a leader left to guide us. Tyler was in front of her glowing body, but she had a shield engulfing her body and that was the glow.

Tyler hesitated looking over the shield probably thinking if the shield was dangerous to him, but he knew he didn't have time for that. Whatever it was that was happening to Kayla, it was obvious that it was killing her without her noticing it. He touched her cheek and nothing happened. I looked desperately as Kayla's boy shook violently. Please God, don't let her die. Don't take her away from me, I thought. I saw as Tyler wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in his strong arms hugging her. A pang of jealousy erupted inside of me, but I didn't have to feel jealous they are brother and sister so it was logical he would do anything for her.

I heard him whisper to her trying to calm her down and it seems to be working, but you never know what may happen in those moments. I saw as the glow engulfs Tyler, but it didn't seem to affect him. He lifted her up in his arms turned around and started walking towards us, while he carried her everything was going back to normal. The weather was becoming clear and everything stopped floating. I saw Kayla lift her right sliced arm and concentrated on something, and then I saw what she was doing. She was trying to fix things. The shattered glass was going to their rightful place and so was everything else, but she past out on Tyler's arms making him walk faster towards me. "Ciara, help her," he told me, when he was in front of me.

I looked at the couch I was sitting on with the kids a few minutes ago "Place her there," I told him pointing at the couch, as I looked for my backpack that was where Caleb and Sam were thrown at. I looked inside it and saw I didn't have enough "Mark, go get me medical stuff from the stores. I don't have enough," I yelled as I took out a half empty bottle of alcohol and my last gauze. I had run out of bandages without me noticing it. I ran to where Kayla and Tyler were "Do you think you would be able to hold her down, if she wakes up and started to fight?" I asked him, as I opened the bottle.

"I don't think she'll be waking up at the moment," he said and got to work.

Kayla's POV

Pain that's what I was feeling in my soul, but I did not know why. All I remember was falling asleep in Tyler's arms, the nightmare and the yelling. I couldn't stand my nightmare it was terrible. I knew I shouldn't have fallen asleep, but I did and I suffered the consequences of it. I was in the woods where I had killed Patrick and he was there glaring at me, but he was alone in this place Samuel was there next to him also glaring at me.

I looked around me and people appeared out of thin air, but I knew who they were. They were the people I had killed during the last seven months and they were the reason why I never wanted to sleep. Men, women, and children were there glaring at me telling me why I had killed them and calling me a murder, but they said over and over that I couldn't take it. I felt something inside of me snap and the image changed completely everything was burned and destroyed, but at first I couldn't understand what was happening until I saw the glow in my body and I knew I did this.

But then I heard the yelling that had woken me up from my sleep and I hated being woken up, when I had just fallen asleep and I felt the same thing in my dream snap inside of me. I did not know what I did all I knew was that I was feeling weak and I felt pain on my body, but my brain wouldn't register anything that was happening that is until I heard Tyler' voice. "I'm here, Sky. You're safe, so came back to me. We need you…I need you," I heard him whisper and that snapped me back.

The moment I snapped back I knew I was being carried and I knew I had caused trouble, so I tried to fix it. After that I don't remember all I knew I was in this dark abyss feeling pain and nothing else. My body wouldn't move and my brain wouldn't listen to me, but the best way to say it that I couldn't feel my body. It felt like I was floating somewhere in the darkness. I didn't know how I've been there, but the darkness changed and I was now sitting on the porch of my Granny. I would know this porch anywhere, because it was painted n different colors. It looked like a rainbow, but it was very beautiful in its own way.

"We meet again, my little angel," I heard my Granny say next to me.

I looked at my right and she was sitting there looking at me with her violet eyes "Granny," I said and gave her my biggest smile that I always gave her.

She smiled back "My little angel, we really need to stop meeting like this," she told me with a little laugh.

I laughed with her, but then I turned serious "What happened, Granny?" I asked her and looked into the distance. Granny had built her house in grassland, but she only made the house she didn't ruin the grassland. She loved to live with the little animals in the grassland and loved to take care of them.

She was silent for two minutes "You lost control, because of your dream and not liking to be woken up," she told me.

I looked at her "I didn't mean to loose control, but I don't know how I stopped. I just heard Tyler's voice and I guess I just reacted to it. I can't do this Granny I could kill someone without meaning to and I'm getting mentally unstable. I can feel it," I told her without looking at her, because I didn't want to see disappointment.

I felt her hand on my own "I am not disappointment in you, my little angel. I would have expected you to loose control, but that would have been a long time ago I'm surprised to didn't loose control sooner," she said and I looked at her tears threatening to fall, but I held them back.

I stared in her eyes "Granny, how can I control these powers? I think if I don't learn now, I will end up killing someone I care about and I'm suppose to protect my friends not end their lives," I told her my tears falling like a stream or river, as you may call it sometimes. I don't think I would be able to live with myself, if killed my brother or any of my friends including Jasper and Jace.

Granny touched my left cheek "The answer is within you and from what you told me about Tyler, I can see that he has some how inherited some powers. He was able to get you back to your real self, so I would say that he is your protector," she told me.

I shook my head "I don't understand, Granny. How can Tyler protect me?" I asked her.

Her eyes looked sad "He can protect you from yourself. Kayla, you are new with your powers and if you force them they can kill you, so it is better to practice with them than letting them take control over you," she told me.

I nodded "Ok, Granny. Will I see you again?" I asked her, because I could already feel everything fading. Granny was fading and so was everything else in this place by being replaced by darkness.

"I don't know, my little witch, we will see in the future," she told me as everything faded even her.

My eyes snapped open, but I could not see anything all I could see was darkness even with my eyes opened. I tried to move my body, but I couldn't move even my little toes. My body felt very heavy, but that didn't stop me. I tried my voice, but the only sound that came out was a little groan from my throat.

"Sky," I heard Tyler call my name and felt his warm hand hold my right hand. I tried to squeeze his hand, but my limps wouldn't listen to me.

"Tyler, any changes?" I heard Ciara ask him.

"Yeah, her eyes are opened, but I don't think she can see us, yet," he told Ciara squeezing my hand.

"At least she's alive, because her heart was barely beating. Jasper is really worried about her," she told him.

"I know. The poor kid is very attached to her and Jace is trying his best at understanding her," he said and felt his lips on my hand. "Come on, Sky. How long are you going to be in this coma-state? It's driving me mad," he whispered in my ear.

My eyes were becoming clear and I could make the shape of him and Ciara next to him. I tried my voice again "Stop w-worrying, s-s-stupid," I said in a raspy voice and stuttering a little. I tried moving my limps managing to squeeze Tyler's hand back, move my toes and finger, as well as the rest of my body though my eyes were still a little fuzzy.

"Sky, how are you feeling?" Tyler asked me.

"Yeah, you've been asleep for almost two days straight," Ciara told me.

I was shocked "T-two d-days straight," I said getting up a little too fast and the pain erupted on my body making me fall, but before I touched the ground Tyler had me in his arms pulling me up to a sitting position.

"Careful, your wounds are not healed yet," he told me.

I moaned in pain and force my head to look down at my body. My arms were wrapped up to my shoulders, I lifted my shirt up and my belly was wrapped too. "Granny was right," I groan with out stuttering.

Tyler looked at me "What did you say?" Tyler asked me.

I sighed might as well tell him "Ciara remember the first time I was bit?" I asked her my stuttering had gone away and she nodded. "I guess when I died she was there and told me that I had powers from Tyler's and my ancestors. At first I didn't understand what she meant, but I can see now that my ancestors were witches; that is the only way I can explain this powers. She also told me that only women can inherit this power, but some how Tyler has some though not has strong as me," I told them.

Tyler looked a little troubled by this "What else did Granny tell you? Did she tell you how to control them?" he asked me.

I sigh "She told me that you were the only one that could stop my from myself, if I were to ever loose control like I did. She said you were like my protector," I told him with a little smile. "She said the answer is within me, but in the mean time I should practice with my power, so that they don't end up killing me like they almost did two days ago, I guess," I told them.

Tyler chuckled "I'm always your protector, Sky," he said and kissed my forehead, while my stomach grumbled in hunger. "Someone is hungry," he said and got up kissing Ciara on her lips and went to get me something to eat.

I smiled at Ciara "I'm glad you guys are back together," I told her and she turned redder than a tomato.

She looked away from me trying to hide her blush "Thanks," she said and sat down next to me.

"Where's Jasper and Jace?" I asked her and like magic Jasper jumped into lap making me gasp in pain, but I still held onto him. I was still trying to hold a scream in.

"Jasper, she's still hurt," Ciara scolded him.

Jasper looked at her and then at me "Sorry," he whispered and tried to get off my lap, but I held him against me ignoring the pain in my body and gave him a bear hug. I looked at Jace, who was standing uncomfortable. I took his arm and pulled him into my arms and have him a bear hug to, while still hugging Jasper. The pain was unbearable, but I didn't care. Jace was stiff at first, but eventually hugged me gently not wanting to hurt me. "I was very worried about you," he told me.

I kissed their heads "It's ok. I don't die that easily," I told them with a light chuckled, but it still hurt though I didn't show it.

They laughed.

"What did I miss?" Tyler asked coming over to us with a plate fruits in his hands. It had cherry, strawberry, peaches, and oranges my favorites. Jasper got off my lap and so did Jace, so that Tyler could place the plate on my lap. "Enjoy," Tyler said handing me a fork.

I smiled at him "Thanks," I said and got to eat. I swallowed the fruits, after I chewed on them three times each.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Ciara asked me.

"What time is it?" Tyler asked.

Ciara looked at her watch "It's ten in the morning," Ciara told him. Jasper and Jace were running around and playing with the other kids.

I looked at my empty plate "Easy, we leave," I told them.

Ciara looked at me "Why?" she asked me.

I sigh "Ciara, we're supposed to be heading to Colorado. We would have been there yesterday, but I lost control and we're still here. Besides I don't wasn't to be in a place, where I am considered a freak of nature," I told her and looked around me. Some people were looking at me, while other just looked frighten of me.

Ciara looked taken aback "You're right," she said.

Tyler looked at me "What do you suggest we do now?" he asked me.

I sighed "What else should we do? Gather up the people that want to leave from our group, because I have a feeling some won't wasn't to leave since they saw that," I told them. They nodded and stood up to leave, but Tyler took my plate and looked sternly at me.

He looked at me straight in my eyes "You, my dear sister, are to stay in this couch and not move," he told me and I knew he meant it.

I sigh "Fine," I said and watched him go. I wonder how many people would leave with me to Colorado. I know Jasper, Tyler, Ciara, and Jace would go with me, but what about the other? Would they be frightened by me and what I can do? Will they keep their distance from me? Will they hate me? I thought about this, while waiting for the others to come.