Chapter 2 The Bum Isn't A Bum

Lisa's POV

I've been walking and running for almost an hour now but I still couldn't find Jisoo, she told me that she's going to borrow some books from the library and wait for me in the field, but when I got bored waiting for her, I decided to follow her only to find out that she was no longer there and the librarian told me that a girl with spectacle and heart-shaped lips already stepped out, carrying five books with her but Jisoo never came to the bench, until IU and Nayeon arrived but still no Jisoo.

We decided to get separate to look for Jisoo but to no avail, we couldn't find her and I'm starting to get worried.

"Have you tried asking some student?" IU asks and I looked at her ludicrously. "Oh sorry, I forgot that you weren't talking to anyone aside from us."

"I tried asking one but they ignored me so I stopped asking." Nayeon said with a shrugs.

"Just where the hell-" I was cut off when I heard the two students behind me talking.

"Poor girl, she was the new victim."

"But I heard that she's Lisa's friend, Taehyung messed with the wrong girl to bully. He's insane."

I clenched my eyes hardly as I curved my fist into tight balls and take a deep breath, pursed my lips and narrowed my eyebrows, making it into one line.

"Relax Lisa, I'll just ask them." IU said and nod at Nayeon meaningfully and the latter grip my shirt before IU running after the girls. "Hey, uhm may I ask if you somehow know where we can find our friend?"

The girls gasped loudly and when their gaze shifted to me, they started to tremble. "R-rooftop, a-architectural b-building." One of the girl said and IU thanked them before pad back to me.

"Let's go." She said and tapped my shoulder.

The three of us walked to the place where my friend surely having a hard time by now. Taehyung and his group, including Kai, Chanyeol, Jungkook and Jimin are the bullies in this campus, they think they are that so powerful that they can bully anyone they like. Not because they were the richest in this goddamn city, they can mess with anyone.

I don't actually care whether they started commotion inside cafeteria, rooms, hallways or everywhere inside this campus, as long as they feel to do something childish act about their weak prey, but not today.

Not with my friend, not with Jisoo.

I kicked the door harshly when we got to the top of architect building and I bit my lower lip when I saw Jisoo lying on the floor and got surrounded by seven guy. They all whipped their heads at me and got surprised when they see me glaring and approaching them.

"What a pleasure to see the heartthrob of this campus here, but sad to say, we have some business here so if you don't mind, get the fuck out of here." I ignored Taehyung and continue walking towards the girl on the floor. "Are you fucking-"

"Don't touch her, dumbass." IU stopped Taehyung as she grabs his hand that was about to touch me.

"What the-"

"Shut up!" I shouted, making all the guy to stepped back and give a path for me. They never heard me talk so I guess they got really surprised hearing me shouts. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked Jisoo with my calm voice even though inside me, I really want to slit their throats, especially when she looked up to me and she still managed to smile even if her whole face covered with bruises.

"I guess I have n-no sense of d-direction." She joked and when she laugh, she spits blood, making the anger inside me to grow even stronger.

"Dummy, you should've used your phone that I gave you." I said while laughing dryly and helped her to sat up and rest her back against the fence.

"I d-don't know h-how to use t-that shit." Jisoo said struggling to speak but still being a dork. "C-can we go home and b-buy me chicken?"

"We will, let me just teach them a lesso-" Jisoo clutch my shirt when I was about to stand up and when I looked back at her, she shook her head, as if telling me to let it go. I smiled softly and wiped the blood on the side of her lips using my thumb. "Relax, Chu. I got this." I said patted her head before removing her hand on my shirt forcefully.

"L-lisa please." Jisoo said but I ignore her and I turned around to face Taehyung's group who's still in shock.

"Man, you picked the wrong prey." I said while shaking my head slowly.

"I have never been wrong to pick my prey, it's you who went wrong for interrupting my business."

"But that was my friend." I said and Taehyung and his group exchanged glances before bursting into loud laugh.

"You have a friend? Really? How come?" Kai asked mockingly and they laugh louder.

"Is it really surprising to know that I got myself a friend?" I asked back and they all nod. "But the girl you bullied is my friend, along with those two girls behind me." I said and pointed at IU and Nayeon who squeaks after I called her one of my friend.

"Oh, actually it's not really surprising because y'all both losers!" Taehyung said and he tried to punch me but I slap away his fist and slapped his face and grabbed his collar. "What the-"

"You're lucky that Jisoo doesn't want me to beat the hell out of you, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let this go for messing with the wrong girl." I growled at him and I immediately grabbed his nape and used my knee to knock his face and I jump to give Kai a flying kick then I twist my body to kicked Chaenyeol on the base of his neck and throw a fist to Jungkook's jaw. "Assholes." I said and spit on the ground beside Taehyung before walking back to Jisoo and turn my back against her and bend over. "Ride in."

"I c-can't move." I sighed loudly before reaching for her hands and wrapped them on my shoulders and lift her up from the floor and Nayeon picked up her books. "That was actually c-cool." Jisoo mumbled.

"It'll be much cooler if I slit their throats." I deadpanned and started walking away, leaving Taehyung's group who are wincing and crouching in pain.

"Dumbass, you'll g-get expelled and then the police will put you b-behind the bars, w-who's going to b-buy me chicken?" She said while giggling behind me and I felt her head rest on my shoulder.

"That's not gonna happen." I said and tightens the grip on her legs.

"Are you sure you'll be fine here?" I asked Jisoo who's lying in the middle of the bed, hands on her stomach and face covered with ice packs while staring at the ceiling.

It's only been a week since Jisoo started school, but this is how it came to her. If she hadn't stopped me earlier then I would have killed those assholes.

"Yeah, just drop by at the chicken store, buddy."

"Ok, once you get better, I will teach you how to defend yourself from bullies." I said while tying my lace and open the lower cabinet to pick new dagger. "And please, never let anyone to enter my apartment, this ain't orphanage."


"If IU came here and ask for my notes, don't stand up, just tell her it's in my bag."


"Never ever let Nayeon to barge here if I'm still out, ok?"


"And don't-"

"Fuck it Lisa, I'm 19 and I just got beaten! It's not like I came back from being stupid dumbass three years old!" Jisoo shouted and sat up abruptly which cause her to groan in pain for her sudden action that makes me chuckled.

"One more thing, stop moving hastily, I'll be back in a sec." I said and waved my hand at her, ignoring her frustrating sigh.

"Fuck you, dumb assassin!"

I was laughing all the way downstairs upon hearing Jisoo that I didn't noticed the man sitting in the living room.

"Wow you're laughing."

"Holy fuck!" I cussed loudly while clutching my chest. "The fuck are you doing inside my house?!" I asked raggedly when I saw Jiyong sitting at the couch with his legs crossed.

"Sorry, did I startled you?" He asked the fucking obvious.

"No." I sarcastically replied and sat on the couch across him. "What brought you here?"

"Don't feel like meeting you underworld, they were too serious there." He scoffed and uncrossed his legs and lean his elbows on his lap while staring at me intensely. "You got yourself a girl?"

"A what?"

"A girlfriend, you were laughing just now, is she in your room?" He asked while pointing at his back.

"She's not my girlfriend and stop beating the bush, who's my next target?" I asked to divert our topic because I don't feel talking about Jisoo to him, he maybe my father figure but Jisoo is a normal human and I don't want her to get involve in my messy life.

"Oh uhm, actually you can actually take a rest but not really a rest, because you still have a job." He said as he leaned back and rubbed his palms. "The daughter of strongest deity ran away from home."

I hitched my breath and paused but I didn't let him notice me that I was shock from the news, they don't have any idea that I was once living in mt.Olympus and if they found out, it'll be a big trouble for IU and Jiyong because they associated with people who lived in a place where their enemy lives.

"So you want me to look for her?" I asked after clearing my throat that suddenly became dry.

"Yes, before my brothers could find her, you have to find her first, kill her and carry her head to the underworld so they can accept you completely."

"Oh for fuck sake, you want me to beheaded the daughter of strongest God?!" I asked in disbelief with eyes widened in bewilderment.

That is no fucking way I would do that! Even though I'm mad at them for kicking me out and accused me, I still can't do it to an innocent child, because first, I don't have any idea what she looks like, no one in Mt.Olympus had seen the daughter of the strongest deity, second, she's a she! In my three years of working for Demon lords, I have never accepted a woman as my target because I can't hurt women in general even if they are the baddest people on earth.

"Listen to me kiddo, my brothers still doubting you, they even want to kill you but of course I'm not letting them to do it and if ever that you'll bring the girl's head, they will surely accept you and no more doubting anymore."

"Who cares if they will accept me or not? I'm not going to-"

"You worked for Demons, you're an assassin and you already killed thousands of people, a girl is nothing for you, if the Deity got mad, leave it to the brotherhood of the thorns." Jiyong said sternly, his eyes changed into dark, that his sclera covered with nothing but black.

"But Jiyong-"

"I know that I could trust you, you're not going to let me down, right?" He said with full of hope on his voice. I was loss for words and just stared at him flummoxed. "Lisa, please?"

I heaved a deep breath and exhales before nodding my head reluctantly. Jiyong smiled at me before he turned into dark smoke and went out under my door, leaving me disconcerted.

"That must be a hard task." I released a shaky breath before I rose up from the chair and pad toward my mini bar, grabbed a whiskey chugged directly in it. "Why you didn't tell him?"

"About what?" I asked IU as I wiped my mouth with back of my palm and chugged again.

"About your true identity, that you were an Olympians." I hastily whipped my head to IU and I was really taken aback from what I had heard from her. "Lord Jiyong will understand you if you can't do your job and for sure by now, he already know about your background."

"H-how?" I asked frightened.

"That frame." She said while pointing at the frame on the wall and I faced palmed myself. "The one in the middle was you and the woman beside you is the daughter of one of the deities."

"Right, yeah how dumb of me to forget about that." I said and she laugh obnoxiously. "So all this time you knew and you didn't confront me about it?"

"Why would I? There's only one reason why you're here, you got kicked out." She said and sat on the high stool and reach for a glass and poured herself with the whiskey I was drinking. "But why? Did you kill someone up there?" She asked.

"I was accused." I sighed and sat beside her.

"That's rude."

"I know, but it's better that they kick me out than beheading me." I scoffed and take the bottle from her and chugged on it.

"Somehow you're right, but I don't know why Lord Jiyong still insist you to do that job, even though he already knows about you."

"That's not even the question, if he already know, why he didn't kill me?" I asked confused and IU stared at me ludicrously, as if I asked the most ridiculous question ever. "What?"

"Are you seriously asking that? Bitch, you're like his own daughter, he loves you, you and I are the only ones he considers family, not even his own brothers." IU said while spinning her glass and staring on it. "You were in a deep trouble, Lis. What will you going to choose? Kill the girl and make Jiyong proud of you or betray him and protect the girl?"

"I don't even know what she looks like." I sigh and slammed my head on the bar counter relentlessly but IU slid her hand and my forehead hit on it. "What am I going to do, Jieun?" I asked as my forehead snuggling in her palm.

"I don't know but please stop doing that, you ain't a fucking cat." She said and slapped my forehead.

"Ouch!" I groans while rubbing my forehead and glared at her.

"Lisa! Is that you?"

"Yeah, down here!" I yell back and was about to take a swig but I remember that Jisoo is in pain. "Aish! That hard headed dickhead." I groans and run upstairs. "Yah! Why did you."

"I got bored lying down and I'm fine, don't worry. You got my chicken?"

"Oh uhm, I forgot but I will go out to buy it." I said as I bend in front of her and she ride on my back.

"You reeked of alcohol." She groans and I'm hella sire she's scrunching her nose.

"You have keen sense of smell." I replied before gently put her down on the couch. "IU will take care of you while I'm out in the cold buying you your chicken."

"I will not get affected by that, now go and buy me chicken skewers." She said and tapped my face lightly.

"You're such a bossy." I snort and rolled my eyes playfully.

"You're spoiling me, it's not my fault." She said and waved her hand to IU and the latter waved back at her with wide smile as she offered her glass. "Are you Lisa's girlfriend?" IU got choked at her drink and I laugh loudly and smacked Jisoo's head. "Ouch!"

"Stop saying ridiculous assumptions!" I said and pad towards IU and wrapped my arm on her shoulder. "This is the sister I never had, she's the reason why am I still alive."

"Oh I see." Jisoo said while nodding her head and shifts her gaze at the frame. "Then who amongst them is your girlfriend?"

"No one, they are my squad."

"Bruh, your life sucks!" Jisoo exclaimed and she laugh at me then IU joined her after. "Please tell me you ain't a virgin."

"She's not, she almost fucked half of the girls here."

"Hey! Cut the bullshit!" I scowled to IU and slapped her arm. "You sounds like I'm a sex maniac!"

"Bitch, if you weren't treating me like your older sister, you have probably fuck me too."

"Eew Lisa! You can't even keep your dick inside your pants!" Jisoo said disgustingly and throw the pillow beside her but I immediately catch it and throw it back on her but she avoided it easily.

IU and I exchanged secret glances and in just one look, we know that she's no ordinary homeless girl. I nod at IU and she throw the cork at Jisoo and to my surprise, Jisoo got hit on the head.

"Oh my God!" IU exclaimed and ran to Jisoo. "I'm sorry!"

"What was the reason?" Jisoo asked while rubbing the part where she got hit. I'm still not convinced that she was just lucky earlier to avoid the pillow, I'm an assassin and I know how sharp her movements earlier.

"Hey." I called and throw the bottle of whiskey to Jisoo but IU quickly catches it first and looked at me in disbelief.

"Just what the fuck are you doing Lisa?!" IU asks raggedly.

"If you didn't catch it first, she would." I said while pointing at Jisoo, who's hand in the place where I throw the bottle and shaking her head because she got caught. "Look." I said as I finished the content in IU's glass and walked around the living room while they were both following me with their gaze. I spin my body and throw the glass to Jisoo with force and she easily catches it, I pulled out my dagger and throw it to Jisoo stealthy.

"Fuck!" IU blurted out as she crouched behind the couch. "Lisa! You fucking-!"

"Who the fuck are you?!" I shouted, cutting off IU and pulled out my Ruger from my back torso and pointed it to Jisoo.

"W-wait-what?!" IU asked and stand straight and jump away from Jisoo. "Wow!" She exclaimed when she saw the girl catch my dagger using her teeth.

"Relax, I'm not an enemy." Jisoo said while laughing softly and tossed my dagger on the coffee table and put down the glass before putting her hands on her side, as if she's surrendering.

"Who are you?!" I asked again.

"I'm Kim Jisoo and I'm an ex demon assassin."

"You what?" IU and I asked in unison.

"An Ex demon assassin, are you deaf?" Jisoo scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I'm Daesung's men before I decided to stop."

"Then why the hell on earth you let those douche bag beat you up earlier?!"

"Because I don't want to cause any trouble as you're too kind to me even if you didn't know me." She said and shrugged her shoulders.

"Chu! That ain't it! You should've at least protect yourself!" I scold and slid back my gun behind me and pad to her just to smacked her head. "You fucking scared the shit out of me!"

"I'm sorry ok? But promise, I have no plans against you, I'm really a homeless girl because I was trying to hide myself from Daesung." She said as she pulled me down to sit beside her and wrapped her arm on my shoulder.

"If you're hiding from him, then why of all people, you came with Lisa? She's also an assassin and associating with Daesung." IU said that actually makes sense.

"Because she's nice." Jisoo replied and that is actually a fucking nonsense reason.

"Dude, just tell me the real reason before I kick you out of my flat." I threatens her but she just laughed and punched me on my shoulder.

"That's the truth, I swear!"

"May I ask why did you stopped from being an assassin?" I ask curiously while eyeing her.

"He wants me to kill his brother."



"What?!" IU and I both exclaimed and I stood up abruptly.

"Lord Jiyong needs to know about thi-!"

"No! If you told him about this, then Daesung will find out that I'm still alive, I've already faked my death and I don't want him to know that I'm still alive!" Jisoo said and and grabbed my hand.

"But how about my Lord?!"

"As long as Daesung doesn't know that I'm alive, Lord Jiyong will be safe because no one in underworld have the capability to kill one of them aside from me."

"Wow! So you were telling us that neither of the us can kill them?" IU asked mockingly.

"Well in that case, I think you need to know who really am I." Jisoo said and sat back on the couch and crossed her legs. "Have you ever heard turtle rabbit?"

"Hell yeah, she's the most powerful assassin under by Daesung but unfortunately, she was shot dead- holy fucking shit! You are turtle rabbit?!" IU asks flabbergasted and Jisoo nodded in response. "Wow Lisa! You adopted the legendary assassin!"

"A what?" I asked while chuckling. "You mean I adopted the chicken devouring machine?"

"Hey! Chicken is gold!" Jisoo said and slapped my nape.

"Wait me here!" IU said before running upstairs in haste and jumped back after one minute and she's already holding a pen and a paper. "Please, sign this!"

"Hey, stop it, you're making me feel shy." Jisoo said as she hide her face with her slim fingers. "But ok, just don't let other see this or they will know that I'm still alive." She said after and signed the paper before giving it back to IU and her gaze shifted to me. "Don't you ever dare to looked up on me because I'm still that homeless girl you gave a place to stay in."

"Of fucking course, you're still that bum who likes to rummage through my cupboard and eat my cereals!"

"Oh speaking of cereals, we're run out of it, so would you mind to buy it on your way?"

"You're unbelievably crazy." I said as I stood up while shaking my head. "I'll just go and asked Nayeon if she have so-" My words were cut off with loud knocks from the door. "Speaking of the devil." I said and walked to my door. "Hey, you're right on tim-" I stopped from talking when I saw a different girl outside and not the little bunny devil.

A girl with cat-like eyes, cute small pointed nose, puffy cheeks and perfectly curved lips, wearing a cropped top shirt, revealing her perfectly curved hour glass body and fitted ripped jeans.


"H-hi?" I greet back.

"Uhm I'm your new neighbor and I just want to ask if you see Nayeon?"

"N-nayeon? Who's Nayeon?" I asked confusedly with my head tilted on the side.

"Oh uhm, I thought you know my roommate." She said disappointedly and slumped down her shoulders with a cute pout.

Oh my fucking gosh! She's so damn cute!

"Lisa who's tha-" IU was cut off when she saw the unfamiliar girl outside the door and pushed me on the side. "May I know who you are?"

"I'm Jennie, Nayeon's new roommate, I just moved in this afternoon and I was looking for Nayeon but she said she doesn't know her."

"Really dude?" IU asked incredulously and slapped my arm before taking Jennie's hand and pull her inside making me to snapped out from my dazed. "Nayeon is our friend, maybe she just went out for-"

"Hey! Why are you letting her in?" I asked and blocked their way.

"If Nayeon find out that you denied her, you're dead." IU scowled and pushed me on the side and dragged the girl with cat-like eyes inside.

"Hello there, gorgeous, are you Lisa's girlfriend?"

"W-what, me? No." The girl said in shock while pointing at herself. "Who's Lisa?"

"Oh the one with handsome pretty face who opened the door for you." Jisoo said and laugh.

"Shut up, Chu!" I hissed and rolled my eyes before walking in front of the girl. "Nayeon isn't here, just wait for her to come home and-"

"Hello?! Did anyone seen Jennie?! My new roommate - oh! You're here, what are you doing here?" Nayeon chimes in and entered my house without my permission when she saw her roommate beside IU. "Don't you dare seduce that three girls, Jennie!"


"IU, Jisoo and my baby Lisa."

"I'm your what?" I asks in disbelief.

"I mean, my friend. Yeah, the baby in this squad." Nayeon replied with an awkward smile and grabs Jennie's arm. "Let's go back to our flat."

"Hey, calm down, I haven't introduce myself." Jisoo stopped them and was about to stand up but she was struggling to stand up and just sighed defeatedly as she went back to her seat. "I'm Jisoo, I'm okay." She said when she noticed how all of us staring at her worriedly.

"I'm Jennie Kim."

"I'm Jieun but you can call me IU."

"I'm Nayeon."

"Of course she know you, you're her roommate." Jisoo scoffed at Nayeon.

They all turned to me, as if they were waiting for me to introduce myself but I seemed to can't find my voice when Jennie's eyes met mine, her eyes are so captivating that I could feel she's looking deep inside me and she could see my soul.

"She's Lisa and she's mute, I'm sorry about that." Jisoo said and kicked my shin making me to snapped out for the second time tonight. "You're drooling."

"I'm drooling- I mean, I'm Lisa, yeah." I said embarrassedly and glares at Jisoo who's laughing out loud.

"Nice to meet you all, I hope-" Jennie suddenly stopped from talking when her gaze shifted on my back and I can't be wrong from what I had see from her. Her breath hitches and she gets paled but she quickly hide it by blinking her eyes rapidly and smiled at me, showing her gummy smile.

Oh God!

"Nice to meet you all." She repeats and dragged Nayeon away and she seems in a rush, leaving the three of us in confused.

I turned on my back and saw nothing aside the frame, don't tell me she saw a fucking ghost behind me?