Chapter 3 The Arrogant Sinner

Jennie's POV

"Ok, what was that?" Nayeon asked and took back her hand from my grip after we got back inside our flat.

"What?" I asks innocently.

"What are you doing inside Lisa's apartment and why are you in a rush?"

"Oh, IU invited me in, I was just asking if you were there." I said with a shrug and pad on the couch to sat down, ignoring her last question and shrugged off all the fear I felt earlier when I saw the frame hanging on the wall inside Lisa's apartment.

Of all places, why did I end up here and found a sinner? Though I don't know Lisa, but the girl on her left is Ryujin, one of the deity's daughter. So the chance of getting found is highly at risk if Ryujin tries to look for her friend, but on the other hand, Lisa is here, so that means she's really a sinner and got kicked out. And there's no way in heavenly God that any Olympians can do what I did, which is escaping from heaven and hide here in this land or should I say the land of the sinners, just like what my father always says.

Nayeon creased her eyebrows and followed me, sitting on the single couch across me and crossed her legs and arms while staring at me intently.

"Let me sort out things here before I let you stay, first, Lisa is mine." She started and I nod my head slowly even though it's obvious that Lisa doesn't like the idea of Nayeon owning her. "Second, you have to stay away five feet from Lisa." I chew my inside cheeks while nodding my head relentlessly and suppress the smile to break out. "Third, Jisoo is dumbass, you stay away from her and lastly, IU is an angel, so you also need to stay away from her."

"You're also a woman but why do you sound like you're a possessive girlfriend of those three?" I asked mockingly.

"I am, because they were my only friends."

"I can be your friend." I said with a shrugs but sincerely.

"I don't even know who you are and where you came from." She scoffed and uncrossed her arms.

"Then why did you accept me as your roommate?"

"Because my bills was gradually killing me and I need someone who I can share some of my burdens!" She said half yelled with her arms stretching out. "But even if I'm in need, I still want you to answer my questions before I could trust you, so the first question, who are you?"

"I'm Jennie Ruby Jane Kim." I replied.

"Your name are longer than my legs, wow. But go off, we have the same height and it's just your name is long, next question, where you from?"

"Mr- New Zealand." I said and smiled at her forcefully when I almost told her where I came from.

"I'm not familiar with any countries so I'm going to pretend that I didn't heard Mt. New Zealand." She said dismissively and uncrossed her legs to lean over the center table and shoved me the paper sitting above it. "So here's the rules of this house, read it then sign it after."

"There's only one rule written on it." I said confusedly.

"And that's the most important thing." Nayeon said as she took back the paper and signed it. "Lisa is mine, it's written loud and clear, do we have a problem here?"

"Does Lisa knows that she's yours?"

"You're such a bitch, aren't you? You didn't have to attack me like that!" She sneered and tear the paper violently. "Guess what? We have no rules, you can use everything here and your room is on the left corner, we'll split every bill-"

"You don't have to worry about bills, I can pay it alone." I said to cut her off and she snapped her head at me with her wide eyes. "Or if you still want to-"

"No wait! I'm really ok with it! You will pay all the bills and I will take care of our dinners, how's that sounds?"

"Sounds negotiable." I said and heaved up from the couch. "May I go to my room?"

"Of course, yeah. I will just call you for dinner later." I offered her a warm smile before I walk upstairs but Nayeon called me again when I'm in the middle of the stairs. "Don't you have your things with you?"

"Oh uhm, I left them all to my home and I'll buy new one tomorrow."

"Wow, you're rich as fuck." She mumble under her breath and show me her gummy smiles like the one I have before she ran to the kitchen.

I continue my way to my new room and released a loud sigh that I didn't noticed I was holding since the moment I saw the frame. I know that I cannot hide forever but as long as possible, I need to hide my identity to these humans and act like that I'm really belong in their world.

I just hope that my friends wouldn't tell to the Deity where I am, but I know and I'm sure they wouldn't tell him because they were my escape assistants. Chaeyoung, Irene and Sana were my trusted friend, they will not gonna betray me because even them, was against of my father who's treating me like a prisoner.

My father always telling me that it's for my safety and he doesn't want me to get associates with ordinary people to protect my innocence. Little did he know that being friends with those three, my innocence was already gone since we were eleven years old after we accidentally saw a group of kids taking a bath in sacred lake when my father let me off to wander at the bottom of the mountain for the first time since I was born.

The kids are all butt naked while playing and they didn't noticed us watching them in shocked while hiding in a bush, but when one of them turned to our place where we are hiding, that's when I saw the thing between his legs. Chaeyoung immediately covered my eyes that I didn't got the chance to see the face of that guy.

Then when they heard the hoplites calling my name, they all run away because if ever that someone caught them that they are playing at the sacred lake, they surely will be in deep trouble.

That was my first and last descent of Mount Olympus. And I've never regretted it, perhaps missing my innocence at that age wasn't really that bad, but I didn't expect that I would want to meet that boy not because I've seen his meat and I was interested at it, it's just that, how was he able to be naked in front of his friends?

They are so careless, they didn't care if the lake was sacred or not, they were laughing and playing as if they don't care about their surroundings as long as they were all together and happy. I'm envious, actually.

I had never wished to be someone's daughter instead of being the daughter of the strongest deity until that day, I wished I was born ordinary, so I can do what I want without being told or without being controlled. And those kids are the reason why I did this, I ran away from Mt. Olympus and left my friends and parents just to try living on my own.

If the outcome of this being rebellious were good, then I need to think if I still want to go back or not.

The room that Nayeon gave me was really in a mess, it was as if the room got abandoned for a year, she should've clean it first before letting someone to use it.

I took a deep breath but that was the very bad decision I made because it made me cough and sneezed. I scrunch up my nose and swings my arm to use my power to control the cleaning tools and ran outside of my new room, slamming the door behind me with loud thud.

"Hey! Are you ok?!" Nayeon shouted from the kitchen.

"Yeah, just got slipped but I'm fine!" I shouted back to assure her. I waited for another minute before opening the door one more time and the smile make its way to my lips when I saw the room already cleaned. Somehow, it still feels good to have a power, but I still have to be careful if I want to stay longer here in human world.

I wonder what's the situation up there? Does my father already know about my disappearance? Well, there's only one way to find out.

I walked to the balcony and laughed dryly as I got out and was immediately greeted by the overcast sky, fiery lightning and rumbling thunders.

Yeah, he already know.

I should be more careful from now on, for sure the Deity will send high ranking hoplites just to find me and that is not good.

A knock from my door snapped me out and when I was about to turn around, I saw someone standing on her balcony while looking up and admiring the spiders lightning that my father caused out of his anger.

She seemed to noticed me watching her and when she looked at me, I saw the clear sadness and longing in her eyes when the lightning illuminated the whole place before she hid it with her cold stares. She must missing someone up there, poor girl, she won't see them again, not unless I'll bring her with me if I decided to go back home, but that's not going to happen.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing." I deadpanned and ran inside my room because Nayeon wouldn't stop from knocking.

"Thanks God! I thought you hit your head hardly and had hemorrhage!" She exclaimed with sigh of relief when I opened the door slightly and just peeked my head.

"You worry too much." I said before stepping out and blocking her to prevent her seeing my already cleaned room.

"Wait." Nayeon's forehead suddenly furrowed before pulling me out of my room and she pushed the door open. "How'd you cleaned this room that quick?!" She asked in disbelief and her wide eyes shifted back to me.

"It's n-not that messy." I said with fear that she might find out that I used powers to clean it, but that would be so ridiculous to think, right?

"Oh ok." Nayeon said and I have never sigh so deeply in my entire life until now that Nayeon dismissed it and she didn't ask furthermore. "Let's go down, I've prepared the table." She add and she walks down first. I released another sigh before I followed her downstairs.

"What did you cook?" I asked to ease the tension in my body.

"Eggs." Nayeon replied proudly but I just stared at her dumbfounded. "Sorry, that is all I can cook." She said but not really sincerely apologizing.

"You know what? I will do the cooking from now on, but for now, let's just eat it." I said trying to sounds jovial and sat on the chair.

"Oh what did I do to my past life to deserve someone like you in my present life?" Nayeon said dramatically and hugged me from behind. "Thank you so much, Jennie!"

"You're welcome, can we eat now?"

"Oh right, yeah! Enjoy this mouthwatering food!"

"You mean burnt eggs." I snort and she just laugh and slapped my arm playfully before taking the seat across me.

"Hey, Jen. Are you still in college?" She asked, breaking the silence in the diner after our laughter dies down three minutes ago.


"Yeah, college, where you can study any courses that you like, don't tell me you're not familiar with schools?"

"I am, but I do home studying." I half lied, because it's true that I am home studying but also a lie because I'm not really familiar with college.

"That sucks!" She said and I couldn't disagree with what she said because that was true. "So... are you gonna continue home study here?"

"I don't think I will do that here, I want to try to attend schools, my friends told me that schools are fun though we're all doing home study."

"What kind of parents do you guys have?" Nayeon asks mockingly while shaking her head. "Anyways, it's not too late to attend schools, you just have to come with me tomorrow and I'll help you with the enrollment."

"Wasn't it a bother to you?"

"Nope, you're my new roommate who descents from heaven and save my ass from being broke and replaced Jisoo being a vagrant, so doing small things wasn't a bother to me."

"Thank you, I never know that there are kind people in this world." I said sincerely.

"You haven't been with Lisa, she's the kindest person you'll ever meet in your life." Nayeon's eyes flickered in admiration upon talking about the sinner. If she only knew that Lisa got kicked out from heaven, would she still say those kind of words to her? "But you still need to stay five feet away from her."

"You're insane, I don't even want to associate with the sinners." I said shaking my head slowly.

"Hey, watch your words, she might be a killer but-"

"A killer?" I asks to cut her off and Nayeon shakes her head vigorously.

"A miller, not killer, you heard it wrong." She said and shoved spoonful of rice in her mouth and avoid making eye contact at me.

"Oh a miller, yeah, I've heard it wrong, right." I said while nodding my head and stared at the burnt eggs in front of me. "You really liked her, don't you?"

"Lisa?" She asked and I nod my head without looking at her. "Who wouldn't be? She is cool, handsome for a woman, kind and even when she is cold sometimes, you can still see how she cares for a friend even though she met it a week ago, I'm referring to myself and Jisoo because IU was her only friend before we arrived."

If she really have those kind of personality, then why was she was thrown out of the heaven? Except that she's really a good looking woman because that's every Olympians features.

"Anyway, Lisa is nice and you seems straight so I don't have to feel threatened that you might steal her from me." Nayeon adds and starts digging on her food.

Never have I imagine to be with a sinner, that was just worse than running away from home.

I cleared my throat and offered her a force smile before standing on my feet. "Would it be ok to you if I go first? I want to take a rest."

"Sure, go ahead even though you didn't even touch my perfect burnt eggs." She joked and I laugh shyly because that's true, I lost my appetite since the moment I saw the eggs but since I need to show her some gratitude for doing the diner, I still sat with her and just eat plain rice. "Just make sure you'll wake up early tomorrow because I have class by nine."

"Ok, thank you." I said and bow my head slightly before making my way up to my room.

The lightning and thunders are still there but I need to ignore it as much as possible, it wouldn't help me to sleep if I think about my father's wrath. If he doesn't treat me like a prisoner, I wouldn't have to run away.

All I have to do now is to stand on my ground and live up to what I want, but I'm still worried about Chaeyoung, Irene and Sana, I should have bring them with me, because the Deity must have been roasting them by now because they were the last ones with me before my disappearance.

But I'm also sure that the God of the sun, the Goddess of beauty and Goddess of the rainbow won't let their child to get hurt so I can rest assured that my friends were safe.

Nayeon told me last night to wake up early and that is not even a hard task, because in my daily basis in mount Olympus, I did nothing but to wake up early, eat, study and sleep. Boring, right? I know, that's why I'm so envious of those kids in the lake because they have their freedom.

After taking a refreshing shower, I wore the clothes that Nayeon gave to me last night and stepped out of my room, I decided to cook our breakfast and wake her later. I swear to all mighty god, I would never let her cook for us again.

After almost an hour of getting amazed to all appliances that I never get to see in mount Olympus, I can finally starts cooking and chose the pork strips that I saw inside the cold rectangular box.

I'm in the middle of cooking when I heard the electric bell ringing nonstop, as if the person behind the door are one of those impatience person just like me.

"Wait!" I shouted and opened the door abruptly. "Stop pressing the doorbell like tha-" My supposed to be harsh words were cut off when a woman in a sports bra greeted me, my eyes immediately dropped down but that was a bad idea because her toned stomach waved at me.

"Sorry, I forgot that Nayeon has new roommate." She said without a meant of apologizing. "Where is she?"

"S-she's still sleeping." I said and turned my back against her. "I will wake her up."

"No need, I came here for her cereals not Nayeon herself." Lisa said as she invites herself and she walked straight to the kitchen, as if she already memorized the interior of the apartment.

I stayed where she left me and wait for her to finished rummaging in the cupboard to steal cereals, I'm so never going to get near her just like Nayeon kept telling me.

"Hey, are you cooking?" Lisa asked with her head popping out from the kitchen door and I nod as an answer but still refraining myself to look at her. "I don't think Nayeon likes burnt bacon."

"Oh crap!" I exclaimed and immediately run back to the kitchen only to see the burnt bacon. "Great, Nayeon would think that I'm taking my revenge." I sighed and was about to throw the burnt bacon on the bin but a hand stopped me from doing so.

"There's a lot of people who's starving, so throwing food is such a waste." Lisa said sternly and took the pan from my hand, she grabs plate and put the bacon in it. "Just cook another one, I'll eat it."

"But that was already-"

"It's still food, rich girls like you will never understand how important even the littlest things in this world." She said before turning around and left me with my mouth agape.

Just what exactly did happen? How did a sinner get to scold me just like that?

"Penny for your thought?"

I snapped out from my dazed when Nayeon spoke with a yawn, she was still in her pajamas with frizzy hair and stretching her arms on her head.

"Lisa came here."

"What?! What did the two of you did while I'm sleeping?!" Nayeon suddenly yells and was about to attack me but I point the tip of the kitchen turner to prevent her from approaching me. "Hey!"

"She stole your cereals."

"That's not stealing, I would gladly give everything to her as long as it's Lisa so no big deal." She said with a shrugs and pad over the table. "Have you cooked our breakfast?"

"I burnt them and Lisa took them away."

"Ha! She knew you were plotting your vengeance against me and Lisa didn't allow it!" Nayeon said loudly while clapping her hands giddily.

"You sure can see the only good side of her." I snort a laugh and starts cooking again. "I doubt she'll eat those."

"She will." Nayeon said with surety on her voice as she became serious. "Lisa was once a homeless girl before she met Jieun and that's why Lisa adopt Jisoo because she knows how it feels living on the side of the road without knowing if they can still be alive the next day because of starvation."

I stopped from stirring the porridge and looked over my shoulder to take a glance at Nayeon and I frowned upon seeing her crying silently.

"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to offend you nor judge Lisa."

"It's ok, no worries, I'm always like this since I learned Lisa's life before she met Jieun and that's why I'm willing to protect her at all cost." She said while wiping her tears and still sobbing.

"You practically in love with her, stop using her past just to be with her." I scoffed before turning off the stove and reached for bowl and scoop some porridge and served it to Nayeon. "Let's eat."

"Why do you hate Lisa?" She asks after I sat across her, she's staring at me, as if she's looking to the most disgusting person she'd ever met.

"I don't hate her."

It's just that, I know that she's not really the person the way Nayeon described her.

"You know what? Just fuck my rules and I need you to know Lisa so you'll stop judging her in your mind, you are now officially one of our squad!"

"Uh thanks but no thanks, I'm good being alone." I refused and smiled at her.

"No, you will know more about Lisa whether you like it or not!" She still insist and when I was about to denies her offer for the second time, she held up her hand in the air to stopped me. "If you don't want, then you need to find a new place."

"That's absurd." I jeered.

"No, it's what you called, stop judging the book by its cover." Nayeon said before she started digging on her porridge.

I'm not judging her, because I know her, not literally know her, but she's one of the Olympians who was thrown here because she made a sin. Though I'm still wondering why they didn't behead her and threw her instead, but still, she made a sin, that's already enough giving Lisa a cold shoulder, though, again, I haven't done anything yet to Lisa. She was actually the one giving me cold shoulder and she even preached but Nayeon didn't have to know all of that so I'll shut my mouth for now.

After Nayeon and I finished our breakfast, I waited for her to get dressed and we both stepped out of the apartment and head to university.

I don't really have any idea what is university, I don't even know what are they doing inside the university, I couldn't even stopped myself from getting amazed to all high rectangular mountains with glass, covered chariots running without horses and lot of ordinary humans running back and forth and they all seems in a rush.

"Jen, walk faster, we don't have the whole day to get to the university." Nayeon hissed at me as she stopped on the side of the road.

"If you didn't took one hour inside the bathroom, we shouldn't be in a hurry." I retaliate and rolled my eyes playfully.

"Are there no buildings and cars in Mt. New Zealand? You're acting that it's your first time to seen those things." She said and pulled me beside her.

"It's New Zealand only, exclude the Mount."

"Whatever, we need to get there as soon as possible." She said while looking across us and when the light turned red, all the chariots stopped and Nayeon starts dragging me to cross the road. "We're here." She announced as we both entered the big gate and there are more rectangular mountain inside or should I start calling them buildings as what Nayeon called them earlier.

There are lot of student on our way and Nayeon didn't even give care about them even if she's bumping some of them as she was continue dragging me inside, is this how ordinary human act to one another? It's really the opposite of me because I was smiling at everyone who were staring at me.

"Stop smiling for fuck sake, you're creeping me out!" Nayeon scowled at me as we both entered a place that says registrar by the sign outside. "Enter that door and I'll wait for you here." She said while pointing at the door in the left and I nodded at her.

As soon as I finished enrolling with papers I faked last night, I thanked the university staff and bow my head before stepping out of the room.

"It's done." I said as soon as I approached Nayeon who's waiting for me. "I was told that I'll start tomorrow."

"Which class are you in?" She asked and clings onto my arm while were both started walking.

"I don't know, but they gave me this list." I said and showed her the piece of paper they gave me.

"What kind of sorcery is this, Jennie Ruby Jane Kim?! You are in the same class with IU, Jisoo and Lisa?!"

"Am I?" I asked and she nods her head furiously. "Oh wait, let me change-"

"No wait, actually this is a good chance." She stopped me from going back and pulled me.

"Wait! I have to change my class, I am not allowed to associates with the sin-"

"Shut up, Jennifer!" Nayeon hissed at me and continue dragging me out until we bumped into someone and we both got stumble on the floor from the loud impact. "Ouch!"

"Watch were you going, freaks!" The guy snarled at us but when I looked up to him, they all got shocked from seeing my face, I'm new here so that's not really surprising how they acted like they've seen a goddess. "Hey uhm, I'm s-sorry, did you got hurt?" The guy with blue hair asked and offered his hand to me.

"Yeah." I replied and the other guys helped to stand up, I shrugged the dirt behind my pants and was about to helped Nayeon because no one even dared to helped her but a hand extend in front of Nayeon. Then when my gaze darts up to the owner of the hand, I saw the sinner.

"L-lisa..." Nayeon called softly and Lisa smiled softly at her as she helped Nayeon to stand on her feet before turning to face the guys.

"Apologize to her." Lisa said firmly.

"Oh please, why are you always-"

"I said apologize to her." Lisa cut off the blue haired guy and was about to take one step but Nayeon stood in the middle and hug Lisa to stopped her.

"Lisa, I'm fine! Stop it!"

Lisa stopped from coming to the guy's neck and when she looked down, she creased her eyebrows. "I see, but can you not like, snuggling on my chest?"

"Oh uhm, sorry." Nayeon said as she untangled herself from Lisa and laugh awkwardly.

"Let's go." Lisa said but I don't know if she's telling that to me because her gaze was at me or she's just have crossed eyes but I guess not since she grips Nayeon hand and pulled her away.

"Wait! My roommate!" Nayeon said and took back her hand from Lisa's grip and ran back to me. "Let's go, Jennie."

"Oh so your name is Jennie, I'm Taeh-"

"She don't give a fuck with your name." Nayeon sneered at the guy and pulled me but the guy grip my other hand.

"I'm still introducing myself, you're being rude to me and to my boys." The guy said with his serious face.

"Let her go." I whipped my head hastily towards Nayeon when I heard someone spoke sternly but it's not Nayeon as she was also looking in front of her. "Let her go Nayeon, if she doesn't want to go with you, just leave her."

"No! She's my friend!" Nayeon said.

Lisa stares at her for a few second before releasing an exasperated sigh and pad back to us. My eyes widened when Lisa walked straight toward me.

"Oh shit, not again." The guy hissed and he voluntarily let go off of my hand. "See you later, Jennie." He winked before turning his back on me just before Lisa could get near him.

To be honest, I'm not afraid with those guys, I can beat them because I do have powers, but since I need to pretend that I'm weak, I acted like I was really afraid and Nayeon pulled me for a hug.

"It's ok, Jen. They will stop bugging you from now on." Nayeon said while rubbing my back.

"Let's go." Lisa said coldly and when I looked up to her, she rolled her eyes at me and walked away.

What's up with her? One minute, she was cool protecting Nayeon, then another one minute she acts like the most arrogant person I've ever met. Is this the person Nayeon telling me the kindest? She's just a sinner who's hiding her true color, nothing but a sinner!

Now I can finally say that I hate her!