Chapter 4 Reunited With The Squad

Lisa's POV

"Where were you?" Jisoo asks as soon as I sat down between her and IU inside our first class.

"Somewhere." I deadpanned and side glanced Jisoo which makes me frowns when I saw her face. "You should've stayed home until you get better."

"Lisa, I'm an assassin before, remember? This is just scratch." She said smugly and I couldn't disagree more, being an assassin means we need to be unbothered about little wounds, life of an assassin isn't really that easy, especially if you were working for Demons.

"But seriously, Lisa. Where have you been?" IU asks again, she surely won't gonna stop until they know where I've been since I decided to leave early and left Jisoo alone in my apartment.

"I just dropped by to Bambam's store to check his new items." I lied and they seems to believe me as they nods their heads.

As I've said, it was a fucking lie because the truth is, I followed Jennie and Nayeon this morning, don't ask me why, because even myself couldn't understand my fucking self why I followed them.

It's just that, I seemed to have crush to that cat-like eyed girl since the moment I've seen her in front of my door. I have never seen a girl like her so beautiful and cute at the same time and I want to pinch her puffy cheeks.

I followed them since the moment they stepped out from their apartment, watching them from afar, until I had to wait for them to went out from the registrar room. But to my dismay, Taehyung and his group bumped into them, I wasn't supposed to show myself that time but when I saw that no one helps Nayeon to stand up, my blood started to boil and I reached out my hand for my friend.

Those guys are really getting on my nerves since they've hurt Jisoo but I couldn't do anything about them because I know that I can't kill them because Jiyong won't allow me.

I told you, Jiyong is really different for a Demon Lord. He doesn't want me to kill anyone as long it has nothing to do with my job. He only allows us to fight back, but killing? No, he was so against by it, so IU and I always settled with beating our opponents if they were not our target.

But having a crush to someone that I don't even know in the first place, seems to be so stupid idea and the fact that I'm a demon assassin and killing people is the only way for me to survive at this cruel land, would she like me back? I doubt it.

I released a lungful sigh and sulk on my seat, putting the hood in my head to hide my face and let out another sigh.

"Yow, were you spirited away or something?" Jisoo asked whispering softly on my side.

"Yeah, why are you dispirited all of a sudden?" IU asked and removed the hood in my head. "Did something occurred on your way?"

"Nah... I was just thinking about my target." I lied again.

"Your target?" Jisoo asked and it seems that I fully got her attention now and she stir her body to face me. "What's wrong with your target?"

"Would you believe it that Lisa's target is the daughter of the strongest deity?" IU answered for me.

"Oh wow? What was Jiyong is thinking?" Jisoo said in disbelief.

"The daughter ran away but Lisa doesn't even have any idea what she looks like and where is she right now."

"Oh? Is this why the weather now was so gloomy because the Deity is mad and why would she didn't know her face?" Jisoo asked again and looked at me after she remember that I am literally sitting between them but they were talking as if I'm not existing at all. "You were from heaven right? Then why-"

"Wait, how did you know that I'm from there?!" I asked in shock and sat straight abruptly.

"Dude the picture on the wall says it all, you're wearing a fucking chiton!" She said incredulously. "But that was not the topic here, why didn't you see the God's daughter? You've been living there-"

"No one in mount Olympus have seen the wench, she's always inside their house."

"No wonder you got kicked out, bruh you didn't even know how to respect the girl." Jisoo mocks and they both giggled.

"And I'm afraid that I have to kick the three of you out of my class."

The three of us whipped our heads beside Jisoo when we heard Mrs. Taeyeon, our lesbian professor who just got married last month to her wife Mrs. Tiffany, our other professor in major subject.

"I'm sorry, ma'am." IU immediately apologized and stood up to bowled over.

"It's ok, I understand, I feel you girls but this is not the right moment to talk about girls." Mrs. Taeyeon said and smiled at us while pointing at the door and we have no choice but to step out of the room with our heads bowled.

"It's your fault." Jisoo elbows me while were walking to the field.

"Excuse me? I wasn't the one who started talking in the middle of the class." I scowled at her as I sat on the grass and lean my back on the tree.

"But seriously Lisa, your target will be hard to find, do you need our help?" IU said after taking the seat on the bench and Jisoo lie down on the grass, using my lap as her pillow.

"How would you help me?" I asked mockingly and chuckled. "It's hard to find the person who's hiding-ouch!"

"News, Lisa. Aren't you familiar with medias?" Jisoo flicked her fingers on my chin and sat up. "Do you know how MIB's tracks their aliens? They will first checks tabloids."

"Pfft, what are we looking for? An alien?" I asked while laughing throatily.

"Why don't you try it first?" IU said as she started tapping on her phone. "Holy shit!" She exclaimed while covering her mouth with her trembling hands which makes us startled and I suddenly stood up and steal IU's phone from her grip to take a look what's on her phone.

"IU!" I yelled and shoved back her phone after I saw what's in it. "I thought it's about my target!"

"Wait, what is it about?" Jisoo asked curiously.

"Chanel has 20% off and it's today!"

"Holy shit! IU you are really a wench!" Jisoo said while laughing her ass off and stand up. "Why don't we go to the mall?"

"You mean we're going to cut classes?" IU asked and Jisoo nods her head. "Ow ow can we tag Nayeon?"

"Of course!" Let me get her." Jisoo said before running away to fetch Nayeon.

When IU made sure that Jisoo already far away from our earshot, she looked at me and hand me her phone and even though I'm confused, I still took it and when I saw what's in it, I hitches my breath.

"Jisoo was right." IU said while chuckling. "She's teaching you subtlety on how to be the next legendary assassin."

"So the wench was really here in Seoul?" I said while staring at the picture where a falling bright light coming down from heaven and caught in camera accidentally, it was posted by a teenage girl and got viral with million of views.

"Yes, so all you have to do is to be observant." She said and took back the phone from my hand. "If you are a child of the almighty god, you will find it difficult to adapt to the human world, so she cannot avoid to use her power and you need to be alert before Lord Jiyong's siblings could catch her first."

"I don't know, Jieun. She's still a woman, I don't know if I can kill her." I sighed and sat down on the bench. "Why it has to be this hard?"

"That's the only way for the brotherhood of the thorns to trust you, you know that the three of them are still doubting you right?"

"Fuck them." I hissed and rubbed my knuckles on my eyes and released a frustrating sigh.

"But once you killed her, everything will be fine Lisa."

"Yeah, I just hope that this will be the first and last woman I will kill." I said and scrunch up my nose. It's still gives me heavy feelings every time I will remember that my next mission is a woman.

The four of us decided to cut classes and go to Chanel store because IU and Nayeon wouldn't stop from squealing after I told them that I will buy everything they want because I got paid off from my last mission and gave them my credit card.

"Why don't you go inside?" I asked the girl sitting next to me as we both biting the plastic straw in our chocolate drink and followed every sexy girls passing by in front of us.

"I hate shopping." Jisoo replied as she was staring at the girl who was about to pass by. "Damn she's thick." She mumbles and I immediately followed her gaze and my eyebrows quirks when I saw the girl she was talking about.

"Damn hot." I agreed and stare at the woman's boobs. We never looked to every women's face and just admire their front and behind. "So sexy."

"Yeah, so sexy." Jisoo repeats and when the girl walked in front of us, we pretends that we're talking and looked at her behind when she finally walked passed by us. "Oh shit, look at that perfect round ass."

"I wonder how soft are them." I said under my breath.

"These perverts." IU said who just got out of the store with Nayeon as followed our gaze.

"Isn't it-hey Jennie!" Nayeon shouted and the woman we were staring at, stopped from walking and I froze, my widened eyes slowly went up and met a pair of cat-like eyes.

"Hey, Nayeon."

"Shit." I whispered and cleared my throat as I looked away before sitting straight and sipped on my drink. I noticed Jisoo still staring at Jennie with her mouth slightly agape. "Stop it, pervert!" I hissed at her and covered her eyes.

"Assholes." IU said and smacked our heads. "Would you stop eye raping every women you'll see?"

"Sorry." I said and smiled at her awkwardly.

"Can I move to Nayeon's apartment?"

"Do you want to die?" I asked back and shoot her a dagger look.

"Oh my God, I know that kind of reaction!" Jisoo exclaimed and she laugh. "Don't tell me you like me?"

"Don't give me reason to doubt that you are really turtle rabbit." IU tells her and punched her shoulder while I stares at Jisoo ludicrously. "She likes Je-"

"I don't!"

"Whoa, calm down schmuck, too defensive ey?" IU mocks and both Jisoo and her laugh their ass off that we didn't noticed Jennie and Nayeon standing in front of us.

"Hey Jennie! Great to see you here!" Jisoo said as she stood up and was about to hug Jennie but I kicked her shin. "Fuck!" She suddenly crouched and rubbed her leg.

"What's wrong?" Nayeon and Jennie asked simultaneously.

"What happen to you?" I asked innocently while rubbing her back. "Are you okay buddy?"

"Damn you, I will slit your throat and stab you to death later." Jisoo whispered hardly.

"Don't you dare touch her or I'll shoot you with my gun." I fired back before looking up again. "She said she have stomach pain and I need to bring her home so we'll go ahead first." I said before grabbing Jisoo and put her on my shoulder like a sack of rice and dragged her away, leaving the three girls in confused.

When I made sure that we're far away from the girls, I put down Jisoo who immediately punched my shoulder.

"You fucking possessive dumbass!"

"You're about to harass Jennie!"

"I am not! I was just going to greet her!" She defend herself and hit my head.

"You can't fool me with that, Chu. You're going to hug her just to feel her bumps!"

"Don't put that shit on me, Lisa. I ain't you!" Jisoo scowled at me.

"I'm telling you, Chu! I'm going to sink twenty bullets in your body if you- hey hey where are you going?!" I asked when Jisoo suddenly run and I creased my eyebrows for how fast she run. "She is really an assassin." I said before running after her.

She turned to one alley which cause me to run faster and I stopped on my tracks when I saw her jumped onto a man's shoulder and kicked the other guy in front. Then Jisoo throw a fist on the other guy behind her sending him on the ground, kicked another guy's balls that I surely knows he will get barren, Jisoo spin around to kicked another guy on his neck and the last guy was about to run but Jisoo didn't let him as she run after him and grabbed his hair.

"N-no please! I'm s-sorry!"

"You are bunch of pervert weirdos!" Jisoo yelled onto his face before smashing his head on the wall who quickly lost his conscious.

"Wow!" I said while slowly clapping my hands while walking to her. "That was really cool!"

"Thank you." Jisoo said and bowed at me, as if she's in some theater shit. "Are you girls okay?" She asked after and that's when I noticed the three girls standing on the side.

"T-thank you." The tallest girl with blonde hair, said.

"Who are they?" I asked confusedly.

"I don't know, I just saw these guys dragging them here." Jisoo replied and shrugged her shoulders before facing the three girls once again. "Are you girls hurt?"

"No, we're fine. Thank you for saving us." The smallest girl said and bow her head slightly.

She's so beautiful, what the hell? I think I've seen her before but I forgot where and when.

"I'm Irene, this is Sana and this is Chaeyoung." Irene introduced themselves and offered her hand for a handshake.

"I'm Jisoo and this is my buddy, Lisa." Jisoo said and reached for Irene's hand. "Anyway, you seems new to this place, where are you girls going?"

"Oh uhm, we were looking for our friend." The girl with orange hair answered while staring at me, same with the blonde girl who's staring at me intensely.

"Have we met before?" Chaeyoung asked.

"I don't think so, but you girls are familiar." I said while laughing softly and offered my hand. "I'm Lisa."

"Yeah, you seems very familiar but there's no way in heaven that we have met, we just came here in this place to look for our friend." Irene said.

"Oh, who's friend are you looking for? We would might help you to find her." Jisoo said and pulled my hand as the blonde still shaking my hand while still staring at my face.

"Jennie, Jennie Kim."

"Jennie?!" Jisoo and I exclaimed in unison.

"Yeah, you know her?" Sana asked.

"The thick girl-" I immediately elbowed Jisoo to stop her from spitting embarrassing words. "I mean, Jennie Kim, Nayeon's new roommate?" Jisoo said while coughing.

"You know Jennie?!" The three of them asked simultaneously.

"Yeah, she just moved in yesterday."

"Can you bring us to her? We badly need to see her!" Chaeyoung said enlivened and grabbed both of Jisoo's hand.

"S-sure." Jisoo stutters and I almost snort a laugh when I saw how red her cheeks. The fucker is really weak when it comes to cute women.

"Thank you so much! You're really a life saver, Jisoo!" Chaeyoung said and hugged Jisoo who got choked on her own saliva as Chaeyoung's boobs slammed to Jisoo's face.

Damn! I want that too, but with Jennie.

"Stop it, Chaeyoung, you're making her uncomfortable." Irene said and pulled Chaeyoung away from Jisoo.

"I-it's actually f-fine." Jisoo said while touching her cheek and her face became more red. I chuckled and wrapped my arm on her shoulder and starts walking. "S-shit."

"You lucky nasty piece of shit." I whispered and poke her side which caused her to jump a little and slapped my arm.

"Sometimes, saving someone will have something good in return." She said with cockiness while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Horny rascal." I snort and ruffles her hair.

The place where we saved the girls isn't that far from our apartment and it only takes five minutes walk before we stopped in front of Nayeon's apartment.

"We're here, but I don't know if they are already here." Jisoo said before pressing the doorbell relentlessly. The smile on her lips never fades since Chaeyoung hugged her earlier and when Jisoo will steal a glance at blonde, her face gets red. I don't know if she was just shy or already fucking the blonde inside her mind.

"I don't think they were already h-" My words were cut off when someone spoke behind us.


We all turned to see whose voice was that and I saw how Jennie's face became paled and her widened eyes looking at the three girls in stunned surprised with IU and Nayeon standing behind her with lots of paper bags in their hand.

Don't tell me, I am now broke?

"Jen!" Irene was the first one screamed upon seeing her friend.

"W-what are you doing h-here?" Jennie asked stuttering.

"Long story! But we're glad that we found you." Chaeyoung said as she engulfed Jennie's petite body and my eyes immediately went to her breast who got squeezed.

Nayeon cleared her throat to get the attention of the girls who seems to got so excited to their mini reunion and which caused me to tear my gaze away from Jennie's boobs.

"May I know who you might be?" She asked.

"Oh we're Jennie's friend." Sana said and bow her head slightly to Nayeon.

"Oh I see." Nayeon said while nodding her head and her gaze shifted to me and shoot me dagger look. "Why are you still outside?"

"We were just arrived before you." I said and steal last glance to Jennie who's still in shock before I walked towards the other door and press my pass code.

As soon as I stepped in inside my apartment, I run upstairs and quickly takes off all of my clothes and run to the bathroom.

Damn! Jennie's perfect body giving me feelings that I shouldn't have feel and this is partly Jisoo's fault! That damn little pervert shit!

I clenched my eyes hardly as soon as the cold water starts soaking my body and my hand slid down to my hard dick and starts stroking it slowly while imagining how Jennie's boobs got squeezed and I'm imagining them in my palms while squeezing them.

"Ah s-shit." I groaned as I started stroking my dick faster and it didn't take too long before I spit off my sperm cells on the wall as my legs trembled. "F-fuck!" I hissed.

I can't believe that I jerked off just by imagining Jennie, it's really Jisoo's fault, yes, no one's to blame but that horny shit.

After the procrastination inside the bathroom, I continue taking a bath and covered my lower body with the towel and wears sports bra before stepping out of the bathroom. I suddenly felt thirstiness and decided to go in the kitchen to have glass of water.

As soon as I shut the door behind me, Jisoo did the same on her room and we both stares at each other because we're both wearing sports bra and towel on our lower body.

"Don't say a word." I warned her immediately when she opened her mouth but the typical Jisoo would still say what she wants to say.

"I can't believe that we did it at the same time."

"I told you don't say a word." I said disappointedly while shaking my head.

"We're really meant to be friends, Lisa." She said as she started walking downstairs.

"Just what exactly the fuck did you guys do?!" IU exclaimed when she look ever her shoulder and saw us descending from the stairs, both wearing sports bra and towels only.

"Took a bathmasturbate."

"What the fuck Jisoo?!" I yelled and slapped her arm.

"What? That's true."

"That's disgusting!" IU shrieks and throw the pillow on my face. "Urgh! I swear to Demons! I shouldn't have waited for y'all asses!"

"I did not masturbate!" I denied and throw back the pillow at her.

"Tch! I heard you moaning inside your bathroom." Jisoo scoffed.

"What the hell?! What are you even doing in my room!" I snarled at her.

"I was told to give back your credit card."

"You girls are unbelievable!" IU growled as she stood up and walked towards the door.

"No! IU, that's- wait! Let me- urgh!" I groaned when IU slammed the door abruptly.

"Oohh, sister got mad at her siblings." Jisoo teased while snickering.

"Fuck you!" I sneered at her before I pad to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. Jisoo followed me inside the kitchen and poured water in another glass for herself and acts like she didn't do anything just awhile ago.

"I hope Nayeon will let them stay in her apartment." She said while leaning her back on the sink.

"Yeah? So you can have a chance to fuck one of those girls?" I mocks and jumped to sit above the countertop.

"Nah... I only want that tall, blonde and gorgeous girl."

"You mean Chaeyoung?" I asked and she nods her head with her creepy smile. "You like her?"

"Yeah, not the way you're thinking and I know you will laugh at me, but I think I have crush on her." Jisoo said and lowered her head to hide her blushing face.

It's ridiculous to laugh at her if I know to myself that I felt the same way to Jennie when I saw her that night. Those captivating cat-like eyes, her luscious lips and her body is just so urgh! I couldn't get her out of my mind since that night, I like her, I really do but I also can't be nice to her whenever I get to see her.

I'm so fucked up!

"Lisa!" I was snapped out from my deep thought when Jisoo shouted my name and I saw her standing on the sink.

"What are you doing up there?!" I asked raggedly.

"There's a fucking cockroach! Kill it!" She said while pointing at the cockroach on the floor.

"Why me?! You saw it first!"

"Kill it! Damn it Lisa! It's crawling!"

"You kill it!!" I shouted back to teased her more. I'm not really afraid in cockroaches, I just want to tease her because she's so fucking scared right now as her body trembling in fear.

"Lisa! Oh my Gosh! If that shit crawl to me! I will kill you!"

"Why don't you kill it, Jisoo! You're the man!"

"Bitch when?" Jisoo asked and I literally dropped my jaw when Jisoo takes off her sport bra and show me her perky boobs.

"Goddamn it Kim Jisoo! Put it back! Oh my God! My eyes! Holy fucking shit! I need eye cleanser!" I'm shouting while rubbing my knuckles on my eyes violently.

"Kill it first!"

"Fine fine! Just wear your goddamn bra!" I sneered and jumped off from the countertop and grabs for a jar and used it to lock the cockroach inside. "It's done! Now cover your boobs!"

"I already did." Jisoo said as she jumped off from the sink.

"You son of a bitch!" I scowled at her and throw her the jar but she immediately catches it.

"Lisa! What the fuck?!" Jisoo said and was about to hit me but we both stopped when we heard the doorbell rings.

"Get it!" I said and took the jar from her hand.

"I'm not wearing anything under this towel."

"And so do I, I get rid the cockroach now it's your turn to get the door." I said and Jisoo huffed before turning her heels and ran to the door.

I decided to freed the cockroach outside the window but I got startled when I heard Jisoo screamed loudly which cause the jar to slipped on my hands and shattered on the floor.

"Jisoo!" I called and ran out of the kitchen but I bumped into Jisoo's body and we both stumbled on the floor. "What the hell, Chu?!"

"There are ghost at the door!" Jisoo said frighteningly and crawled behind me and hide herself.

"W-what? A g-ghost?!" I asked stuttering and I immediately stood up but Jisoo grabs the towel and it slipped away from my lower body, exposing my dick.

"Holy shit, Lisa! That was huge since the last time I saw that!"

I froze upon hearing that voice and even if I didn't look to the owner of that voice, I already know whose voice was it.

"Shit, we came in a wrong time, aren't we?" Another voice said while laughing.

I slowly looked up to the people in front of me and my tears starts streaming down on my face when I saw the crackheads, my friends, my partners in crime, standing at the kitchen door while smiling at me widely.

Seulgi, Jeongyeon, Ryujin and Tzuyu.

"Seulgi!" I shouted and I immediately jumped on her to embrace her.

"Lisa!" They all shouted back and engulfed me into a tightest hug as we all started to cry.