Chapter 5 Squad Plans

Lisa's POV

"Oh my God! Y'all are really here! What the fuck?!" I exclaimed while crying because I still couldn't believe that my squad are here in human land, the last place I'm expecting to see them. "But why are you here? How did you get here?"

"W-we escaped!" Jeongyeon answered between her tears.

"W-what?" I asked while still sobbing hard and pulled away from the hug to look at her face.

"The p-place is in the chaos a-after the Deity's daughter disappearance and w-we took that as an o-opportunity to escape." Tzuyu said, she's also crying and using Seulgi's chiton to wipe her tears.

"But h-how'd you know where I lived?" I asked again.

"That doesn't matter." Ryujin said and pulled me again for a hug. "Lisa, I r-really missed you!"

"W-what happened to you, bitch? I couldn't even fathom how hard it was for you, to s-suffer from the sin that y-you didn't do..." Seulgi said and hugged my head. "I'm s-sorry for being a useless friend Lisa."

"N-no, please don't apologize, it's n-not your fault."

"Why are you guys talking while crying? Aren't y'all supposed just to cry only? You look like fools, no wonder your Lisa's friends." Jisoo said behind us and we all turned to her while wiping our tears and sobbing. She picks up the towel and grip both of the end of it and rolled it up before flicking it on my exposed thigh.

"Ouch fuck!" I hissed as I rubbed the spot where she hit me and she quickly throw the towel on my face before running away.

"Cover your dick, schmuck!" Jisoo shouted and that's when I realized that I am still naked.

"Shit! S-sorry." I said embarrassingly and cover my lower body with the towel. "That-that's J-jisoo."

"Your girlfriend?" Seulgi asked and I grimaced while shaking my head vigorously.

"She's just my friend, she's nice but a whole ass crackhead." I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"So she's your fuck buddy?" Jeongyeon said while laughing.

"You know what? For people living in heaven, y'all much deserve to live in hell." I said and slapped her arm causing them all to laugh. "I'll just go and get dress, wait me here, we need to catch up!"

I run upstairs to my room but I got startled when I saw Jisoo standing behind the door with her arms crossed and serious face.

"Lisa, we need to talk." She said and pad towards my bed.

"Ok." I cooly replied but when she turn her back against me, I immediately wrap my arm on her neck and choke her. "You fucking shit! You embarrassed me in front of my friends!"

"Aack! L-lisa I c-can't breath!" She struggles while slapping my arm. "F-fuck, Lisa!" She groans and bend over to throw me onto my bed.

"Ah s-shit!" I groans but I immediately jumped off when Jisoo tried to grab my head. "Yah! I was just taking my revenge for hitting me with the towel!"

"Fuck you!" She scowled while rubbing her neck and glaring at me. "Be serious because whatever I'm going to say is important!"

"Exactly, Chu. I can't be serious because it's yo-"

"Don't tell them about your job, don't tell them about your next target and don't ever tell them that you are an assassin!" Jisoo said to cut me off. "I know that they are your friends, but you are living in a different world now, you're a demon assassin and they are goddesses."


"Lisa, I know it'll be hard for you to hide secrets from them but this is for your own safety." She said with her eyes pleading, she pad back towards my bed and sat down at the edge. "I'm not saying this because I don't trust them, but as an assassin myself, I know that it's dangerous if someone know what my job is, even if they are my trusted friend."

"So you're practically telling me to lie about myself?"

"If that's the only choice to keep you safe, then be it. I'm not going to risk your safety just for the sake of your friendship." She said and shoot me a doleful look.

I suddenly felt desolate on the thought that I need to lie to my friends just because of my job, but on the other hand, I could understand Jisoo because we are really living in different world since the moment I worked for the Demon Lords.

I released a lungful sigh and nodded slowly. "I understand." I said defeatedly.

"I'm sorry, Lisa but I have no choice but to protect you from getting hurt, buddy." She said before heaving up from the bed and walk to the door. "But nevertheless, you are still their friend."

I smiled at her weakly but genuinely, because that's the only thing that will never change, we maybe living in different world, but our friendship will never change just because of my job as an assassin.

After putting some clothes on, I released the deepest sigh I've ever done today before opening my door. I stared at Jisoo's door before letting out another sigh and run downstairs and jumped between Seulgi and Jeongyeon as my hands wrapped on their shoulders.

"So tell me, how did you guys escaped?" I asked enthusiastically while smiling all eared.

"So just like what I've said, the heaven is in chaos after the Deity's daughter disappearance two days ago, then we decided to pretend as hoplites."

"So you're telling me that all of you lied to the Deity just to escape?!" I asked in disbelief but they shakes their head furiously.

"We do not! We just pretended to be hoplites and then lied to the guards that we were the ones Deity sent to find his daughter!" Seulgi explained and I laugh loudly.

"Bitch, it's still the same, you all lied! You do know that if the Deity finds out about your escapades, you can never go back to heaven!" I exclaimed while still laughing but I didn't get any response from them as they just exchanged glances. I stopped from laughing and looked at Seulgi. "Don't tell me-"

"Yes, Lisa. We don't have plans going back as long as you're not with us." Tzuyu said firmly.

"What the fuck? No! You can't do that!" I said raggedly and rose up from the couch then start pacing back and forth while biting my nail. "Guys! You can't do that, you don't belong here!"

"But Lisa, we've all agreed to it!" Ryujin said making me to stopped from walking and snapped my head at her.

"Exactly Ryujin! Why did you agreed to it?! You are the daughter of one the Deities! They already in a chaos because the wench-"

"Ruby Jane."

"What?!" I scowled at Jeongyeon when she cut me off.

"Ruby Jane is her name, not wench! And what the fuck is wrong with staying with you?!" Jeongyeon yelled back at me.

"She's right! We made a fucking mistake when we didn't do anything that day and we just fucking watch how they threw you out!" Seulgi then began to vociferate pretty loudly.


"Seulgi is right! Do you even know how much it pains us that one of our friend got accused and thrown out?! Fuck being the daughter of Deity! I'll stay here whether you like it or not!" Ryujin said in bellow of rage to cut me off.

These bitches doesn't really deserved living in heaven because of their nasty and fouled mouths.

I shifted my gaze to Tzuyu, as if I'm silently asking her if she's going to say something but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"What else am I supposed to say?聽They've already told you everything."

I took a deep breath until my lungs fill up with air before exhaling it while my eyes closed and when I shot my eyes open, there's another lone tear escaped from my eye.

"T-thank you." I mumbled softly and that's their cue to jumped on me and engulfed me for another tight hug. "Thank y-you." I repeat while crying my heart's out.

"We're really s-sorry Lisa." Jeongyeon said while they're squeezing my body but I couldn't careless as I'm busy bawling my eyes out.

I looked up to catch for an air and saw Jisoo looking down at us with contented smile plastered on her lips, she nods at me before going back inside her room and I know that she probably heard everything.

After minutes of crying and hugging, the five of us finally calmed down and all seated in the living room, though still sobbing but not really loud unlike earlier.

"Here, have some water." Jisoo said and hand me a glass of water that I immediately drink.

I could feel the teasing gazes of my friends while looking at me and suppressing their smiles to break out. I can't blame tho, if Jisoo didn't have that dick under her pants, I will do the same way how Jeongyeon and Seulgi stares at her with admiration.

"Guys, Jisoo is an intersex, stop eye raping her." I rebuked them and throw the leftover water on my glass at the two pervert.

Jeongyeon's widened eyes shifted at me and then to Jisoo's crotch and she frowned after seeing the bulge. "The fuck?! All this time I was thinking she's your fuck buddy!"

"Eew no!" Jisoo and I exclaimed in unison.

"That's disgusting." I shrieked and crossed my arms and lean my back on the couch while eyeing Jisoo disgustingly.

"Dude, if I didn't have this dick, you would probably lock me inside your room and drain the fuck out of me!" Jisoo said and smacked my head before sitting on another single couch.

"Yeah, I would do the same." Seulgi said while still staring at Jisoo intensely even if I already told her that Jisoo ain't the one she can put in bed.

"Uh Lisa? I'm scared of that narrow eyed girl." Jisoo said while pointing at Seulgi.

"Stop it Seul!" I slapped her arm and covered her face with her own hair.

"Sorry, she's so beautiful that I couldn't stop myself admiring her."

"It's ok, but can you like, stop staring at me with full of lust in your eyes?" Jisoo said disgustingly.

"Ok, let's stop being horny bitches, because we need to talk what are we going to do next after escaping to..." Ryujin trailed off and steal a glance at Jisoo.

"Don't worry, she's all good." I assured her and she nod at me before continuing her words.

"So yeah, now what? We are here and we're not familiar how ordinary human lives."

I looked at them one by one and cleared my throat and uncrossed my arms to lean my elbows on my lap while still looking at my friends then released a short sigh.

"Ok, so first, I will explain to you how ordinary human lives in this land, me and Jisoo will teach all of you how to act as an ordinary human."

"Why do you sounds like they're aliens, Lisa?" Jisoo chimes in while chuckling and she stood up and pad in front of the girls. "Ok, listen to me. The first thing you need to know is how to dress up like ordinary people, you know? Chitons nowadays ain't cool and if they saw you wearing those, they might've think you are doing cosplay shit."

"What's wrong with Chiton? This is how we dressed up in mt Olympus!" Tzuyu said.

"But y'all are not in Mt. Olympus no more, you girls are in the city, where people usually wears Chanel, Celine, YSL and Dior!"

"What are those?" Jeongyeon asked curiously while looking up to Jisoo naively.

"This shirt is from Dior, Lisa's shirt is from Celine. They are brands and this is usually people are wearing." Jisoo explained and they all nod at her, as if they just learned the most amusing things in their life. "Next, ordinary human doesn't have powers, does anyone of you have powers?"

"Ryujin is the daughter of Neptune." I answered.

"Oh great, that explains the three pointed trident on you arm." Jisoo pointed out and released a sigh. "Don't use your power to unnecessary event, like making horses in sea foam because ordinary human will surely freak out if they see that."

"Noted." Ryujin said while nodding her head.

"Third, we have these things called, appliances, cars, buildings, gadgets and we are buying things with money not Drachmas."

"But we brought a lot of them." Jeongyeon said and pull out the bag of Drachmas on her waist and put it on the table.

"Honey, we can sell it to antique shops and exchange it into real money but I'm not going to do that because that's dangerous and I will surely get investigate if I did that." Jisoo said as she picks up the bag and throw it to me. "And one last thing, this is the most important so you need to be aware because as you can see, all of you are from up there." Jisoo said while pointing at the ceiling.

"Chu..." I called softly meaningfully but she held up her hand to stopped me.

"You all need to be careful because there are demon assassins in this place, one head each of you is worth a lot of money." Jisoo said sternly, she was staring at the girls gauging for reactions but they were just exchanging meaningful glances.

"Actually, we know-"

"Right, noted that!" Seulgi said in a little high pitch voice to cut off Jeongyeon. "But where are we going to stay?"

"Here." I chimed in and Jisoo whipped her head at me hastily, looking at me questioningly. "Y'all are going to stay here until I can find new bigger place for us." I said smiling at Jisoo widely.

A soft chuckle escaped from her and shakes her head. "I guess, I need to look for a job to help you."

"Can we look for jobs too? We also want to help." Tzuyu said. I looked at Jisoo and she curt a nod at me and I nod back before shifting my gaze to Tzuyu.

"Ok, I'll help you all to find-" I stopped from talking when I accidentally saw the painting behind the girls and suddenly an idea popped up on my mind. "Wait. I have a better idea!" I said and snapped my fingers. "Chu, can you look out at them for me? I just need to go somewhere for awhile." I said as I stood up and run upstairs to get my phone and grab a hoodie.

"Wait, Lisa where are you going?" Jisoo asked after I came out from my room in a rush.

"Just watch over them, I'll be back!" I said before slamming the door of my apartment and hailed the first cab I saw.

After twenty minutes, I arrived at the forest park and payed the driver before climbing out of the car. I waited for his car to vanished from my sight before I turned around and starts walking in the dark area of the forest and entered the secret portal leads to underworld.

As soon as I stepped out the portal, I saw Jiyong sitting on his throne while talking to Taeyang. I walked in front of them and bend on my one knee and bowled over to greet them.

"Greetings to Demon Lords."

"Oh wow, what a surprise visit from one of the prominent assassin." Jiyong said teasingly as he rose up from his throne and walked in front of me, he then grabs my collar to pull me up and hug me. "Ahh, seeing you here never ceased to makes me feel happy." He said chuckling and tapping my back.

"Stop it, your brother is looking."

"Oh, Taeyang? Psh! Don't mind him, he's not like Daesung and Seunhyung." He said and waved at his brother.

"I really envy the bond between the two of you, how I wish I get to know Lisa first, before you, Jiyong." Taeyang said and I bow my head slightly at him when he stand up and walked away.

"He likes you." Jiyong whispered. "But not the like as a girl, but as the best assassin, you know? He knows that you also likes gir-"

"Can you shut up for a moment? I understand what you mean and I didn't went here just to talk about how Taeyang likes me." I said irritably making Jiyong to laugh and punched my shoulder playfully.

"So what are you doing here? Have you already found the daughter?" He asked whispering near my ear.

"I haven't, but I'm already working on it."

"Good good, I know you're not going to disappoint me." He said and wrap his arm on my shoulder. "So tell me your real reason why came here." I chuckled softly upon hearing him because he knew very well that I would not accustomed to coming here unless he called me for my next mission.

"Do you still remember the coffee shop along Hongdae? The one that you closed?"

"Yeah, what about that?" He asked.

"Can I buy that shop?"

He untangled his arm on my shoulder abruptly and stared at me,squinting his eyes. "Don't tell me your planning to quit being assassin and just decided to run a coffee shop?"


"Then why all of a sudden you want to buy that shop? Were you planning to get married and have a family?"

"No." I replied again.

"Then why? Why all of a sudden, Lisa?" He asked frustratingly, hands spread out and narrowed forehead.

"I can't tell you, but I swear, I'm not quitting!"

Jiyong stares at me straight into my eyes unblinking, as if he was deciphering what's inside my head but then he releases a long sighs in defeat before playing his hand in the air and a folder came out from the black smoke and he gives it to me.

"That's the paper of that store, you don't have to pay for it, I'm giving it to you."

"W-wait, no. I'm going to buy-"

"Shut up, Lisa. Just take it and leave." He said before he ruffles my hair and turned his heels but I stopped him and grabbed his shoulder.

"Thank you, but I'm still going to pay it and promise, I will kill the girl for you." I said and tapped his shoulder. He didn't look back but the sound of his lips stretching out was enough for me to know that he was smiling right now. "I gotta go." I bid and ran straight to the portal, I was in halfway through when I heard him spoke again.

"Will visit the shop one of this day."

I shrugged off what I heard from him because I know that he will never do that, he doesn't want to go out especially if it's not related to any of our jobs, so I don't have to worry about him, seeing my friends.

I was on my way home when I saw four women standing in the corner, I don't know if it's just me, but I can sense something strange about them, though they are all just standing while watching every people who's passing by in front of them with their observant eyes.

I continued my steps and shrugged off that strange feelings and walked in front of them with my head hung low, but when I'm about to passed by at their spot, I saw in my peripheral vision the tall girl took one step and she grabbed my shoulder.

"Wait." I gulped thickly before slowly turning my head to her and my eyes went wide when I saw her face. Damn it!

"I know you." She said smirking and tilt her head slightly. "You're the sinner."

"I'm a what?" I asked innocently and quirk my eyebrows, trying my best to look like innocent as much as possible from their perceiving eyes.

"Stop acting stupid, we didn't removed your memory before we threw you out." She said and her smirk grew wider and let go of my shoulder to crossed her arms then she scan me from head to toe. "You look more better living here than up there."

I chuckled softly and show her my million dollar worth smiles and shrug off the imaginary dirt on where she held me. I guess I couldn't pretend dumb at all when she can recognize me.

"What does the high ranking hoplites doing here in human land?" I asked and I saw how she was taken aback for a moment but she blink away her shock and smiled back at me.

"Not in any of your business." She replied.

"Ok then, enjoy your stay here." I said and continue walking away and release a shaky breath.

Damn! This is what I'm afraid of! The Deity already sent his men to find the wench!

"Girls, we have a problem!" I bawled after I pushed the door open. The six girls whipped their heads at me and got startled but instead of continuing my words, I creased my eyebrows when I saw Nayeon. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh c'mon Lisa, you didn't tell me that you have good looking friends." She said while tucking her hair behind her ear and smiling sheepishly as she steal a quick glance at Jeongyeon.

"What are you doing here?" I repeat.

"Oh uhm, Jennie asked me to go out for awhile." She said still stealing glances to my friend.

I raised my left brow and looked at Jisoo but she just shrugged her shoulders. Who would do such thing as kicking out the first owner of the apartment just because her friends came?

"Anyway, it's great that you're already here because I need to announce something." I said as I sat down on the carpeted floor in front of the center table and laid out the folder I was holding. "I guess you already know them?" I asked Nayeon and she nods her head shyly. "Ok, sit here." I said patting the empty space beside me, she immediately obliges but she tucked her hair once again and sat slowly.

Oh my God! What's wrong with this girl?! She's really different from the Nayeon I know!

"There's still space here." Nayeon said to Jeongyeon while still smiling like a fool.

"Thank yo-"

"Not you, fucker! Go stand somewhere else!" Nayeon scowled at Jisoo but she smiled again when she look back to Jeongyeon and flipped her hair sassily. "Sit with me."

"O-ok." Jeongyeon said reluctantly but she still sat next to Nayeon who looks like a worm writhing on her spot.

"The fuck is wrong with that girl?!" Jisoo whispered after sitting on my other side.

"Ignore her, she forgot to take her med." I said and we both giggled. "Ok now listen to me." I said and open the folder. They all waited for me to start what I'm going to say and their eyes fixed on the folder. "We're going to run a coffee shop."

"A what?" They all asked in unison.

"A shop, where people can drink coffee? And rest? Or date? Or whatever shit they want inside that place." I said and roamed my eyes at them. "I bought this coffee shop from my friend and all of you doesn't need to look for job, we'll go to school in the morning and run the shop at night."

"School?" Tzuyu asked and I nod my head. "But we already done going to school."

"You didn't go to college?" Nayeon asked and my friends quirks they eyebrows in confusion.

"College?" Jeongyeon asked making Nayeon to look at her and as if we are watching some romance movie when they almost kissed and staring into each other's eyes.

"You're eyes are so pretty, well Lisa's eyes are more prettier but yours are also pretty." I slapped my forehead and twist Nayeon's head. "Who the fuc- oh, I'm sorry." Nayeon stopped when she saw that I'm the one holding her head.

"Stop playing, will you? We need to focus in this." I said.

"Yes baby- I mean, Lisa." Nayeon coughs and I pursed my lips to stop myself from snapping while Jisoo laughing her ass of beside me.

"Nayeon, please." I said calmly and she just smiled at me widely while blinking her eyes acting to be cute.

"Go on, proceed."

"Ok, let's just continue this." I said while shaking my head but the smile still slowly creeps up on my lips, this girl is really something else.

I continued explaining about the shop and after an hour of debating who will takes of each positions, we finally all agreed at the end.

I will be the boss, Jisoo is the manager, I also include IU being the supervisor, Jeongyeon and Seulgi as the bartender, Ryujin and Tzuyu takes the position of being the crew who will serves coffee and Nayeon is fine. Kidding! Nayeon's position will be the cashier.

After the little meeting, we decided to have some snack that Jeongyeon made for us. Nayeon volunteered to help but all she did was to sat on the chair and stared at my friend with her eyes twinkling.

"Are you single?" Nayeon asked all of the sudden while sipping on her juice.

"Yes." All of us answered except from Ryujin.

"Oh what a coincidence, I'm single too." Nayeon said as she put down her glass in slow motion and the smile on her lips never fades away. "Sometimes, being single is so boring, right?"

"Yes bitch! I saw you once, throwing pillow at yourself and you be like, babe stop, I'm tired." Jisoo said which made me to spit the juice out of my mouth before bursting out into loud laugh.

"Shut the fuck up! I was just reenacting the movie I've watched that day!" Nayeon yelled at her and shoot Jisoo a dagger look.

"Oh please! You were acting like a mad person and seeing imaginary boyfr-" Jisoo were cut off when someone rings the doorbell. I was about to stand up to get the door but Ryujin also stood up.

"Let me get it." She said and I nod at her reluctantly because I was expecting that it was Jennie, IU would never, as in never will use the doorbell or knock on the door so I'm sure that it wasn't her but Jennie, probably looking for Nayeon.

I followed Ryujin with my gaze and waited for her to open the door and I wasn't wrong when I got a glimpsed of Jennie's beautiful face but my eyebrows knitted when Ryujin suddenly stepped out and slammed the door behind her after seeing Jennie.

I put down the glass I was holding and stood up to follow Ryujin but my phone rings, I fishes it out and saw Jieun's number registered on the screen.


"Lis, I need h-help."