Chapter 6 Chaotic Encounter

Jennie's POV

I'm still trying to process what's happening right now, my three friends are here, sitting on the couch while staring at me and waiting for me to say a word, but all I did was stares at them and released several loud sighs.

"Jen-" I held up my hand to Sana to stop her and she did, she retreat back and lean her back on the couch while pouting.

"How?" The only question I asked after being silent for almost an hour since I asked Nayeon to give us privacy for a moment, who immediately ran to the door and moved to the next door excitedly because she have reason to see Lisa.

"First, we did what you did, second, we're worried about you, third, the high ranks hoplites are already looking for you and we are worried that they might find you immediately." Irene explained in a rushed that I didn't have time to react in every words she's spitting out.

"Fourth, bitch we're tired pretending like some holy virgin mary so we decided to come out as gay but my father hates it so I have to run away from home." Sana added and I shifts my gaze at her and stares at her ludicrously. "Kidding, I didn't do that, I'm probably dead by now if I did that." She took back and laughed.

"Do you want us to go back-"

"No." I said to cut off Irene and released another sigh. "You can't go back, you know what will might happen if the Deity finds out you all came from here."

"But you looked like blatantly disappointed seeing us here." Chaeyoung pouts and crossed her arms a little harsh.

"No, I wasn't, I was just surprised, I'm sorry." I said sincerely and heave up from the couch. "I just need to talk to Nayeon first and ask if you girls can stay here."

"So does that mean that you're letting us to stay here?" Irene asked.

"Do I have any choice? You girls are already here." I said before walking to the door to get my roommate. I ring the doorbell only once but I already heard a footsteps coming towards the door.

The door swung open and I tried not to looked up as I know that it was the sinner but my forehead furrows confusedly when I saw leather sandals, a familiar leather sandals and Chiton.

I shot my head's up and saw the daughter of Neptune. We are both staring at each other in stunned surprised while both mouth slightly agape.


"Ryujin!" I blurted out and she shut the door behind her before I pulled her arm. "What are you doing here?!"

"What are you doing here?!" She asked back, wide eyes. "Your father is looking for you! What was your thinking?! Why did you ran away?!"

"You're also here, so that means you also ran away!"

"Yeah, we did, we escaped to find our friend! But you! Oh my God, Ruby Jane! What the fuck?!" Ryujin said in disbelief while scanning me from head to toe. "Why of all places, why are you here?!"

"I asked the same thing when I met your friend! And I need you to pretend!"


"Pretend that you don't know me! Your friends didn't know me, right? Because only the daughters of Gods are the only ones who've seen me, so please pretend!" I begged and hold her hands, rubbing the knuckles nervously. "Please Ryujin."

"Ah shit! This is a problem if the hoplites found you!" She began to hissed frustratingly, she slides her fingers on her hair and scratch the back of her head.

"It's just happen that I live next door and I came here to fetch my roomma-" My words were cut off when the door behind Ryujin opened abruptly and Lisa stepped out with Jisoo.

"Lisa!" Ryujin blurted out in shocked. The sinner stopped on her tracks and glanced at me before looking to Ryujin. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going out for awhile, please stay inside the house."

"Lisa let's go!" Jisoo shouted inside of the cab while waving her hand, she looked so worried and in a rush.

"Just go inside and don't go out until I return." Lisa said before looking down to our joined hands and arched her eyebrow.

"Lisa!" Jisoo shouted again.

"Go inside, Ryujin." Lisa ordered firmly and parted our hands before pushing her friend inside the apartment then she faced me again with her burning gaze. "Fetch your friend and don't talk to my friends." She said rudely before running to Jisoo and slammed the car door abruptly that I surely knows the cab's driver will scold her.

I didn't utter any words as I watch the cab vanished from my sight and pressed the doorbell one more time and this time, another tall girl with narrow eyes opened the door for me. She was shocked to see me, but I don't have to worry because I know she doesn't have any idea who I am and she was just awestruck from my beauty.

"Is Nayeon there?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said without tearing her gaze away from me. "Nayeon? Someone is looking for you!" She yells on her back but still staring at me.

"Jen!" I heard Nayeon's voice behind the girl and peeking her head. "Uh excuse me, you're blocking the door."

"Ah y-yeah, sorry." The girl apologized and move on the side to give path to Nayeon. "Is she your friend?"

"Yeah, my friend slash roommate, don't tell me you like her too?" Nayeon asked mockingly. The girl's eyes went wide and shook her head vigorously with her burning cheeks and I can't help but to giggled. "Lisa will beat the hell out of you if you did."

Me and the girl with narrowed eyes furrows our forehead and look at Nayeon in confused.

"Why woul-"

"Forget it, let's go back." Nayeon cut me off and dragged me back to our apartment, the narrow eyed girl waved at me while smiling, making er eyes to turn into one line. "So what's the catch?" Nayeon asked when we got inside and she sat on the couch while eyeing my friends.

"So I was thinking if they can stay here for a mean time."

"We have only two rooms here, one is for you and one is for the goddess." Nayeon said.

"So where's your room?" Sana asked making me and Nayeon to snapped our heads to Sana.

"Didn't you hear me? I said goddess, there's no goddess here aside from me, so that's my room. My room!" Nayeon said emphasizing the last two words.

"But we are the godde-"

"They will stay in my room." I said to stop Sana and shoot her a warning look. "We will look for a bigger place to stay, but for meanwhile, they will stay in my room."

"You're leaving me?!" Nayeon exclaimed and jumped off from the couch. "What the hell?!"

"I uhm..." I sigh defeatedly and nods my head, looking at her apologetically.

"Oh well, might as well to ask Lisa to adopt me if I get broke just because my roommate left me all alone."

"H-hey uhm, don't say that, it's just that-"

"No, no, don't worry about me, I will be fine. I will just ask Jeongyeon or Lisa to marry me so I don't have to sleep on the side of the road." Nayeon dismissed and was about to go upstairs but she stopped when she heard Sana.

"Jeongyeon? Jeongyeon is here?!"

"Hey! How'd you know my girl?"

"I thought Lisa is your girl?" I asked confusedly.

"Well bitch, that's none of your business." Nayeon scowled at me as she run back and hold Sana's shoulder. "I'm asking you, how'd you know Jeongy?"

"She's one of my father's men."

"Oh so you mean they also here?!" Chaeyoung gasp horrified.

"Wait, you know Lisa's friend?!" I asked and the three of them nodded. "How?!"

"Jen, we're not prisoner like you, of course we know those girls but not Lisa and what did you say? Lisa's friends? so you mean, she's that girl who got accused?!" Irene said, the word prisoner kinda offends me but gotta ignore that one as Nayeon looking at us like mad people.

And what did she said? Got accused? Lisa was accused?

I was about to talk but there's a loud knock coming from the door and Nayeon immediately run to it, maybe because she's getting afraid of us and want to escape from the weird situation.

"Oh h-hey." Nayeon suddenly became soft as soon as she saw the girl behind the door. "You missed me already?"

"Uh no." I snort a laugh on how straight the girl but Nayeon glared at me and I smiled at her to stop myself from snickering. "But I need you to help us in-" The girl stopped when her gaze shifted on us and her eyes slowly widens when she saw the girls beside me. "S-sana?"




"And Irene?!"

"I'm not going to say your name but yes, it's me, Irene."

"What the hell? What are you girls- shit! Wait a fucking minute, you!" Jeongyeon said while pointing at me. "Don't tell me you are-"

"Jeong! What's taking you long! The fire is getting bigger!" I heard Ryujin's voice yelling in panic.

"Fire? What fire?" Nayeon asked, snapping out the girl in front of her from shock.

"Oh oh right! Lisa's kitchen is on fire and we don't know how to find water to kill the fire!"

"What the fuck?!" We all blurted out and ran to the next door and saw other girls trying to put out the fire by blowing it.

"Damn it Ryujin! Use your power!" I shouted when I saw the fire growing bigger.

"But I was told not to use-"

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Lisa will kill all of us! What do we do?! Save everything you can save!" Nayeon yelled, completely ignored what I said to Ryujin as she was yelling and running.

"Bring her out!" I order to Jeongyeon who quickly grabs Nayeon and put her on her shoulder and ran outside. "Use it now!" I said and Ryujin spread her hands and waters came out from her palms to putting out the fire.

"What the hell was that?!" I asked in disbelief while looking at Lisa's friends. "Lisa just came out less than half an hour ago but you already did a chaos inside her apartment?!"

"We're just trying to cook some food but this girl right here didn't even know how to turn on that shit and put the kitchen on fire!" The tallest girl explained while pointing at the narrow eyed girl from earlier.

"Holy shit, they are really here!" Sana said and we all whipped our heads to her.





"Oh please! Not again!" I groaned loudly and pulled my friends out of the kitchen. "All of you! Go sit there!" I said and even though Lisa's friends are all confused on how I commanding them firmly, they still obliged and they squeezed themselves in the couch.

"Where's Jeongyeon?" Ryujin asked.

"She's outside with the only ordinary human here." I replied and nod her head.

"So you mean, you're also one of us because you know? You said that the only ordinary human here was Nayeon." Seulgi said. I can't blame them that they didn't know me, because I only did descended the mountain one time, and that one time I saw the kid who changed my life.

"Bitch, of course, she's one of us because she knows that Ryujin have powers." Tzuyu scoffed at her and looked back at me. "But I've never seen you there, are you-"

"I'm Ruby Jane." I said to cut her off.

"Holy shit!" The three girls gasped exaggeratedly and they immediately get on their knees, I don't know if Ryujin just want to play along that she didn't know me because she also gasped along with her dumb friends.

"Stand up!" I yelled and they all did in synchronization. I released a long and loud sigh before looking at them with my usual rest bitch face. "Listen, my identity will stay between us, just pretend you didn't know me, If anyone finds out about me, I'm going to kill whoever reveals it! You know what I'm capable of. I mean it!" I warned and they nodded their head vigorously. "You know them right?" I asked while pointing at my friends on the side.

"They are the daughters of other deities." Seulgi said.

"That's right and just pretend you also don't know them."

"But how can we do that if we already know each others?" Tzuyu asked and wink at Sana. My left eyebrow automatically raised and glanced at Sana who suddenly looks autistic, waving at the Tzuyu and tucking her hair behind her ear sheepishly. Then my gaze shifted to Irene, I snort when I saw her blinking her eyes while smiling widely at the narrow eyed girl.

"Girls, stop flirting in front of me." I rebuked while shaking my head. "You can be friends but as what I've said, we need to pretend that we didn't know each other until Lisa or Nayeon introduce us to each other, understand?"

"Yes ma'am." All of them answered.

"Ok then, clean the mess you made before Lisa will arrive and girls, let's all go back to our place, I need to tale care of Nayeon." I said.

Lisa's friends bow their heads at me, including Ryujin because technically, I'm still in a higher position than her, I'm the daughter of strongest deity and Ryujin's father is under my father's command.

The four of us was walking to the door when it suddenly opened, revealing Lisa and Jisoo, carrying IU covered with blood. I froze and my eyes met Lisa's worried eyes, both of her and Jisoo's shirt covered with blood that I assume it's Jieun's blood, we were just staring into each other's eyes and it looks like everything stopped moving from its axis and nothing's moving except the blood dripping on the floor coming from IU's neck.

"W-what happen to her?!" Nayeon blurted out, snapping all of us from being shock. "Oh my G-god! Jieun!" She yelled horrifically.

"We need help!" Lisa suddenly shouted. "Move!" She pushed me on the side so she can lay down her friend on the couch and the other person inside the house was about to react but I held my hand up to stopped them and signal them that it was fine. "Chu! Get the kit in the kitchen!" Jisoo immediately ran to the kitchen while we're just watching Lisa trying to stop the bleeding but nothing happen. "Fuck! Jieun don't die on me, you bitch!" She said trying to hold back her tears. "Jisoo faster!"

I looked to Ryujin straight on her eyes and she nods at me, as if she already know what my glances means.

"Lisa, bring her in your room, I'll take care of her." Ryujin whispered.

Lisa looked up to her and to my spot, I can see the tears welling up on her worried face as she nodded her head. Seulgi and Jeongyeon helps Lisa to carry IU upstairs, followed by Jisoo but she steal a quick glance to Chaeyoung and wink before continues her way upstairs.

"Open the sliding door on the balcony and make sure Lisa and Jisoo isn't inside the room." I said and she bow her head before running upstairs.

I run outside to go behind the building and after I made sure no one will see me, I fly on the balcony and hid immediately when Lisa and Jisoo are still inside the room but after Jeongyeon and Seulgi pushed them out, telling them that Ryujin needs to be alone while healing IU, I stepped inside and pad to IU who's in the verge of dying.

"Cover her eyes." I said and Ryujin grabs the pillow and covered IU's face. "I said cover her eyes, not her face! Are you trying to kill her?!"

"S-sorry sorry!" Ryujin said and throw away the pillow and used her hands to cover IU's eyes.

I lift IU's chin to get a better look at her neck and I grimaced when I saw the large cut on it. Just where did she get her wound? And whoever did this to her, they making sure to kill her for slitting her air pipe.

My palm glows and I leaned it closer to IU's wound, the bleeding stopped and she also stopped from writhing and when I removed my hand, the cut was gone and I immediately walked away when I made sure that she's already safe and jumped off of Lisa's balcony to one another, which is my balcony.

I washed my hand to remove the blood and from my bathroom, I can hear Lisa's relieved cries and even if I can't see them, I know what exactly is happening inside her room.

I don't usually use my healing power except from my friends who will accidentally cut their fingers or stab their toes in the table while playing, even though my father prohibiting me from using it, I'm still using it because why not? This is a gift and I can use it whenever I like.

After I changed my clothes, I stepped out of my room to fetch my friends but they are already inside the apartment, sitting on the couch but Nayeon wasn't with them, maybe she left to Lisa's apartment.

"Jen..." Irene called softly when they felt my presence behind them. "I thought we need to hide your identity?" She asked without even looking at me.

I sighed and walked to the couch and sat in front of them. They all stared at me worriedly but I just scrunched up my nose and sighed again.

"I couldn't help it."

"We know, but Jen. We need to be careful." Irene said.

"I'm sorry, that will be the last time I will use my power, I just can't help it."

"Because of Lisa?" Chaeyoung asked teasingly.

"No." I replied and looked at Irene when I remember something she said about Lisa earlier. "Hey, you told me earlier that Lisa was accused, about what?" I asked curiously.

"Remember that kid who was kicked out from mt. Olympus because she was accused of killing an old man?" Irene asked and I nod at her, I can still remember that because that was became the talk inside the palace four years ago but I don't actually give a care about it because I don't know what's going outside. "She's that kid, she was accused and thrown away, after meeting her friends, we found out that Lisa is innocent because they were all together when they saw the dead body."

"Lisa is innocent but she was easily got accused, who will do that to an innocent child?"

"Your father." The three of them said.

"Why would he do that?" I asked again and they look at me ludicrously. "Seriously, why would my father will do that?"

"Maybe because they doesn't want to point a finger and accusing poor people was more convenient than having long investigation." Sana said and the other girls nodded their heads in agreement.

All this time, I thought Lisa is a sinner, I almost give her cold shoulder, I already promised myself that I will never let Lisa to be my friend but it turns out that I came out like my father. I judged her without even knowing the truth, but how will I know the truth if I was hiding my identity? Fair enough, I shouldn't feel bad, though I know that it's still bad to judge people, but I was unaware, so yeah...

"Jennie? You ok girl?" I got pulled out from my own trance when Chaeyoung snapping her fingers in front of my face. "You suddenly spaced out then you're furrowing your eyebrows then you're shrugging your shoulders, are you talking to yourself?"

"Y-yeah, I was just being dick towards Lis-"

"You what?" Chaeyoung asked while looking at me ridiculously.

"Jen, you just have been missing for almost three days but you already have foul mouth."

"Trust me, Nayeon is a better teacher than ms.Sandara." I laughed.

"Because she's teaching you foul words?" Sana asked.

"Yes." I said while laughing but I stopped when the door opened abruptly behind me and Nayeon slammed it hardly and leaned her back on it while catching her breath.

"What happen?" I asked confusedly.

"S-she's mad."


"Lisa!" She replied and then we heard shouting rage voices from the next door. "Oh my God, I've never seen her mad like that." She mumbled and opens the door slightly to peek outside.

"Lisa! Stop what the hell?! Do you also want to die?!" If I'm not mistaken that's Jisoo's voice and she's stopping Lisa from what?

The four of us exchange glances before rushing to the door to see what's happening outside and we also peeked on the ajar door and saw Lisa struggling from Jisoo along with the other girl's grip.

"Lisa stop! Please! We don't know who are they and the fact that IU almost died while fighting them so it's not impossible for you to experience what she has experienced from them!"

"What is Jisoo talking about fighting?" Sana asked.

"They're gangsters." Nayeon said, we all looked down at her as she looked up to us. "What? It's true."

"Ok?" We said unconvinced before looking back at the scene outside.

"Lisa, I don't know what the fuck is going on, but can you calm down?" Ryujin said, Lisa turned to them and her gaze are burning in anger.

"Let me go! I need to kill them! I need to take my revenge for what they did to Jieun!" She shouted while trying to removed Jisoo's hands.

"She's so hot." Nayeon mumbled.

"Yeah." I agreed and they looked at me ludicrously but Nayeon glaring at me. "What? It's true." I replied the same answered.

"I'm warning you, Jennie." Nayeon said.

"Oh please, shut up, I just agreed with you." I retorts.

"You find her hot, are you gay?" Sana asked biting her lower lip to suppress her laugh.

"No, you know that I'm still in love with the guy I've seen at the lake."

"Whoa, it's still him?" Chaeyoung asked in disbelief and I hummed as an answer. "That was like eight years ago Jennie."

"Yeah and we still couldn't find him, maybe they are ghost?" Irene said.

"Great, I knew you were straight, I really don't have to worry about-"

"About what?"

We all startled when we heard Lisa's voice and when we looked back in front of us, Lisa's squad also peeking on the other side of the door ajar and we are caught on the hop.

"Lisa!" Nayeon blurted out before slamming the door harshly and we stood straight. "Shit."

"You slammed the door on their faces?" I asked wide eyed and Nayeon's eyes slowly widens.

"Oh shit!" She said and opened the door again. "Lisa I'm s-sorry!"

"What the hell, Nayeon?!" Lisa snarled while rubbing her forehead, same with the other girls.

"You startled me!"

"And you girls creeped us out!" Lisa retorts. "Why are you peeking at the door?!"

"Because we got curious." I said and when Lisa turned to me, I arched my brow. "You were shouting and screaming as if you owned the place."

"Then you should've said that not peeking out like you are some stalkers." She retaliates and rolled her eyes.

"Wow, so you're telling me that I need to stop you from shouting? Are you even familiar to consideration?"

"And are you even aware from what happened to my friend? What do you want me to do? Whisper out my anger?" She asked mockingly.

I crossed my arms against my chest and stepped out of the house and stared directly into her eyes. "You think just because I'm new to this place you can mock me like that?" I asked annoyingly but Lisa didn't respond as she was staring at my chest with her mouth slightly agape. "Stop ogling! You pervert!" I said and covered them with my arms.

"I can't help it, they are huge as fuck." She said as she tear her gaze away from chest and I've never seen anyone say that with such a straight face. "Well anyway, I'm already calmed down now, let's all go back inside." She said while smirking and turned her heels and she went back inside her apartment, leaving us dumbfounded.

"What was that?" I asked goggle-eyed and turned to Lisa's friends.

"We're really sorry." The four of them was about to get on their knees but I remember that Jisoo and Nayeon are with us. They surely will get confused if they see them kneeling in front of me.

"No." I quickly said and the three of them stopped immediately and Tzuyu grabs Seulgi's shirt because she still continued kneeling down.

"S-sorry." She apologized and bowled over.

"Forget it." I dismissed, trying to stopped myself from snapping in front of them and turned around to entered the house and slammed the door, leaving all of them outside. "What the fuck is wrong with her?!" I groaned, raking my fingers on my hair and huffed a breath.

I walked upstairs to ease my anger by taking shower or lying down on the bathtub, Lisa really gets on my nerves, she's making me to believe that she's truly a sinner because on how rude and pervert she is!

I already changed my perspective about her because of what I found out to my friends, but from what she did earlier? She just prove that she's nothing but a sinner!

When I got inside my room and shut the door, I froze when suddenly someone

covered my mouth and hugged me tightly to restrain me from moving. My eyes slowly widens when the person behind me whispered on my ear and I hitched my breath when I recognized whose voice was that.

"Sshhh... Don't shout if you don't want to get hurt."