Chapter 29 It's Not The End

Lisa's POV

I stared at him for several minutes and didn't utter any word as I still couldn't believe that he's here, the man who caused all of this tragic fight just because he deceived Jennie and told her that my life will be at risk if she didn't leave me.

"Uhm..." Jisoo mumbled softly, gauging for my reaction, probably because I wasn't expecting to see my father here. "Are you really gonna stare each other for hour? I still need to save Chae-"

"What are you doing here?" I snapped cutting Jisoo off after coming back to my senses after a few minutes of getting shock.

"I... uh, IU c-called me before y'all decided to go here." He stammered while scratching his nape and glanced at Jieun who's glaring at him.

"Why'd you called him?" I asked, though not snarky but there's still hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Because he's your father." IU replied nonchalantly before she pad over to Jiyong and smacked his head. "I told you not to tell her that I called you."