Chapter 30 Demon Lisa

Jennie's POV

As soon as we returned to the Mansion before we received the hit from my father that I luckily noticed and snapped my fingers in a zap, I quickly treated those who are deep wounded, such as Momo, Cubby-that I don't know why did they bring the kid with them, then I turned to Yeri, Ryujin and Seulgi who doesn't want to let go Irene's arm, seemed missed her girl too much.

Then I ended up healing Iris and Neptunes and asked the squad to put them to the room upstairs, Mina who was waiting for us, scolds the kid but Cubby seemed don't wanna hear any of her reprimands as she was eagerly showed Mina the camcorder she was holding, what's in there that she was so giddy to show it to her girl? Then there was a girl sleeping next to the petite Japanese.