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Chapter 23 Melvin.

"That's why you left isn't it? You left because you found Woody." I say quietly, my arms still wrapped around Uncle Tobias. The feeling is strange because I can't help but think how many times we've been in this position but the opposite way round. Uncle Tobias was my comfort growing up, the person who's shoulder I religiously cried on. Mum and Dad were always there but Uncle Tobias was my safe haven from everyone and everything. He never questioned my sadness and instead let me work through it silently unless I wanted to talk.


One word.

One single word to explain the heartbreak he put me through. I close my eyes and breathe deeply, the emotions inside of my stirring like crazy. He didn't do it because he didn't love me. He didn't do it because he forgot about me. He did it to聽right聽a聽wrong聽from his past. A mistake that he probably regrets since the day he made the decision.

"You could have come back once you found him."