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Chapter 24 Double Confession.

I shut the door behind me and stand out onto the balcony, glancing down at the car park below me. The sky is dark, the moon rising in the distance. A soft glow is created by the street lamps around me and I breathe in the cold night air. I feel the oxygen travel into my lungs and for a second, I close my eyes and enjoy the silence. That's when I remember the reason I came out here...

To call my best friend.

I pull out my phone and call her, placing the phone next to my ear. Within two rings, she answers.

"Where the hell have you been?"

At the sound of my best friend Tori's voice, I burst into tears down the phone, blubbering like a baby. She remains silent until I calm down slightly, the only indication of her presence being her shallow breathing.

"I miss you so damn much. You won't believe everything that's happened Tor." I tell her, reaching up to wipe at my eyes. I sit down on the cold metal of the balcony and cross my legs, leaning my forehead against the railings.